Ground Locations
G105-LH dash panel, at fuel water switch
G106-Under I/P, near RH side of radio
G107-Under LH side of rear crossmember
G108-RH fender apron, near voltage regulator
G109-Top rear of engine
G110-Near distributor
G111-RH frame, near battery
G112-LH corner of dash panel
G155-LH rear of engine
G156-Center of dash panel
G202-At LH front quarter lower access hole
G203-RH side of engine
G207-At LH front quarter lower access hole
G208-Near rear of carburetor
G209-On dash panel, below wiper motor
G462-Right front carburetor mounting stud
G502-Under LH side of I/P
G701-Under I/P, near RH side of radio
G703-Under I/P, at column support
G710-Under RH side of I/P
G711-At top rear of engine
G750-Right of engine compartment lamp
G751-At LH side of tailgate
G752-In LH door
G754-LH side of engine, near oil filter
G755-RH rear side of engine
G757-Right rear carburetor mounting stud
G758-Right front carburetor mounting stud
G759-LH dash panel, at fuel water switch
G801-LH fender apron, near headlamp
G802-RH fender apron, near headlamp
G803-On floor, near driver's seat
G903-At LH side of rear crossmember
G909-LH cowl, at lower access hole
G1003-At LH frame rail, behind front crossmember
G1006-LH frame rail, at rear crossmember
G1201-LH fender apron, near battery
G1303-LH side of radiator support, below headlamp