Splice Locations
Splice S101: Behind I/P Near Fuel Tank Selector
Splice S108: Near Tailgate Power Window Switch
Take Out
Splice S109: Near Tailgate Power Window Switch
Take Out
Splice S110: Near Fuel Pump Cutoff Relay Take
Splice S140: Between S142 And S143
Splice S142: Near Take Out To No. 4 Fuel Injector
Splice S143: Near Take Out To No. 8 Fuel Injector
Splice S151: Near License Lamp Take Out
Splice S152: Near LH Backup Lamp Take Out
Splice S153: Near License Lamp Take Out
Splice S154: Near Front Fuel Gage Sender Take
Splice S155: Near Electronic Rear Brake Pressure
Valve Take Out
Splice S156: Near Fuel Line Heater
Splice S158: Near LH Glow Plugs
Splice S159: Near RH Glow Plugs
Splice S162: Near Heater Control Switch Take Out
Splice S163: Near Heater Control Switch Take Out
Splice S164: Near License Lamp Take Out
Splice S165: In Take Out To Throttle Air By-Pass
Splice S167: In Take Out To MAP Sensor
Splice S168: Near Take Out To EEC Diode
Splice S172: Near Take Out To EEC Diode
Splice S174: Near Take Out To EEC Power Relay
Splice S176: Near Fuel Tank Selector Valve Take
Splice S177: Near Fuel Tank Selector Valve Take
Splice S185: Near Radio Take Out
Splice S203: Near Fuse Link J Take Out
Splice S208: Near Main Light Switch Take Out
Splice S216: Near Steering Column Connector
Take Out
Splice S220: Near LH Courtesy Lamp Take Out
Splice S221: Near Ignition Switch Take Out
Splice S270: Between Take Out's To EEC Power
Splice S271: Near Take Out To C178 (LH Side)
Splice S276: Near Take Out To C178 (LH Side)
Splice S277: Near Take Out To C178 (RH Side)
Splice S303: Near Windshield Washer Switch Take
Splice S355: Near Alternator Take Out
Splice S360: Near LH Horn Take Out Take Out
Splice S401: Near Steering Column Connector
Take Out
Splice S404: Near Clutch Switch Take Out
Splice S407: Near Vacuum Purge Solenoid Take
Splice S410: Behind I/P In cooling Fan Harness
Splice S501: Near RH Courtesy Lamp Take Out
Splice S503: Near Instrument Cluster Take Out
Splice S504: Near Instrument Cluster Take Out
Splice S507: Near Warning Buzzer Take Out
Splice S508: Behind I/P Near Warning Buzzer
Take Out
Splice S509: Near Anti-Lock Brake Module Take
Splice S510: Near Anti-Lock Brake Module Take
Splice S511: Near Anti-Lock Brake Module Take
Splice S512: Near Fuel Tank Selector Take Out
Splice S513: Near Fuse Panel Take Out
Splice S515: Near Behind I/P Near Liftgate Power
Window Switch Take Out
Splice S517: Near LH Courtesy Lamp Take Out
Splice S518: Near Headlamp Dimmer Switch Take
Splice S520: Near Warning Buzzer Take Out
Splice S522: Behind I/P Near Trailer Lamp Relay
Take Out
Splice S523: Behind I/P Near Marker Lamp Relay
Take Out
Splice S530: Near Clutch Interlock Switch Take
Splice S535: Near Choke Relay Take Out
Splice S536: Near Windshield Wiper Motor Take
Splice S538: Engine Compartment Near Air Charge
Sensor Take Out
Splice S541: Near Diesel Engine Harness
Connector Take Out
Splice S543: Engine Compartment Near Brake
Sensor Take Out
Splice S545: Near LH Headlamp Take Out
Splice S547: Engine Compartment Near HEGO
Ground Take Out
Splice S548: Engine Compartment Near No. 5 Fuel
Injector Take Out
Splice S549: Engine Compartment Near No. 3 Fuel
Injector Take Out
Splice S550: Near Brake Sensor Take Out
Splice S551: Engine Compartment Near No. 3 Fuel
Injector Take Out
Splice S552: Engine Compartment Near Throttle Air
Bypass Solenoid Take Out
Splice S554: Engine Compartment Near Speed
Sensor Take Out
Splice S555: Engine Compartment Near Ignition
Module Take Out
Splice S556: Near Ignition Module Take Out
Splice S560: Near Fuel Sedimentor Water Switch
Take Out
Splice S562: Near A/C Clutch Take Out
Splice S563: Near A/C Clutch Take Out
Splice S565: Engine Compartment Near Clutch
Interlock Switch Take Out
Splice S567: Near Take Out To A/C Pressure
cycling Switch
Splice S570: Near Fuel Tank Sender Take Out
Splice S571: Near Fuel Tank Sender Take Out
Splice S576: Near LH Backup Lamp Take Out
Splice S578: Near LH Backup Lamp Take Out
Splice S583: Near Take Out To A/C Clutch Coil
Splice S584: Near Take Out To A/C Clutch Coil
Splice S590: In LH Door Near Power Window
Switch Take Out
Splice S591: In LH Door Near Window Control
Switch Take Out
Splice S603: In Take Out To Blower Motor Switch
Splice S701: Near Blower Resistor
Splice S801: Near Headlamp Take Out
Splice S805: Near Cigar Lighter Take Out
Splice S806: Near Windshield Wiper Switch
Illumination Take Out
Splice S807: Near LH Headlamp Take Out
Splice S808: Near RH Front Park Lamp Take Out
Splice S811: Near Ignition Switch Take Out
Splice S814: Near W/S Wiper Illumination Lamp
Take Out
Splice S815: Near G701 Take Out
Splice S818: Near RH Courtesy Lamp Take Out
Splice S850: Near Main Light Switch Take Out
Splice S852: Near LH Master Window Control
Switch Take Out
Splice S853: Near LH Master Window Control
Switch Take Out
Splice S854: Near LH Master Window Switch Take
Splice S856: Near RH Front Door Lock Motor Take
Splice S857: Near RH Front Door Lock Motor Take
Splice S858: Near LH Master Window Control Take
Splice S902: Near RH Side Marker Lamp Take Out
Splice S903: Near Fuel Gage Sender And Pump
Take Out
Splice S904: Near License Lamp Take Out
Splice S1004: Near Ignition Switch Take Out
Splice S1103: Near RH Courtesy Lamp Take Out
Splice S1108: Near Rear Marker Lamp Take Out
Splice S1109: Near LH Front Side Marker Lamp
Take Out
Splice S1152: Near RH Front Side Marker Lamp
Take Out
Splice S1205: Near Rear License Lamp Take Out
Splice S1207: Near Dome Lamp Take Out
Splice S1208: Near Dome Lamp Take Out
Splice S1209: Near Radio Take Out
Splice S1902: Near Tailgate Power Window Switch
Take Out