Alignment: Service and Repair
Fig. 5 Front Ride Height. 4x4 Models:
Fig. 5 Ride height measurement at front end. 4 X 4 models:
Fig. 7 Frame Ride Height:
Front wheel alignment specifications and method of checking caster, camber and toe-in for Twin I-beam front axles on 4 x 2 models or independent front suspension on 4 x 4 models is determined with truck at normal operating height, provided front ride height is within specifications, and tires are inflated to specified cold pressure.
To determine riding height, measure distance between bottom of spring tower and top of axle, Figs. 4 and 5. Refer to ``Wheel Alignment Specifications Chart'' to determine alignment specifications for the particular riding height of truck. If riding height does not fall within specifications, it should be corrected by installing proper springs or by use of shims.
Alignment equipment indicates a true reading only when frame is horizontal. Measure left and righthand angle as shown in Fig. 6. If frame is not level (due to tire, spring or load differences), the caster angle reading must be modified to compensate for frame angles. If front is higher than rear, subtract amount of angle from reading. If front is lower than rear, add angle. Check frame angle with a protractor and take frame angle measurement on flat area immediately adjacent to rear spring front hanger. Axles are not to be bent or twisted to correct caster or camber readings.
Fig. 1 Camber Adjustment. 4x2 Models:
4 X 2 Models
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove front wheels.
2. Remove upper ball joint nut, then remove cotter pin on lower ball stud and back nut down stud. Pop ball joint/camber adjuster taper assembly from mounting.
3. Wedge camber adjuster out of spindle with camber adjusting tool D81T-3010-B. Replace adjuster with desired camber adjuster, Fig. 7. Camber adjusters are available in 0°, {1/2}°, 1° and 1 {1/2}°. To increase camber (more positive), align slot as follows: On driver's side, point slot to rear of vehicle. On passenger's side, point slot to front of vehicle. To decrease camber (more negative), align slot as follows: On driver's side point slot forward. On passenger's side, point slot rearward.
4. Remove lower ball joint stud nut and apply Loctite 242 to upper and lower ball joint studs. Hand start upper ball stud nut and torque lower ball stud nut to 35 ft. lbs. Torque upper ball stud nut to 85---110 ft. lbs. and finish torquing lower stud nut to 104---146 ft. lbs. Install cotter pin.
Fig. 8 Camber adjustment. 4 X 4 models:
4 X 4 Models
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove front wheels.
2. Remove upper ball joint cotter pin and nut, then back off lower ball joint nut to end of stud.
3. Break spindle loose from ball joint studs, then remove camber adjuster sleeve from spindle using tool T64P-3590-F or equivalent, if necessary.
4. Install camber adjuster on top ball joint stud with arrow pointing outboard for positive camber or inboard for negative camber, Fig. 8. Zero camber bushings will not have an arrow and may be turned in either direction as long as the lugs on the yoke engage the slots in the bushing.
5. Remove and discard lower ball joint stud nut, then install a new nut and torque to 40 ft. lbs.
6. Install new upper ball joint stud nut and torque to 85-100 ft. lbs. Continue to tighten nut until cotter pin hole lines up with castellation on nut, then install cotter pin. Retorque lower ball joint stud nut to 95-110 ft. lbs. The camber adjuster will be seated at a predetermined position during the tightening sequence. Do not attempt to change this position.
7. Reinstall wheels and lower vehicle.
Caster angle is non-adjustable on 4 x 4 vehicles. On 4 x 2 models, a service kit, Part No. E4TA-3K064-AA, is available which can be used to increase caster up to 3° in {1/2}° increments. The kit comes with complete instructions, and these instructions should be strictly followed to achieve desired results.
Fig. 4 Toe-In Adjustment:
1. Loosen clamp bolts at each end of spindle connecting rod tube, then rotate the sleeve until correct toe alignment of {1/32} inch is obtained.
2. Center clamps between adjustment sleeve nibs, then position bolts horizontally with clamps nuts positioned as shown in Fig. 9.
3. Recheck toe-in adjustment, then check that steering wheel spokes are properly positioned and adjust as necessary.