Alignment: Service and Repair
Fig. 2 Caster/Camber variation chart:
Caster and camber adjustments are provided for by shims on the upper control arm. Shims are to be added, subtracted or switched from the front and rear legs, as necessary, to achieve desired settings.
To adjust camber, remove or add an equal number of shims to the front and rear legs of the control arm.
To adjust caster, transfer shims between the front and rear legs of the control arm as required to achieve desired settings. If an unequal number of shims is added or subtracted to the front or rear legs of the upper control arm, both caster and camber settings will be revised. Refer to the Caster/Camber Variation Chart, Fig. 2, when adjusting camber and caster to specification.
1. Position vehicle on suitable alignment rack.
2. Start engine, turn steering wheel back and forth until centered, then turn ignition off to lock wheel.
3. Observe toe setting. If setting is not within specification, remove bellows seal clamp, if applicable, then free bellows from tie rod.
4. Loosen tie rod jam nuts, then adjust toe setting to specification.
5. Hold tie rod end with suitable wrench, then torque jam nuts to 43-50 ft lb.
6. Reposition bellows, then install new clamp.