Post-Collision Repairs
Service of Air Bag Equipped Vehicles Involved in Accidents
While servicing an air bag equipped vehicle that has been involved in an accident, check sensors and wiring.
Vehicle sensor orientation is critical for proper system operation. If a vehicle is involved in a crash where the fenders or grille area have been damaged, inspect the sensor mounting brackets for damage. Undamaged sensors will reset automatically after an accident; damaged sensors should be replaced whether or not the air bag is deployed. In addition, make sure that body structure in the area of the sensor mounting is restored to its original condition.
Inspect the sensor wiring and the wiring harness for any damage that may have occurred due to the accident. Service or replace any damaged wiring, terminals, insulation or connectors as required before attempting diagnostic prove out. Unrepaired wiring shorts could cause the diagnostic module thermal fuse to open. If splices are required in adjacent wiring, the splices should be staggered 50 mm (2 inches) from each other. Service as follows:
A waterproof butt splice connector should be used on all wiring serviced in the engine compartment. A head-shrink nylon splice prevents water, salt, condensation and heat from affecting the serviced wiring.
The inner wall of the splice connector is lined with an adhesive that melts when heated with a heat gun and flows under pressure from the tubing, sealing the splice. The connectors can be crimped with a standard insulated connector crimping tool. The splices are color-coded for gauge identification, and are transparent to allow inspection of the finished splice.
Part Name Class
Butt Connector Gauge: 18-22, Color: Red C
Butt Connector Gauge: 14-15, Color: Blue C
Butt Connector Gauge: 10-12, Color: Yellow C
Steering Column
If the accident involved air bag deployment, the steering column may have been loaded sufficiently to deform steering column mounting brackets or damage column wiring. An inspection should be made of the column structure and clockspring wiring to make sure any damaged components are replaced.
Air Bag System
Prior to attempting diagnostic prove out on a serviced vehicle, thoroughly check all sensors and wiring for damage which may cause the diagnostic module internal fuse to open.
After all service, verify the air bag indicator. This means turn the ignition switch to RUN and count the flashes only after the code (series of flashes) has cycled twice. If the air bag indicator comes on continuously for 4 to 8 seconds and then goes out, and if no faults occur within 30 seconds, the system is functioning properly and all faults have been serviced.