X: Warning Indicator Flickers, Is Intermittent
Test X: The Charging System Indicator Flickers/Is IntermittentX1 - Check The Fault Codes In The PCM
Use the recorded PCM DTCs from the continuous and on-demand self- tests.
Are any PCM DTCs recorded?
YES REFER to PCM Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Index.
NO GO to X2.
X2 - Check The Generator Connections
Check both generator, battery, and power distribution connections for looseness, corrosion, loose or bent terminals, or loose eyelets.
Are all connections clean and tight?
YES GO to X3.
NO REPAIR as necessary. TEST the system for normal operation.
X3 - Check The Battery Voltage
With the engine running, and all accessories turned off, measure the voltage at the battery while varying the engine rpm.
Is the voltage greater than 15 volts?
YES GO to PinDoint Test W. W: Batteries Dead/Won't Stay Charged, Low Btry Voltage
NO GO to X4.
X4 - Check The Warning System Indicator Operation
With the engine off, connect a fused (15A) jumper wire between junction connector C1019 pin 2, circuit 904 (LG/RD), male side and ground.
Does the charging system warning indicator illuminate?
YES GO to X5.
NO REPAIR the circuit. TEST the system for normal operation.
X5 - Check PCM Operation
Monitor the charging system warning indicator operation.
Is the light illuminated?
YES PCM operating correctly. RECHECK generator circuits (including generators) for intermittent shorts or opens. TEST the system for normal operation.
NO GO to X6.
X6 - Check For Correct Module Operation
- for corrosion
- for pushed-out pins
- connector seated correctly
Connect any disconnected connectors.
Make sure all other system connectors are fully seated.
Operate the system and verify the concern is still present.
Is the concern still present?
YES INSTALL a new PCM.CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the PCM self-test.
NO The system is operating correctly at this time. Concern may have been caused by a loose or corroded connector. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test.