NOTE: MERCON Automatic Transmission Fluid is being replaced by MERCON V as a service fluid.
Special Tools:
1. Inspect the wiring harness and the connectors for damage, terminal condition, corrosion and seal integrity. Repair or replace as required.
CAUTION: Prior to the installation of the transmission the fluid coolers, cooler lines and the Cooler Bypass Valve (CBV) will need to be cleaned; perform Transmission Fluid Cooler Backflushing and Cleaning.
2. Lubricate the torque converter pilot hub.
^ Use Ford Multi-Purpose Grease DOAZ-19584-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESB-M1C93-B.
CAUTION: Prior to installation of the transmission assembly, the torque converter pilot hub must be properly lubricated.
3. If not installed during assembly install the Torque Converter Holding Tool.
4. Position the transmission.
^ Raise the rear of the transmission to clear the crossmember.
CAUTION: Do not use the CBV as a handle. Damage to the CBV assembly may occur or damage to the case may result. If a safety strap is being used to hold the transmission to the High-Lift Transmission Jack, place the strap behind the CBV to prevent damage to the CBV.
5. Remove the Torque Converter Holding Tool.
6. Align the (A) torque converter studs with the mounting holes in the (B) flywheel. Install the (C) transmission to the (D) engine.
CAUTION: Do not allow the torque converter drive flats to disengage from the pump gear. Use care not to damage the flywheel and the converter pilot. The torque converter must rest squarely against the flywheel, indicating the converter pilot is not binding in the crankshaft.
NOTE: The torque converter drain plug cover can be removed to aid in the alignment of the converter studs.
7. Install and alternately snug the four transmission-to-engine retaining bolts.
8. Position the (A) fuel and electrical harness bracket for installation. Install and alternately snug, then tighten, the (B) transmission-to-engine retaining bolts.
9. Install the exhaust and crossmember.
10. Remove the E40D Hi-Lift Jack Adapter and the Hi-Lift jack.
11. Install the transmission fluid pan bolts.
12. Install the flywheel inspection cover bolts.
13. Install new torque converter-to-flywheel nuts.
^ Rotate flywheel to gain access to the nuts.
14. Install the cylinder block opening cover.
15. Install the starter.
16. If equipped, install the transfer case assembly.
17. Connect the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) electrical connector.
18. Connect the solenoid pack electrical connector.
19. Connect the digital Transmission Range (TR) sensor connector.
20. Connect the shift cable.
1 Install the cable housing to the bracket.
2 Install the shift cable to the manual lever.
21. Install the driveshaft.
1 Position the driveshaft.
2 Install bolts.
NOTE: To maintain initial driveshaft balance, align the driveshaft yoke and axle flange that was marked during removal.
22. Install the transmission fluid cooler tubes to the CBV.
23. Install the upper transmission fluid fill tube.
24. Install the transmission oil filler tube bolt.
25. Lower the vehicle.
26. Connect the battery ground cable.
27. If equipped with air suspension, reactivate the system by turning on the air suspension switch.
28. Fill to proper level with MERCON or MERCON V ATF or equivalent meeting FORD specification.