Engine Lubrication: Diagrams
7.5L Lubrication System
Pressurized oil from the oil pump is directed through a drilled oil passage to the full-flow oil filter and from the oil filter to main oil galleries intersecting the valve tappet guide bores. A drilled gallery (crossover) at the rear of the tappet chamber routes oil to the left bank. The crankshaft main bearings, connecting rod bearings, and camshaft bearings are supplied with oil from the right oil gallery.
Oil flow to the camshaft sprocket and timing chain I belt is through an annulus and drilled passage at the front of the No.1 camshaft bearing. Oil flow to the rocker arms is through the valve tappets and up the push rods to the arms.
All 7.5L engines are equipped with an engine oil cooler. The engine oil cooler is block-mounted. The compact oil-to-water heat exchanger mounts directly to the left side of the engine, at the oil filter mounting pad.