Repair and Diagnosis: Technical Service Bulletins
- How to Find Technical Service Bulletins by Category/Symptom
- Recalls
- Customer Interest
- A/C - Musty Odor Coming From Vents
- Power Steering System - Noisy
- Steering/Suspension - Pull/Drift Diagnostic Procedure
- Overview
- Service Procedure
- Pull Drift Diagnostic Procedure
- Diagnostic Procedure # 1 - Tire Mismatch
- Diagnostic Procedure # 2 - Alignment
- Diagnostic Procedure # 3 - Tires
- Diagnostic Procedure # 4 Steering Gear Valve Off Center
- Diagnostic Procedure # 5 - Rbs Linkage
- Diagnostic Procedure # 6 - Brake Imbalance
- Diagnostic Procedure # 7 - Miscellaneous
- Warranty Coding
- Fuel Pump - Buzzing/Humming After Engine Shut Down
- Engine - Hard Cold Starts/Hesitation/Stalls On Start-Up
- Engine - Hard Starting/Lack of Power
- Fuel Pump - Whine Heard Through Radio Speakers
- Audio System - Whining/Buzzing Noise From Speakers
- Air Conditioning - Lack of Cooling
- Steering Gear - Leak At the Input Shaft
- Engine - Metal to Metal Noise
- Engine - Excessively High Oil Consumption
- Engine - Cooling Concerns and/or Vibration
- Accessory Drive Belt - Noise/Excessive Wear
- Frame/Crossmember - Snapping/Popping Noise
- Ball Joint - Clunk Noise From Front End
- Frame - Popping or Creaking Noise
- Bumper - Rust Staining
- Overview
- 1997-98 Expedition/F-150/250 LD 4X4 Frnt. Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD 4X2 Front Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD Rear Bumper (4X2/4X4)
- 1990-97 F-250 HD/F-350/Bronco Frnt./Rear Bumper
- 1997-98 Expedition - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Explorer XLT/Eddie Bauer - Frnt. Bumper
- 1997 Explorer - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Econoline - Front Bumper
- Door Lock Cylinder - Loose in Replacement Door
- Driveline - Vibration/Noise at Highway Speeds
- A/T - AOD Noise/Delayed Shifts/No Engagements
- A/T - E4OD Delayed Initial Gear Engagement
- A/T - E40D Delayed Initial Engagement
- Engine - Poor Performance
- A/T - Torque Converter Access Plug Dislodges
- A/T - AOD Harsh/Rough Shifts
- M/T - Clutch Fluid Leaks/Incomplete Release
- M/T Clutch Housing - Fluid Inside
- Engine - Surge On Light Acceleration/Idle Roll
- Rear Brakes - Grab When Cold
- Brakes - Sticking/Binding/Grabbing
- Battery - No Engine Crank/Low Battery Charge
- Alternator - Discharge
- Instrument Cluster Warning Lights - Dimly Lit
- Speed Control - Intermittent or Inoperative
- Heated Backlite - Inoperative
- Electric Rear Window Defroster - Inoperative
- Safety Belts - Front/Rear Twisted at `D' Ring
- Speedometer - Indicates High Speed When Cold
- Brakes - False or Dropping Pedal
- Ignition Switch - Key Hard To Rotate When Cold
- Floor Pans - Crack Near the Seat Track
- Roof Sheet Metal - Cracks On Roof Panel
- Fender Apron - Exhaust Heat Damage
- Engine - No Start Condition
- Steering/Suspension - Steady State Left Pull/Drift
- Steering - Pulls Left When Braking
- Differential - Chatter On Turns
- Rear View Mirror - Detaches From Windshield
- Accessory Drive Belt - Chirping Noise
- A/T - Harsh 3rd to 4th Gear Upshift
- A/T - AOD Delayed Shift Times
- A/T - E4OD Delayed Initial Forward Engagement
- A/T - E40D Harsh 3rd to 4th Gear Upshift
- A/T - E4OD Shift Concerns/DTC's Set
- Engine - Spark Knock/Engine Miss
- Spark Plug Wire - Miss/Buck/Spark Knock
- A/C System - Chemical/Refrigerator Type Odor
- A/T - E4OD No 2nd - 3rd Gear Upshift
- M/T - M50D Hard Shift Condition
- M/T - Crunching Shifting From 2nd to 3rd Gear
- Spare Tire Carrier - High Operating Effort
- A/T - E40D Clunk Shifting to Drive or Reverse
- M/T Transmission Shift Lever - Buzz/Vibration
- M/T - Gear Noise/Rattle
- A/T - E4OD Vehicle Does Not Move
- Engine - Rough Idle/Hesitation/Backfire/Stalling
- Radio - Ignition Noise/Static On AM Band
- Passenger Seat Back - Rattles When Unoccupied
- A/T - Low Transmission Fluid/Shift/Engagement Concerns
- Chemicals,Additives
- Bumper - Rust Staining
- Overview
- 1997-98 Expedition/F-150/250 LD 4X4 Frnt. Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD 4X2 Front Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD Rear Bumper (4X2/4X4)
- 1990-97 F-250 HD/F-350/Bronco Frnt./Rear Bumper
- 1997-98 Expedition - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Explorer XLT/Eddie Bauer - Frnt. Bumper
- 1997 Explorer - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Econoline - Front Bumper
- Rear View Mirror - Detaches From Windshield
- Bumper - Rust Staining
- Labor/Parts Updates
- Ball Joint - Clunk Noise From Front End
- Driveline - Vibration/Noise at Highway Speeds
- Instrument Cluster Warning Lights - Dimly Lit
- Rear Anti-Lock Brakes - Adverse Characteristics
- Steering/Suspension - Steady State Left Pull/Drift
- A/T - E4OD Shift Concerns/DTC's Set
- Passenger Seat Back - Rattles When Unoccupied
- Recommended Repairs
- Bumper - Rust Staining
- Overview
- 1997-98 Expedition/F-150/250 LD 4X4 Frnt. Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD 4X2 Front Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD Rear Bumper (4X2/4X4)
- 1990-97 F-250 HD/F-350/Bronco Frnt./Rear Bumper
- 1997-98 Expedition - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Explorer XLT/Eddie Bauer - Frnt. Bumper
- 1997 Explorer - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Econoline - Front Bumper
- Bumper - Rust Staining
- Seals, Gaskets
- Superceded Bulletins
- 9174 - 04/05/91
- 91713 - 04/05/91
- 9156 - 03/06/91
- 91212 - 01/23/91
- 911414 - 07/11/91
- 911413 - 07/11/91
- 91118 - 05/30/91
- 91109 - 05/15/91
- 911013 - 05/15/91
- 90819 - 04/11/90
- 90716 - 03/28/90
- 90715 - 03/28/90
- 902612 - 12/19/90
- 90148 - 07/05/90
- 90137 - 06/20/90
- 90128 - 06/07/90
- 90119 - 05/23/90
- 89311 - 02/08/89
- 89252 - 12/13/89
- 89165 - 08/09/89
- 891012 - 05/17/89
- 882614 - 12/21/88
- 882613 - 12/21/88
- 88246 - 11/23/88
- 88245 - 11/23/88
- 881710 - 08/17/88
- 881311 - 06/22/88
- 87812 - 04/24/87
- 87716 - 04/08/87
- 872013 - 10/07/87
- 83426 - 02/22/83
- 831915 - 09/20/83
- Wiper Motor - Service Replacement
- Speed Control - Intermittent Operation or Inoperative
- Body - Roof Cracking
- Paint - Comprehensive Peel Repair Procedures
- Frame Rivets - Damaged/Loose
- Running Boards - Installation Precautions
- A/C - Identification Of Non Approved Refrigerants
- A/C - R134A Retrofit Kit Availability
- A/C - R12 to R134a Retrofit Kit Availability
- A/C - Approved Flushing Procedures
- Air Conditioning - Musty or Mildew Type Odors
- A/C System - Musty/Mildew Odors
- A/C - O Ring Removal From Spring Lock Coupling
- Frame - Popping/Creaking noise
- Frame/Suspension - Popping/Creaking Noise
- Frame - Rivet Replacement With Bolts, Service Tip
- Frame - Damaged or Loose Rivets
- Frame Crossmember - Snapping/Popping Sounds
- Suspension - Clunk Noise From Ball Joints
- Power Steering Gear - Leak Fluid At the Input Shaft
- Accessory Drive Belt - Chirping Noises
- Power Steering Pump - Noise
- Power Steering Pump - Noisy
- Power Steering Pump - Noises
- Wire Splicing And Wire Harness- Terminal Repair Kit
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit/Wire Splice Procedure
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair And Wire Splice Kit
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit/Wire Splice Repair
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit/Splice Procedure
- Electrical - Wiring Harness Terminal Repair Kit
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kits
- Wire Harness Terminal and Connector - Repair Kit
- Wire Harness - New Terminal Repair Kit
- Radio - Whining/Buzzing Noise
- Ignition Cylinder - Key Hard to Turn When Cold
- Charging - Generator Discharge/Damaged Connector
- Brakes - Special Lubricant Requirements
- Front Brakes - Stick/Bind/Grab
- Driveline - Vibration/Noise
- Driveline - Noise/Vibration
- Driveline - Vibration or Noise
- A/T - E4OD Updated Parts Installation
- A/T - New Transmission Cooler Flusher/Service Tip
- A/T - E4OD MIL ON/Codes 62/628/1728 Set
- A/T - E4OD Internal Parts Usage Chart
- A/T - E4OD Parts Usage Chart
- A/T - E4OD Internal Part Usage Chart
- A/T - E40D Upgrade Components During Overhaul
- No 2nd - 3rd gear Upshift
- A/T- E4OD/4R100 Parts Usage Chart
- Torque Converter - Metal To Metal Sound
- A/T - Fluid Level/Shift Concerns
- A/T - E4OD Clunk During Gear Engagement
- A/T - E4OD Internal Part Usage Table
- A/T - E4OD Accumulator Body Usage Chart
- Fuel Economy - Customer Expectations Vs. Vehicle Usage
- Fuel Economy - Expectations Versus Usage
- Speaker - Whining/Buzzing Noise
- Speakers - Whining/Buzzing Noise
- Fuel Pump - Buzz/Whine Through Radio Speakers
- Fuel Pump - Whine/Buzz Noise Heard In Speakers
- Radio - Whine/Buzz
- Radio - Buzzing/Whining Noise
- Stumble/Rough Idle Install Deposit Resistant Injectors
- Engine - Rough Idle/Stumble
- Deposit Resistant Fuel Injectors - ID and Application
- EGR Tube - Exhaust Noise
- A/T - E4OD MIL ON/DTC's 62/628/1728 Set
- Engine - Hesitation/Lack of Power Only In Mountains
- Exhaust System - Buzz or Rattle Noise
- Exhaust System - Buzzing/Rattling Noises
- Exhaust System - Rattling/Buzzing Noise
- Exhaust System - Buzz/Rattle Noise
- Heater Core - Repeated Failure
- Cooling System - Diagnosis Procedure
- Engine - Metal To Metal Sound
- A/C System - New A/C Filter Kit
- A/C - New Filter to Prevent Compressor Damage
- A/C System - New Filter Kit
- Air Conditioning - Prevent Damage to Compressor
- Accessory Drive Belt - Intermittent Chirping Noise
- A/C - Refrigerant Filtering Tips
- A/C - Refrigerant Filtering Service Tips
- A/C System - Refrigerant Filtering Service Tips
- Wheels - Proper Lug Torque Procedures
- Brakes - Vibration Prevention Service tip
- A/T - E4OD/4R100 Fluid In-Line Filter Kit
- Steering - Pull Or Drift Left
- Propylene Glycol Coolant - Recommendations
- Recycled Engine Coolant - Service Tip
- A/T - Transmission Fluid Usage Charts
- Automatic Transmission - Fluid Usage Charts
- A/C - Filter Kit Installation After Replacing Compressor
- A/C Compressor Replacement - Refrigerant Filtering
- A/C System - Use of R12 Refrigerant Substitutes
- Air Conditioning - Filtering Refrigerant
- A/C - Non Approved Refrigerants
- A/C - Approved/Alternate Refrigerants
- A/C - Identification of Non-Approved Refrigerants
- A/C - Identifying Non-Approved Refrigerants
- Vehicle - Towing Guidelines
- Engine - Stumble or Rough Idle Condition
- Fuel Filter - Revised Scheduled Maintenance
- All Technical Service Bulletins
- Ford RTV Sealer - Shelf Life
- Vehicle - Towing Behind RVs Guidelines
- A/C - Musty Odor Coming From Vents
- Electrical/Vacuum Schematics - Updated
- Overview
- 11-2 Fuse Panel/Circuit Protection
- 12-1 Charge/Power Distribution
- 12-2 Charge/Power Distribution
- 12-3 Charge/Power Distribution
- 12-4 Charge/Power Distribution
- 12-5 Charge/Power Distribution
- 56-1 Rear Window Defrost
- 54-6 Manual A/C-Heater
- 92-2 Exterior Lamps
- 92-3 Exterior Lamps
- 92-4 Exterior Lamps
- 92-5 Exterior Lamps
- 95-1 Trailer Adapter
- 95-2 Trailer Adapter
- 95-3 Trailer Adapter
- A/C System - Service TSB List
- Air Conditioning - R12 to R134A Retrofit Kit
- Air Conditioning - Return of Obsolete Filter Kits
- A/C - Filtering Refrigerant After Compressor Replacement
- Power Steering System - Noisy
- Steering/Suspension - Pull/Drift Diagnostic Procedure
- Overview
- Service Procedure
- Pull Drift Diagnostic Procedure
- Diagnostic Procedure # 1 - Tire Mismatch
- Diagnostic Procedure # 2 - Alignment
- Diagnostic Procedure # 3 - Tires
- Diagnostic Procedure # 4 Steering Gear Valve Off Center
- Diagnostic Procedure # 5 - Rbs Linkage
- Diagnostic Procedure # 6 - Brake Imbalance
- Diagnostic Procedure # 7 - Miscellaneous
- Warranty Coding
- Engine Gasket Surface - Cleaning Procedures
- Engine - Repair Tips to Avoid Potential Damage
- Electrical - New Terminal Grease Released For Service
- Fuel Pump - Buzzing/Humming After Engine Shut Down
- Engine - Hard Cold Starts/Hesitation/Stalls On Start-Up
- Power Steering Pump - New Design Fitting At Pump Outlet
- Engine - Hard Starting/Lack of Power
- Fuel Pump/Sender - Defective Parts Return
- Incorrect Schematic - Fuel Pump to VPWR Circuit
- Fuel Pump - Whine Heard Through Radio Speakers
- Audio System - Whining/Buzzing Noise From Speakers
- Brakes - Intermittent Brake Squeal
- Engine - Lack of Power/No Start Diagnosis
- A/C Compressor - Oil Recovery/Measuring Procedures
- A/C Compressor - Oil Recovery and Measuring Procedure
- Air Conditioning - Lack of Cooling
- A/C Clutch - Slips At High Ambient Temperature
- Air Conditioning - Approved Flushing Procedures
- Steering Gear - Leak At the Input Shaft
- Engine - Spark Knock Diagnostic Procedure
- Engine - Metal to Metal Noise
- Engine - Excessively High Oil Consumption
- Cooling System - New System Diagnostics
- Engine - Cooling Concerns and/or Vibration
- Accessory Drive Belt - Noise/Excessive Wear
- Air Conditioner Vacuum Tank - Replacement Tip
- Frame/Crossmember - Snapping/Popping Noise
- Ball Joint - Clunk Noise From Front End
- Lug Nuts - Proper Torqueing Procedure
- Lug Nuts - Proper Installation/Torqueing Procedure
- Frame - Rivet Replacement with Bolts Service Tip
- Frame - Popping or Creaking Noise
- Bumper - Rust Staining
- Overview
- 1997-98 Expedition/F-150/250 LD 4X4 Frnt. Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD 4X2 Front Bumper
- 1997-98 F-150/250 LD Rear Bumper (4X2/4X4)
- 1990-97 F-250 HD/F-350/Bronco Frnt./Rear Bumper
- 1997-98 Expedition - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Explorer XLT/Eddie Bauer - Frnt. Bumper
- 1997 Explorer - Rear Bumper
- 1997 Econoline - Front Bumper
- Door Lock Cylinder - Loose in Replacement Door
- Driveline - Vibration/Noise at Highway Speeds
- Driveline - Modification Guidelines
- Overview
- Guidelines For Modifying Light Truck Drivelines
- Guideline - Driveline Balance
- Guideline - Runout Limits For an Unbalanced Driveshaft
- Coupling Shaft & Driveshaft Diameters, and Sizing
- Guideline - Driveline Angles
- Driveline Component Phasing
- List of "Things-Gone-Wrong"
- Further Discussion
- Multiple Driveshafts and System Balancing
- General Comments
- References
- Four Wheel Drive (4 X 4) - General Information
- A/T - AOD Noise/Delayed Shifts/No Engagements
- A/T - E4OD Main Regulator Booster Service Tip
- Torque Converter - Cleaning and Replacement Guidelines
- A/T - E4OD Delayed Initial Gear Engagement
- A/T - In Line Service Check Valve Usage
- A/T - E40D Delayed Initial Engagement
- A/T - E40D In Line Service Check Valve Usage
- Engine - Poor Performance
- A/T Torque Converter - Leak Test Procedure
- A/T - Torque Converter Access Plug Dislodges
- A/T - AOD Harsh/Rough Shifts
- M/T - Clutch Fluid Leaks/Incomplete Release
- M/T Clutch Housing - Fluid Inside
- Universal Joint - Greasable Design Availability
- Fuel Injector - New Cleaning Method
- Engine - Rough Idle or Stumble
- Fuel Injector Cleaner - Parts and Service Tips
- Deposit Resistant Fuel Injectors - Identification
- Body/Frame - Arc Welding Precautions
- Engine - Surge On Light Acceleration/Idle Roll
- EGO Sensors - Silicone Contamination
- Rear Brakes - Grab When Cold
- Brake Computer Module - Obsolete Service Part Return
- Antilock Brakes - Service Tips
- Brake Caliper - Lubrication Of Top and Bottom Groove
- Brakes - Sticking/Binding/Grabbing
- Battery - Test Procedure
- Battery - No Engine Crank/Low Battery Charge
- Alternator - Discharge
- Starter Solenoids and Drives - Obsolete Parts Return
- Trailer Circuit Fuse Links Chart - Revison
- Instrument Cluster Warning Lights - Dimly Lit
- Recall - Ignition Switch Replacement
- Recall 96V071000: Ignition Switch Short Circuit
- Nylon Fuel Lines - Servicing Procedure
- A/T - E4OD Turbocharger/Supercharger Incompatible
- Accelerator Cable - Service Procedures/Tips
- EEC IV EGR Pinpoint Test - Manual Correction
- Speed Control - Intermittent or Inoperative
- Audio Systems - Authorized Service Centers
- Heated Backlite - Inoperative
- Electric Rear Window Defroster - Inoperative
- Safety Belts - Front/Rear Twisted at `D' Ring
- Seat Shoulder/Lap Belt - Production Updates
- Brake Rotor - Machining Equipment/Warranty Information
- EEC IV - Revised Pinpoint Test Steps
- IDM and Spark Timing Diagnosis - Manual Revision
- Starter Motor Brushes - Replacement Revision
- Fuel Sender Assemblies - Now Available For Service
- Temperature Gauge - Reads Low/Erratic
- Speedometer - Indicates High Speed When Cold
- Wiper Motor - Upgraded Service Kits
- Engine - Revised Oil Pan Gasket Replacement Procedure
- Rear Anti-Lock Brakes - Adverse Characteristics
- Brakes - False or Dropping Pedal
- Steering Wheel - Removal Precautions
- Front Drive Axle - Identification Tags
- Ignition Switch - Key Hard To Rotate When Cold
- Campaign - Floor Pan Reinforcement
- Floor Pans - Crack Near the Seat Track
- Roof Sheet Metal - Cracks On Roof Panel
- VECI Decal - Initial Index
- Emission Control System - Technician's Glossary
- Fender Apron - Exhaust Heat Damage
- EEC Connector - Color Code Changes
- EEC IV - Quick Test Procedures/Charts Revision
- Electronic Modules - Protection From Static Electricity
- Vehicle - Welding Precautions
- Engine - No Start Condition
- A/T - E4OD TCIL Flashing/DTC's 62/628/1728 Stored
- Electrical/Electronic/Fuel Induction - Glossary
- Steering/Suspension - Steady State Left Pull/Drift
- Steering - Pulls Left When Braking
- Differential - Chatter On Turns
- Door Latches - Adjustment/Modification Prohibition
- Windshield - Material Usage Procedure
- Windshield/Interior Glass - Fog/Film
- Recall 93E039000: Incorrect Glass Markings
- Mirrors - Optional Right Side Mirror Head
- Rear View Mirror - Detaches From Windshield
- Motor Oil - Viscosity Grade Recommendation
- Accessory Drive Belt - Chirping Noise
- Cooling System - Proper Fluid Concentrations
- Engine Coolant - Recycled Coolant Not Authorized
- Recycled Engine Coolant - Service Tips
- Engine Coolant - Propylene Glycol Recommendations
- Brake Hoses - Wet Appearance
- A/T - Harsh 3rd to 4th Gear Upshift
- A/T - E4OD Forward Clutch Spring Positioning
- A/T - AOD Delayed Shift Times
- A/T - E4OD Delayed Initial Forward Engagement
- A/T - E40D Harsh 3rd to 4th Gear Upshift
- A/T - E4OD/C6 Low One-Way Clutch Service Tips
- A/T - E4OD Intermediate Brake Drum Assembly Service Tip
- A/T - E4OD Direct Clutch Plate Usage Chart/Service Tip
- A/T - E40D Overdrive One Way Clutch Tips
- A/T - E4OD Reverse Clutch Piston and Seal Usage
- A/T - E4OD Forward Clutch Piston Spring
- A/T - AOD Diagnostic Information
- A/T - E4OD Upgraded Transmission Components
- Overview
- Symptoms/Upgrades
- Overheating, Discoloration, Burned Clutches and Fluid
- Other Upgraded Components
- Case Bushing Wear and Sun Gear Bushing Wear
- Forward Clutch Spline Wear
- Failure Mode Effects Management (FMEM) Enhancements
- FIPL/TP Installation and Adjustments
- Aux. Oil Cooler Install Procedure 89-92 F-Series 7.3L Diesel
- 89-91 E-Series 7.3 Diesel 48 Plate Aux. Oil Cooler Installation
- 1992 E-Series 7.3 Diesel Aux. Oil Cooler Installation
- Front and Rear Case Bushings Removal & Installation
- Low One-Way Clutch Removal and Installation
- Warranty Information
- A/T - E40D Adhesive Repair Kit Availability
- A/T - E40D/ATX Transmission Exchange Program
- A/T - E4OD Upgrade Ball Bearing Center Support Kit
- A/T - E4OD Service Tips
- Overview
- General Description
- E40D Sensors and Actuators
- Processor - Electronic Control Assembly (ECA)
- Inputs
- Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
- Transmission Oil Temperature (Tot) Sensor
- Manual Lever Position (MLP) Sensor
- Brake On/Off Switch (BOO)
- RPM Sensor
- Air Conditioning Clutch
- Barometric and Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Fuel Injection Pump Lever and Throttle Position Sensor
- Overdrive Cancel Switch and Indicator Light
- Low Range Switch - 4 X 4
- Outputs
- Diagnosis and Servicing
- E40D Self Test Overview
- Pinpoint Tests
- E40D Test Harness T89T-70100-A
- Error Codes For Pinpoint Test
- Service Codes:49, 59 and 69 - Pinpoint Test AA
- Service Codes:56 and 66 - Pinpoint Test BB
- Service Code:62 - Pinpoint Test cc
- Service Code:67 - Pinpoint Test Ee
- Service Codes:91, 92, 93 and 94 - Pinpoint Test GG
- Service Codes:98 and 99 - Pinpoint Test Hh
- Error Code Description
- Error Code - Symptoms
- A/T - E40D Delayed Forward Engagement
- A/T - New Rotunda Fluid Changer Service Tip
- A/T - In Line Fluid Filter Kit
- A/T - Electronic Transmission Repair Process Chart
- A/T - Transmission Flush and Fill Tool Available
- A/T - AOD 3-4 Accumulator Change
- A/T - Check Ball Locations And Function
- A/T - E40D No Second Gear
- A/T - Harsh Reverse Engagements
- A/T - Engine Vacuum Testing
- A/T - E40D Quick Tests
- A/T - AOD 4th Gear Complaints
- A/T - Delayed Engagement In Reverse and Drive
- A/T - Direct Clutch Failure/Excessive Case Bore Wear
- A/T - How To Use A Pressure Gauge
- A/T - E40D Burned Overdrive Section
- A/T - Buzzing Noise/Missing Cup Plugs
- A/T - EEC Trouble Codes
- A/T - Diagnostic Trouble Codes for 1983-1992
- A/T - E40D Overdrive Sprag Rotation and Installation
- A/T - E40D Rebuild Tips
- A/T - E40D Check Ball Locations
- A/T - E40D Case Damage During Pump Removal
- A/T - E40D Indexing Manual Valve After Rebuild
- A/T - E40D Case, Separator Plate, and Valve Body I.D.
- A/T - Intermittent Electrical Problems
- A/T - E40D Intermediate Sprag Rotation
- A/T - E40D Front Seal Blow Out
- A/T - E40D Bellhousing Leaks
- A/T - E40D Overdrive Planetary Failure
- A/T - Failsafe Modes
- A/T - E40D No Converter Engage, 2nd and 4th Gear Starts
- A/T - Stacked Shifts/No Kickdown/OD Cancel Inoperative
- A/T - Preventing Front Planetary Gear Failure
- A/T - E40D Extension Housing Bushing Failure
- A/T - E40D No Upshifts or Harsh Upshifts/4th Gear Starts
- A/T - E40D Delayed Engagements
- A/T - E40D Vibration When TCC is Applied
- A/T - AODE Cooler Return Line Filter Installation
- A/T - E40D ATF Leaking Out Vent
- A/T - AOD Harsh 4-3 Kickdown/Valve Body Repair
- A/T - E40D Pump Upgrade
- A/T - E40D Pump Modifications
- A/T - E40D No Forward Engagement In O/D, 4-3 Flare Up
- A/T - Delayed Engagement, Shift Errors, MLPS Codes
- A/T - E40D New Solenoid Bodies
- A/T - E40D Intermediate Servo Piston Redesigned
- A/T - E40D No Cooler Flow
- A/T - Slipping or No-Shift/Metal Sealing Rings
- A/T - Front Bushing Wear
- A/T - C6 No. 9 Thrust Washer Failure
- A/T - AOD Governor Pressure Leaks
- A/T - Math Formulas Part I
- A/T - Twenty Steps To Successful Repairs
- A/T - E4OD Description
- A/T - Math Part II
- A/T - Choosing the Right ATF
- M/T -M5OD HD Troubleshooting Guide
- Transfer Case - Revised Shift Procedures
- A/T - Mercon V ATF Usage
- A/T - E4OD Shift Concerns/DTC's Set
- Engine - Spark Knock/Engine Miss
- Spark Plug Wire - Miss/Buck/Spark Knock
- A/C - FX 15 Compressor Clutch Shaft and Hub Assembly
- Driveability TSB's - Summary
- Engine - New Gasket Sealer
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit
- Wire Harness Terminal and Connector - Service Kit
- A/T - E4OD Proper Stoplamp Circuit Splicing
- Fuel System - Fuel Stabilizer For Extended Storage
- Fuel Economy - Customer Expectation vs. Vehicle Usage
- Engine - Fuel Economy Service Tips
- Speed Control - Diagnostic Tips
- Lower Body Stone Protection - Repair Procedure
- Paint - Peel Repair Procedures Update
- Paint - Preparation Procedure And MSDS Information
- Exterior Paint - Comprehensive Repair Procedures
- Overview
- Section A Has Been Superseded By TSB # 9264, Dated 3/92.
- (B) Paint Exterior Color Peeling From Ultra Violet Light
- (C) Lower Body Stone Protection Repair Tips
- (D) Procedure For PVC Body Side Moldings
- (E) Lower Body-Side Stone Chip Protection Program
- (F) Surface Defect Removal Without Repainting
- (G) Color Compatible Spray Primer Chart
- (H) Paint Repair For Tinted Clear Coat
- (I) Paintable Plastics
- (J) 1992 Paint Color Codes
- Paint - Iron Particle Removal
- Paint - Stone Chip Protection Film Kit Available
- A/C System - Chemical/Refrigerator Type Odor
- Electrical Diode - Identification and Replacement
- New Cylinder Head Bolt - Service Tips
- A/T - E40D Revised Rear Case Bushing
- Running Boards - Noise/Vibration Installation Tips
- Trailer Tow Wiring - Color Code Information
- Main Control Rubber Check Balls- Number Revision
- A/T E4OD Rubber Check Balls - Quantity Revision
- A/T - Main Controls/Separator Plate/Gaskets Usage
- A/T - AOD Separator Plate Gasket Changes
- A/T - E4OD No 2nd - 3rd Gear Upshift
- Campaign - Running Light Module, Extended Coverage
- Redundant Warning Module Deleted - Revision
- A/T - E4OD Redesigned Intermediate Band Apply Servo
- A/T - AOD 3-4 Shift Accumulator Deletion
- Rear Axle - Correct Routing
- A/C - R12 Refrigerant Service Tips
- A/C - R12 Refrigerant Substitutes Service Tip
- R-12 Refrigerant - Substitutes
- Air Conditioning - Use of Correct Fluorescent Tracer Dye
- A/C - Identification of Non Approved Refrigerants
- A/T - E4OD Upgraded Overdrive Planet Assembly
- M/T - M50D Hard Shift Condition
- M/T - ZF Model S5-42 Inspection Information
- M/T - Crunching Shifting From 2nd to 3rd Gear
- Spare Tire Carrier - High Operating Effort
- A/C Coupling - Cleaning Procedures
- Air Conditioning - O Ring Removal Service Tip
- A/C - New Refrigerant O-Rings
- A/T - E40D Clunk Shifting to Drive or Reverse
- Door Window Bracket Assembly - Part Return
- M/T Transmission Shift Lever - Buzz/Vibration
- Trailer Brake Controller - Stoplamp Circuit Installation
- M/T - Gear Noise/Rattle
- A/T - E4OD Vehicle Does Not Move
- Trailer Tow Relay Circuits 14 and 37 - Manual Revision
- Running Lights - Flicker On and Off
- Brakes - New Silicone Compound/Grease
- Engine - Rough Idle/Hesitation/Backfire/Stalling
- Ignition Timing Procedure - Manual Update
- Fuel - California Reformulated Gasoline
- Fuel - Volatility Related Driveability Concerns
- Front Alignment - Specifications
- Radio - Ignition Noise/Static On AM Band
- A/C - Adding Refrigerant Oil Service Tip
- A/C Compressor - Service Tips
- Tailgate Applique - Cracks In Plastic Ford Letters
- Seat Leather - Cleaning Procedure Tips
- Passenger Seat Back - Rattles When Unoccupied
- A/T - Low Transmission Fluid/Shift/Engagement Concerns
- M/T - Mercon(R) V ATF Usage Information