TF97 - Road Test
The purpose of the road test is to identify an area of concern by monitoring certain controlled parameters while trying to re-create a driveability or MIL light symptom.NOTE: A basic working knowledge of the EEC-IV system is critical to effectively analyze road test data.
WARNING: This road test is a suggested but optional procedure. All applicable safety procedures and traffic laws must be followed. In order for a road test to be performed it is required that another person accompany the driver. The accompanying person can make measurements, observe changes and record notes. If for some reason this test is not performed, return to diagnostic routines for other possible causes.
- Disconnect processor 60 pin connector. Inspect for damaged or pushed out pins, corrosion, loose wires, etc. Service as necessary.
- Install breakout box/4EAT tester and reconnect processor to breakout box/4EAT tester.
- Other materials needed; DVOM, pencil, paper, appropriate schematic/pin usage sheet
- Optional equipment:
- Fuel pressure gauge, manifold vacuum gauge, MAP/BARO tester.
- With the key ON and a DVOM referenced to the battery negative post, check the following signals for correct values.
POWERS: KAPWR>10.5V (Pin 1), VPWR>10.5V (Pins 37/57), VREF 5±1V (Pin 26).
GROUNDS: (all = 0±.5V): PWR GND (Pins 40/60), SIG RTN (Pin 46), IGN GND (Pin 16).
OPTIONAL GROUNDS: HEGO GND (Pin 49), CSE GND (Pin 20) MAF RTN (Pin 9 or 15).
- Refer to the Symptom Charts, EEC-IV Monitor Box: Intermittent Fault Diagnosis, looking at the chart(s) that most resembles the vehicle's driveability or MIL light symptom. Before the road test perform the Visual/Mechanical Checks that are listed. Next, list the EEC-IV sensors and actuators in the order given. These are the main signals that will be monitored.
- Refer to the proper Diagnostic Reference Value Sheet in Specifications. Specifications
Although these charts were designed for use with the EEC-IV Monitor Box, most of the values can be read using the breakout box and a DVOM (with the DVOM referenced to ground all values in DCV units can be used; other values may also be helpful, ex., MAP Hz using the MAP/BARO tester). Also refer to Graphs and Charts. Graphs and Charts
- After starting the engine for the road test, enter Engine Running Continuous Monitor Diagnostic Test Mode.
- Drive the vehicle to create the conditions so that the symptom will occur. If the Customer Information Worksheet has been completed, this information may help when trying to re-create the symptom.
- When the symptom occurs, the accompanying passenger should observe changes in listed EEC-IV signals. Information about the symptom, operating condition value of the EEC-IV signal or other notes should be recorded onto paper.
- If you are unable to duplicate the symptom, it may still be helpful to verify that the EEC-IV values are in the expected range.
- Once the road test is completed, the results need to be analyzed to locate and service the exact fault which caused the symptom (if, for example, a Continuous Memory Diagnostic Trouble Code 639 is set again and the TSS signal stayed within specification, the PCM would be suspect; if the signal went out of specification, the harness or sensor would be suspect).
- If no problem is identified, return to Diagnostic Routines for other possible causes of the symptom.