Connector Locations
C101-At battery ground cable pigtail
C103-Behind distributor
C105-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C106-RH fender apron, near battery
C107-At license lamps
C112-RH rear of engine, at oxygen sensor
C113-RH dash panel, right of accumulator
C117-Near front of LH rear wheel opening
C121-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C122-RH side of rear frame cross support
C123-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
C124-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C125-Under I/P, near radio
C125A-Under I/P, near radio
C126-LH side of rear crossmember
C127-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C128-Gas engine, near brake metering valve
Diesel engine, LH side of center crossmember
C129-RH fender apron, near voltage regulator
C130-RH fender apron, near voltage regulator
C131-RH fender apron, below voltage regulator
C132-RH fender apron
C135-Under I/P, above brake pedal
C136-1983, on LH front shock tower
1984, LH dash panel
C136A-Dash panel, below wiper motor
C137-Center rear of engine, near vacuum switch
C139-RH fender apron, below voltage regulator
C140-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C141-LH fender apron, at barometric switch
C142-On carburetor, at fuel control solenoid
C143-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C144-LH fender apron
C145-1983, LH fender apron
1984, LH corner of dash panel
C146-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C164-At RH mirror
C165-At LH mirror
C190-Under I/P, near clutch pedal
C191-At top of clutch pedal
C202-At LH front quarter lower access hole
C208-Under I/P, at instrument cluster
C208A-Under I/P, at instrument cluster
C221-Near ignition coil, at radio noise capacitor
C222-LH cowl, above parking brake control
C223-LH cowl center access hole
C224-RH cowl center access hole
C225-In LH door
C226-In LH door
C227-In RH door
C228-RH dash panel, right of accumulator
C229-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C230-Near RH front of carburetor
C231-RH front of engine
C232-LH side of dash panel, near junction block
C235-Near RH front of carburetor
C288-At carburetor bowl vent solenoid
C305-On steering column, above ignition switch
C305A-On steering column, above ignition switch
C311-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C313-RH dash panel, right of accumulator
C321-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C322-At distributor
C323-At ignition module
C325-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C327-Behind center of I/P
C332-At dash panel, below wiper motor
C333-Under I/P, at rear of radio
C352-Near carburetor throttle position sensor
C353-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
C354-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
C355-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
C356-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
C357-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
C358-Behind center of I/P
C359-Behind center of I/P
C406-1983, on floor, left side of driver's seat
1984, LH cowl, near upper access hole
C417-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C514-At dash speaker
C522-Under I/P, at radio
C523-LH cowl, at lower access hole
C524-RH cowl, at lower access hole
C550-Under I/P, at wiper governor or switch
C602-RH side of dash panel, at blower resistor
C603-RH side of dash panel, at blower motor
C604-RH side of dash panel, at blower resistor
C606-LH side of heater control
C606A-LH side of heater control
C610-RH fender apron, below voltage regulator
C612-RH fender apron, below voltage regulator
C616-RH side of dash panel, right of accumulator
C701-Under I/P, at light switch
C714-Under I/P, at speed control amplifier
C717-Under I/P, at speed control amplifier
C727-LH side of dash panel, at speedometer cable speed
C729-At RH horn
C751-LH side of dash panel, near hood hinge
C752-Left of engine compartment lamp
C753-LH dash panel, at speed control servo
C755-Under I/P, left of steering column
C756-LH fender apron, near MCU control unit
C757-Center rear of engine, near vacuum switch
C758-Center rear of engine, near vacuum switch
C789-On floor, left of driver's seat
C850-LH cowl, at lower access hole
C901-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C901A-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C906-LH cowl, at lower access hole
C913-Near center of rear body marker lamps
C915-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C916-At LH side of rear crossmember
C918-Near LH side of rear crossmember
C950-Near rear of LH rear wheel opening
C951-Near RH side of rear crossmember
C952-Near front of RH rear wheel opening
C953-Near rear of RH rear wheel opening
C954-At respective roof marker lamp
C955-At respective roof marker lamp
C956-At respective roof marker lamp
C957-At respective roof marker lamp
C958-At respective roof marker lamp
C1002-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
C1101-Under I/P, near brake pedal
C1102-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C1104-At LH side of rear crossmember
C1105-At LH side of rear crossmember
C1106-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C1110-At LH side of rear crossmember
C1306-LH side of dash panel, below junction block
C1308-At RH fog lamp
C1309-At LH fog lamp
C1907-Behind LH tail lamp
C1951-Behind LH side of rear crossmember
C1952-Behind LH tail lamp
C1953-LH cowl, at lower access hole
C1954-RH cowl, at lower access hole
C1955-LH cowl, above parking brake control
C1956-LH cowl, above parking brake control
C1957-In RH door
C1958-In LH door
C1960-Under I/P, at fuse panel
C1961-Under I/P, at fuse panel
C1962-Under I/P, at fuse panel
C1963-Inner front of LH valve cover
C1980-LH fender apron, near ignition module
C1983-RH fender apron, near barometric sensor