A - K
Component Location Connector* Denotes Information Not Available
4 Wheel Anti-Lock Brakes (4WABS)
Hydraulic Unit On LH front frame rail C168
4WABS Module On LH front frame rail C199
4WABS Pump Motor On LH front frame rail C167
A/C Clutch Cycling Pressure Switch RH front of engine compartment C113
A/C Compressor Clutch Top LH side of engine C123
A/C Compressor Clutch Diode In Take Out (T/O) to A/C compressor clutch *
A/C Pressure Cut-out Switch Left front of engine compartment C198
ABS Data Link Connector C161 Left side of engine compartment C161
Accessory Tap C241 Behind LH side of I/P C241
Air Bag Module Behind LH side of I/P C208, C209
AIRB Solenoid (Except California) Rear of LH valve cover, on bracket C131
AIRD Solenoid Rear of LH valve cover, on bracket C138
Amplifier Behind RH side of I/P C213, C243
Anti-Theft Hood Switch RH rear corner of engine compartment C183
Anti-Theft Indicator RH side of I/P C236
Anti-Theft Module Left side of vehicle, behind "B" pillar C335, C336
Auxiliary A/C Illumination Middle of rear headliner C354
Auxiliary A/C-Heater Blower Switch Center of I/P, above radio C226
Auxiliary Blower Motor Left rear corner of vehicle, above wheel well C403
Auxiliary Blower Motor Relay Left rear corner of vehicle, above wheel well C400
Auxiliary Blower Resistor Left rear corner of vehicle, above wheel well C402
Auxiliary Heater Blower Switch Center of I/P, above radio C226
Auxiliary High Blower Motor Relay Left rear corner of vehicle, above wheel well C401
Auxiliary Powertrain Control Connector
C248 Behind LH side of I/P C248
Blend Door Actuator Behind center of I/P, on A/C-heater plenum C200
Blower Motor RH side of safety wall C178
Blower Motor Relay LH rear of engine compartment C170
Blower Motor Resistor RH side of safety wall C177
Brake ON/OFF Switch Behind LH side of I/P, on brake pedal bracket C211
Brake Pressure Switch LH side of engine compartment, bottom
of brake master cylinder C102
Button Contact C312 Attached to rear of "B" pillar C312
Cargo Lamp Attached to rear headliner C420
Cigar Lighter Center of I/P C220, C221
Clockspring Assembly Top of steering column C204, C205
Data Link Connector C162 Left front corner of engine compartment C162
Data Link Connector C163 Left front corner of engine compartment C163
Daytime Running Lamps (DRL) Module Lower RH front of engine, near horns C151
Diode A Engine control sensor harness, near
T/O to C143 *
Diode B Window regulator relay switch harness,
in T/O to C207 *
Diode C Main harness, near T/O to C230 *
Distributor Center front of engine C122
Dome Switch/Lamp Attached to rear headliner C421
Dome Switch/Lamp In front headliner C310
Dome Switch/Lamp Middle of rear headliner C357
Dome/Map Switch and Lamp In front headliner C311
Driver's Lumbar Pump Underside of driver's seat C347
Driver's Power Lumbar Switch On door side of driver's seat C346
Driver's Seat Motor Assembly Underside of driver's seat C348
Driver's Seat Regulator Control Switch On door side of driver's seat C349
DRL Jumper Left front of engine compartment, near
LH headlamp C152
Dual Brake Warning Diode/Resistor
Assembly Main harness, near T/O to C230 *
Dual Brake Warning Switch LH side of engine compartment, bottom
of brake master cylinder C174
EGR Solenoid Rear of LH valve cover, on bracket C130
EGR Valve Position Sensor RH side of engine C129
Electronic Brake Connector C216 LH side of I/P, near air bag module C216
Electronic Flasher Behind LH side of I/P C210
Engine Compartment Fuse Panel LH side of engine compartment *
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Top front of engine, near distributor C111
Engine Coolant Temperature Sender Lower left side of engine C112
Engine Oil Pressure Switch Front of engine, near A/C compressor C135
Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge
Valve (California) LH rear of engine C136
Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge
Valve (Except California) RH side of engine, connected to throttle
body C136
Front Blower Switch Center of I/P, above radio C227
Fuel Injector #1 In intake manifold C105
Fuel Injector #2 In intake manifold C104
Fuel Injector #3 In intake manifold C106
Fuel Injector #4 In intake manifold C107
Fuel Injector #5 In intake manifold C108
Fuel Injector #6 In intake manifold C109
Fuel Injector #7 In intake manifold C128
Fuel Injector #8 In intake manifold C132
Fuel Pump/Sender Below vehicle, in front fuel tank C302
Function Selector Switch Center of I/P C228, C229
Fuse Link A At starter motor relay *
Fuse Link B At starter motor relay *
Fuse Link C At starter motor relay *
Fuse Link D At starter motor relay *
Fuse Link E At starter motor relay *
Fuse Link F At starter motor relay *
Fuse Link G At starter motor relay *
Generator/Regulator Top RH side of engine C189, C190
Heated Oxygen Sensor #1 (California) Lower RH side of engine C142
Heated Oxygen Sensor #2 (California) Beneath center of vehicle C1024
Heated Oxygen Sensor (Except
California Under 8600 lbs) Lower RH side of engine C142
Heated Oxygen Sensor (Except
California Over 8600 lbs) Beneath center of vehicle C1024
High Mounted Stop/Cargo Lamp Top rear of vehicle C415
High Pitch Horn Lower right front of engine compartment,
behind grille C146
Hood Lamp LH rear corner of engine compartment C141
Horn Relay LH rear of engine compartment C181
Horn Switch Part of steering wheel *
Idle Air Control Valve Front of engine, near distributor C127
Ignition Coil Left rear of engine C124
Ignition Control Module Left rear of engine compartment C164
Ignition Key Cylinder Sensor Top of steering column, part of ignition
switch C204
Ignition Switch Right side of steering column C203
Illuminated Entry Module (Cutaways) Behind LH side of I/P C340
Illuminated Entry Module (Except
Cutaways) Behind LH "B" pillar C340
In-transit Fuel Pump/Sender Below vehicle, along LH frame rail C320
Inertia Fuel Shutoff Behind RH cowl panel C219
Instrument Cluster LH side of I/P C232, C233
Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(California) Center of engine compartment C110
Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(Except California) Top of engine, near fuel injector #6 C110
Interior Fuse Panel Behind LH side of I/P C214
Key Warning Switch Top of steering column, part of ignition
switch C204