Connector Locations
C101-At battery ground pigtail
C107-At license lamps
C110-To electronic choke
C112-At exhaust gas oxygen sensor
C113-Near Accumulator
C114-Near canister purge
C119-Inertia switch
C120-Inline fuel pump
C121-Below junction block
C122-RH side of rear cross support
C123-LH side of frame at rear crossmember
C124-Lower side of LH dash panel
C125-Behind center of I/P
C125A-Behind center of I/P
C126-Under frame of LH rear of truck
C127-At LH dash
C128-Near dual brake warning switch
C129-RH fender apron
C130-RH fender apron
C139-RH fender apron
C160-Fuel injection circuit
C166-Near clutch switch
C167-Near clutch switch
C168-Near starter relay
C170-Near ignition module
C190-At clutch lockout switch
C208-Attached to instrument cluster
C208A-Attached to instrument cluster
C220-At RH fender apron
C221-At radio noise capacitor
C230-Right of carburetor
C231-RH front of engine
C232-Near junction block
C233-At alternator
C235-Front right of carburetor
C322-At distributor
C323-At ignition module
C325-Near ignition module
C327-Behind center I/P
C332-LH rear of engine
C352-At throttle position solenoid
C353-Rear LH side of frame at rear crossmember
C354-Rear LH side of frame at rear crossmember
C355-Rear LH side of frame at rear crossmember
C358-Behind center of I/P
C359-Behind center of I/P
C610-Below voltage regulator
C612-Below voltage regulator
C701-Attached to main light switch
C901-Below junction block
C906-At lower LH cowl access hole
C913-At center of rear body markers
C915-At LH dash
C916-At LH dash
C918-LH side of rear crossmember
C950-At LH rear fender
C951-RH side of rear crossmember
C952-At front of RH rear fender
C953-At rear of RH rear fender
C954-In forward part of roof cap
C955-In forward part of roof cap
C956-In forward part of roof cap
C957-In forward part of roof cap
C958-In forward part of roof cap
C1002-Rear LH side frame at crossmember
C1102-At dash panel below junction block
C1104-Under LH side of rear crossmember
C1105-Under LH side of rear crossmember
C1960-On fuse panel
C1961-On fuse panel
C1962-On fuse panel
C1983-Near barometric pressure sensor