Engine: Service and Repair
REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION1. Relieve fuel system pressure.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain cooling system and engine oil.
3. Remove air cleaner assembly.
4. Remove headlamp and side lamp assemblies.
5. Remove fan shroud and radiator.
6. On models equipped with A/C, recover refrigerant from A/C system, then remove condenser.
7. Remove hood latch from upper radiator support and position aside.
NOTE: Do not remove cable.
8. Remove upper radiator support and stone deflector.
9. Disconnect air bag electrical connector, then remove wire retainer and position aside.
10. Disconnect heater hoses.
11. Remove oil filler tube.
12. Disconnect electrical junction block and alternator.
13. Remove upper intake manifold.
14. Remove transmission dipstick tube.
15. Disconnect fuel and return lines.
16. Remove distributor cap, rotor and ignition wires.
17. Remove three upper transmission or clutch housing to engine bolts.
18. Raise and support vehicle, then remove power steering pump electrical bracket and hoses.
19. Remove starter assembly.
20. Disconnect exhaust pipes from exhaust manifold.
21. Remove flywheel cover and torque converter to flex plate attaching nuts.
22. Remove electrical brackets from oil pan, behind thermactor pump and from engine.
23. Remove front engine mounts.
24. Support transmission using suitable jack.
25. Remove engine to transmission attaching bolts.
26. Install suitable engine lifting equipment, using wood blocks to protect valve covers.
27. Remove engine.
28. Reverse procedure to install.