Cruise Control Servo: Testing and Inspection
1983-87 Ranger, 1984-87 Bronco II & 1986-87 Aerostar
1. Disconnect 8 way connector from amplifier.
2. Connect an ohmmeter between orange wire w/yellow hash and gray wire w/black hash at the connector. A resistance of 40 to 125 ohms should be obtained.
3. Connect an ohmmeter between the leads of orange wire w/yellow hash and white wire w/pink hash and check for a reading of 60 to 90 ohms.
4. Disconnect servo from amplifier, then start engine. Connect orange wire w/yellow hash of servo to battery positive post, then connect white wire w/pink hash to ground and momentarily touch gray wire w/black hash to ground. Servo throttle actuator should pull in and engine RPM should increase. Throttle should hold in position or slowly release. When white wire w/pink hash is removed from ground, servo should release.
5. Replace servo if servo fails to function as described. Amplifier may need replacement if orange wire w/yellow hash is shorted to either white-pink hash lead or gray-black hash lead.