Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Splice Locations

Splice S1OO: Near Right Headlamp Take Out
Splice S101: Near Take Out To C202
Splice S102: Near Take Out To C113
Splice S103: Near Left Headlamp Take Out
Splice S106: Near Right Headlamp Take Out
Splice S107: Near Take Out To C110
Splice SlO8: Near Take Out To C113
Splice S109 (5.OL/V8-302 & 5.8L/V8-351): Near Take Out To C113
Splice S109 (7.5L/V8-460): Near Distributor Take out
Splice S110: Near Take Out To C113
Splice S114: Near Washer Pump Take Out
Splice S115: Near Dual Brake Warning Switch Take Out
Splice S119: Near Starter Relay Take Out
Splice S120: Near Starter Relay Take Out
Splice S121: Near EEC Module Take Out
Splice S122: Near Take Out To C106
Splice S123 (4.9L/6-300): Near Ignition Module Take Out
Splice S123 (5.OL/V8-302 & 5.8L/V8-351): Near Ignition Coil Take Out
Splice S123 (7.5L/V8-460): Near Distributor Take out
Splice S124: Near Oil Pressure Sender Take Out
Splice S128 (5.OL/V8-302): Near Fuel Injector No. 7 Take Out
Splice S128 (7.5L/V8-460): Near Fuel Injector No. 6 Take Out
Splice S129: Near Fuel Injector No. 2 Take Out
Splice S130: Near Fuel Injector No. 4 Take Out
Splice S131 (4.9L/6-300): Near Fuel Injector No. 5 Take Out
Splice S131 (5.OL/V8-302): Near Take Out To G123
Splice S131 (5.8L/V8-351 & 7.5L/V8-460): Near Fuel Injector No. 4 Take Out
Splice S132 (4.9L/6-300): Near Fuel Injector No. 3 Take Out
Splice S132 (5.OL/V8-302 & 5.8L/V8-351): Near Fuel Injector No. 8 Take Out
Splice S132 (7.5L/V8-460): Near Fuel Injector No. 4 Take Out
Splice S133: Near EGR Control Solenoid Take Out
Splice S134: Near Take Out On RH Side Of Transmission
Splice S135: Near Ignition Coil Take Out

Splice S136: Near Take Out To C133
Splice S137: Near Take Out To C128
Splice S138: Near Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Take Out
Splice S140: Near Take Out To C133
Splice S143: Near Take Out To C102
Splice S144: Near EVP Sensor Take Out
Splice S145: Near EEC Power Relay Take Out
Splice S146: Near E40D Transmission Take Out
Splice S147: Near EEC Power Relay Take Out
Splice S148: Near Horn Take Out
Splice S150: Near Stoplamp Switch Take Out
Splice S150: Near Take Out To C134
Splice S150: Near Take Out To C133
Splice S152: Near Blower Motor Take Out
Splice S153: Near Blower Motor Take Out
Splice S154: Near Washer Pump Take Out
Splice S155: Near Washer Pump Take Out
Splice S156: Near Horn Take Out
Splice S157: Near Washer Pump Take Out
Splice S159: Near Horn Relay Take Out
Splice S160: Near Fuse Panel Take Out
Splice S161: Near Dual Brake Warning Switch Take Out
Splice S163: Near Take Out To C133
Splice S164: Near Washer Pump Take Out
Splice S165: Near Take Out To C133
Splice S166: Near Ignition Switch Take Out
Splice S167: Near EEC Module Take Out
Splice S168: Near Take Out To G109
Splice S200: Near Fuse Panel Take Out
Splice S201: Near Overdrive Switch Take Out
Splice S202: Near Overdrive Switch Take Out
Splice S203: Near Hazard Flasher Take Out
Splice S204: Near Blower Resistors Take Out
Splice S205: Near Master Tailgate Window Switch Take Out
Splice S206: Near Take Out To C250
Splice S207: Near Diesel Warning Lamp Module Take Out

Splice S208: Near Main Light Switch Take Out
Splice S209: Near Fuse Panel Take Out
Splice S210: Near Take Out To C250
Splice S211: Near Take Out To C250
Splice S212: Near Parking Brake Switch Take Out
Splice S213: Near Fuse Panel Take Out
Splice S214: Near Main Light Switch Take Out
Splice S215: Near Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch Take Out
Splice S216: Near Warning Chime Module Take out
Splice S217: Near Main Light Switch Take Out
Splice S218: Near Take Out To C250
Splice S219: Near Fuse Panel Take Out
Splice S220: Near Rear Anti-Lock Brake Module Take Out

Splice S222: Near Take Out To C211
Splice S224: Near Take Out To C202
Splice S225: Near Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch Take Out
Splice S226: Near Warning Chime Module Take out
Splice S227: Near ABS Module Take Out
Splice S228: Near ABS Module Take Out
Splice S229: Near Take Out To C250
Splice S230: Near Fuse Panel Take Out
Splice S231: Behind Center Of Instrument Panel C211
Splice S232: Near Master Window Control Switch Take Out
Splice S233: Near Left Door Speaker Take Out
Splice S236: Near Take Out To C211
Splice S301: Near Take Out To C301
Splice S303: Near Take Out To C301
Splice S304: Near Take Out To C300
Splice S305: Near Dome Lamp Take Out
Splice S306: Near Dome Lamp Take Out
Splice S400: Near Fuel Gauge Sender/ Electric Fuel Pump Take Out
Splice S401: Near Fuel Gauge Sender/ Electric Fuel Pump Take Out
Splice S402: Near Take Out To C400
Splice S403: Near Take Out On RH Side Of Transmission
Splice S404: Near Take Out To C419
Splice S405: Near Right Backup Lamp Take Out

Splice S406: Near Take Out To C416
Splice S409: Near Take Out To C412
Splice S410: Near Take Out To C420
Splice S412: Near Take Out To C401
Splice S413: Near Fuel Gauge Sender/Electric Fuel Pump Take Out
Splice S416: Near Take Out To C401
Splice S417: Near Take Out To C419
Splice S418: Near Take Out To C400
Splice S419: Near Take Out To C401
Splice S420: Near Take Out To C419
Splice S421: Near Take Out To C411
Splice S422: Near Take Out To C413
Splice S423: Near Master Tailgate Window Switch Take Out
Splice S424: Near Take Out To C406
Splice S425: Near Take Out To C401