Wiper and Washer Systems: Adjustments
WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADE AND PIVOT ARM ADJUSTMENT1. Cycle and park the windshield wipers.
2. Verify the distance between the center of the (A) RH windshield wiper blade and the (C) bottom of the windshield glass is within specification.
3. Verify the distance between the center of the (B) LH windshield wiper blade and the (C) bottom of the windshield glass is within specification.
4. If the distance is not within specification, remove the windshield wiper pivot arms and reposition to specification
1 Remove the two pivot arm nut covers (one each side).
2 Remove the two nuts (one each side).
3 Remove and reposition the windshield wiper pivot arms.
5. Tighten the windshield wiper pivot arm nuts.