Body - Rear Window Water Leaks/Trunk Carpet Wet
NUMBER: 23-037-11GROUP: Body
DATE: September 14, 2011
Water Leak At Rear Window And/Or Damp Carpet In Trunk
This bulletin involves disassembling the rear headliner area to make adjustments to the convertible top material.
2012 (FF) Fiat 500 (Cabrio)
The customer may experience a water leak from around the rear window and/or damp carpet in trunk area.
If the customer describes the symptom, inspect the rear window (exterior) soft top seal (1) for looseness at sides of rear window as follows; Measure distance from rear window (2) to soft top fabric (3) which should be a maximum distance of 9/1& (14mm) (Fig. 1)
Additionally, water leak test the vehicle to verify the condition primarily around the exterior sides of the rear window. Hose test should be a minimum of 13 inches from window surface and a minimum of 5 minutes in length or until water leak is found. If water leak originates at rear window soft top seal, perform the Repair Procedure.
1. Remove the rear window sunshade (1) if equipped. Push down the rear seat release buttons, located at the outboard top of the seatbacks and move the seatbacks to their folded-down position in order to remove the rear window sunshade (Fig. 2).
Sunshade is held in place by rear seatbacks. No fastener removal is required.
2. Remove the horseshoe bezel (1) by removing the 3 retaining fasteners (2) from the rear window package tray (3) (Fig. 3)
3. Remove the 3 retaining clips (2) and remove the rear window package tray (1) (Fig. 4).
4. From inside the vehicle, pull back the rear headliner sail panels and unclip the top panel corners (1) to pull back the headliner (2) to expose the reinforcement header (Fig. 5).
5. From inside the vehicle, loosen (do not remove) the 8 retaining fasteners (3) securing the spoiler reinforcement header panel (Fig. 6).
6. Apply firm upward pressure to the exterior soft top fabric (2) at the top edge of the rear window seal (1) Fig. 7).
7. Smooth out any soft top fabric bubbling above rear window (2) by pressing the fabric flat and pushing out away from the center and up toward the sides of the spoiler (3) while at the same time grasping the spoiler with the thumb and index finger and pulling down with slight pressure against the spoiler. While applying firm upward pressure, have a helper tighten the spoiler reinforcement header fasteners (Fig. 8).
8. Reverse Step # 4 through Step # 1 for reassembly.
9. Confirm repair by water testing the repair as described in the diagnosis section.
10. Was a water leak still present at the rear window?
a. Yes >>> Further adjustment and/or diagnosis required.
b. No >>> Return the vehicle to the customer.
Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty.
This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair.