Cruise Control Servo: Testing and Inspection
1981-83 F-100-350 & Bronco, 1984-87 F-150-350 & Bronco 1982-83 E-100-350 & 1984-87 E-150-350 Series
1. Disconnect ball chain from carburetor (if equipped), then the electrical connector at the amplifier.
2. Connect an ohmmeter between orange wire w/yellow hash and gray wire w/black hash at connector. A resistance of 40 to 125 ohms should be obtained.
3. Connect an ohmmeter between orange wire w/yellow hash and white wire w/pink hash. A resistance of 60 to 90 ohms should be obtained.
4. If equipped, connect ball chain to carburetor.
5. Start engine and ensure servo vacuum from engine exceeds 2.5 inches of Hg, then disconnect servo from amplifier.
6. Connect orange wire w/yellow hash of servo to battery positive terminal and white wire w/pink hash to ground, then momentarily touch gray wire w/black hash to ground. Servo throttle actuator should pull in and engine RPM should increase. Throttle should hold in position or slowly release chain tension.
7. Remove white wire w/pink hash and check for immediate release of chain tension from servo.
8. Replace servo if servo fails to function as described. Amplifier may need replacement if orange wire w/yellow hash is shorted to either white-pink hash lead or gray-black hash lead.