Fluid - A/T: Service and Repair
DRAIN AND REFILLCAUTION: Normal maintenance and lubrication requirements do not necessitate periodic fluid changes. If a major failure has occurred in the transmission, it will have to be removed for service. At that time the converter, transmission cooler, and cooler lines must be flushed to remove any dirt. If vehicle accumulates 5,000 or more miles per month or is used in continuous stop and go service, change fluid every 30,000 miles as described.
NOTE: When filling a dry transmission and converter, approximate refill capacity is 9 quarts. Make final check using room temperature checking procedures. Procedures for partial drain and refill, due to in-vehicle service operation, are as follows:
1. Loosen pan attaching bolts and drain fluid.
2. Remove and thoroughly clean pan screen, discarding pan gasket.
3. Place new gasket on pan and install pan on transmission.
4. Add 3 quarts of fluid to transmission through filler tube.
5. Check fluid level following room temperature checking procedures.