All Cylinder Heads
1. CAUTION: The gasket sealing surfaces on the cylinder head and cylinder block must be clean.
CAUTION: The use of sealing aids (aviation cement, copper spray, and glue) is not permitted. The gasket must be installed dry.
CAUTION: The new gasket has a film coating which is crucial to the gaskets ability to seal properly. Do not scratch the gasket.
NOTE: The RH head gasket is shown; the LH head gasket is similar. Install the head gasket over the dowel pins.
2. CAUTION: Cylinder head machining or milling is not authorized by the Ford Motor Company. Cylinder head flatness must be within 0.0254 mm (0.001 in) across a 38.1 mm (1.5 in) square area.
CAUTION: The gasket sealing surfaces on the cylinder head and cylinder block must be clean.
CAUTION: The use of sealing aids (aviation cement, copper spray, and glue) is not permitted. The gasket must be installed dry.
CAUTION: Do not allow the dowels to scratch the sealing surface of the cylinder head during cylinder head installation.
NOTE: The new cylinder head bolts must be lightly oiled with a rag, and allowed to drain for a few minutes prior to installation.
NOTE: The RH cylinder head is shown; the LH cylinder head is similar.
Install the cylinder head on the dowels and the head gasket. Loosely install new bolts.
LH Cylinder Head
3. NOTE: Make sure to tighten the bolts in sequence in three stages.
Tighten the LH bolts in the sequence shown.
- Stage 1: Tighten to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft).
- Stage 2: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
- Stage 3: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
RH Cylinder Head
4. NOTE: Make sure to tighten the bolts in the following three stages.
Tighten the RH bolts in the sequence shown.
- Stage 1: Tighten to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft).
- Stage 2: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
- Stage 3: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
All Cylinder Heads
5. Remove the special tools on both ends of the cylinder head.
6. NOTE: Lubricate the hydraulic lash adjusters with clean engine oil. Install the hydraulic lash adjusters in their original locations.
RH Cylinder Head
7. Install the RH exhaust manifold gaskets and the exhaust manifold.
Tighten the nuts in the sequence shown.
LH Cylinder Head
8. NOTE: Lubricate the 0-ring seal with clean engine oil.
Install the oil level indicator tube.
- Install a new 0-ring seal on the oil level indicator tube.
- Install the oil level indicator tube.
- Install the bolt.
9. Install the LH exhaust manifold and the exhaust manifold gaskets. Tighten the nuts in the sequence shown.
All Cylinder Heads
10. CAUTION: The timing chain procedures must be followed exactly or damage to valves and pistons will result.
CAUTION: Do not compress the ratchet assembly. This will damage the ratchet assembly.
Compress the tensioner plunger, using an edge of a vise.
11. Using a small screwdriver or pick, push back and hold the ratchet mechanism.
12. While holding the ratchet mechanism, push the ratchet arm back into the tensioner housing.
13. Install a paper clip into the hole in the tensioner housing to hold the ratchet assembly and plunger in during installation.
14. Remove the tensioner from the vise.
15. If the copper links are not visible, mark two links on one end and one link on the other end, and use as timing marks.
16. Install the timing chain guides.
17. Pre-position the camshafts.
1. Rotate the LH camshaft with the Camshaft Positioning Tool until the timing mark is approximately at 12 o'clock.
2. Rotate the RH camshaft with the Camshaft Positioning Tool until the timing mark is approximately at 11 o'clock.
18. CAUTION: Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise only. Do not rotate past position shown or severe piston and valve damage can occur.
NOTE: The number one piston is at top dead center (TDC) when the stud on the engine block fits into the slot in the handle of the special tool.
Position the crankshaft so the number one cylinder is at TDC with the special tool.
19. Remove the Crankshaft Holding Tool.
20. NOTE: The crankshaft sprockets are identical. They may only be installed one way. Refer to the following illustration for the correct crankshaft sprocket installation.
If removed, install the LH and the RH crankshaft sprockets.
21. Position the lower end of the LH (inner) timing chain on the crankshaft sprocket, aligning the timing mark on the outer flange of the crankshaft sprocket with the single copper (marked) link on the chain.
22. NOTE: Make sure the upper half of the timing chain is below the tensioner arm dowel.
NOTE: If necessary, use the Camshaft Alignment Set to adjust the camshaft sprocket slightly to obtain timing mark alignment.
Position the timing chain on the camshaft sprocket with the camshaft sprocket timing mark positioned between the two copper (marked) chain links.
23. NOTE: The LH timing chain tensioner arm has a bump near the dowel hole for identification.
Position the LH timing chain tensioner arm on the dowel pin and install the LH timing chain tensioner.
24. Remove the retaining clip from the LH timing chain tensioner.
25. Position the lower end of the RH (outer) timing chain on the crankshaft sprocket, aligning the timing mark on the sprocket with the single copper (marked) chain link.
26. NOTE: The lower half of the timing chain must be positioned above the tensioner arm dowel.
NOTE: If necessary, use the Camshaft Alignment Set to adjust the camshaft sprocket slightly to obtain timing mark alignment.
Position the RH timing chain on the camshaft sprocket. Make sure the camshaft sprocket timing mark is positioned between the two copper (marked) chain links.
27. Position the RH timing chain tensioner arm on the dowel pin and install the RH timing chain tensioner.
28. Remove the retaining clip from the RH timing chain tensioner.
29. As a post-check, verify correct alignment of all timing marks.
30. Install the special tool between the valve spring coils to prevent valve stem seal damage.
31. NOTE: Lubricate the camshaft roller followers using clean engine oil.
NOTE: Position the cam lobe away from the camshaft roller follower location prior to installing each camshaft roller follower.
Install the camshaft roller followers.
1. Install the special tool.
2. Compress the valve spring.
3. Install the camshaft roller followers in their original locations.
32. Remove the special tool.
33. CAUTION: When installing the spark plugs, use care not to exceed the recommended torque.
Install the eight spark plugs.
Tighten the spark plugs to 18 Nm (13 lb-ft).
34. Install the crankshaft sensor ring on the crankshaft.
35. NOTE: If the front cover is not secured within four minutes, the sealant must be removed and the sealing area cleaned. To clean the sealing area, use silicone gasket remover and metal surface prep. Follow the directions on the packaging. Failure to follow this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply a bead of silicone gasket and sealant along the cylinder head-to-cylinder block surface and the oil pan-to-cylinder block surface, at the locations shown.
36. Install a new engine front cover gasket on the engine front cover. Position the engine front cover. Install the fasteners finger-tight.
37. Tighten the engine front cover fasteners in sequence in three stages.
- Stage 1: Tighten fasteners 1 through 5 to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
- Stage 2: Tighten fasteners 6 and 7 to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
- Stage 3: Tighten fasteners 8 through 15 to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
38. Loosely install the bolts, then tighten the bolts in two stages, in the sequence shown.
- stage 1: Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb-ft).
- stage 2: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
39. Position the belt idler pulley and install the bolt.
40. Lubricate the engine front cover and the front oil seal inner lip with clean engine oil.
41. Use the special tools to install the crankshaft front oil seal into the engine front cover.
42. NOTE: If not secured within four minutes, the sealant must be removed and the sealing area cleaned. To clean the sealing area, use silicone gasket remover and metal surface prep. Follow the directions on the packaging. Failure to follow this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone gasket and sealant to the Woodruff key slot on the crankshaft pulley.
43. Use the special tool to install the crankshaft pulley.
44. NOTE: Use a suitable strap wrench to hold the pulley while tightening the bolt.
Tighten the new crankshaft pulley bolt in four stages.
- Stage 1: Tighten to 90 Nm (66 lb-ft).
- Stage 2: Loosen 360 degrees.
- Stage 3: Tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb-ft).
- Stage 4: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
45. Position the coolant pump pulley on the coolant pump and install the bolts.
46. If a new gasket is being installed, apply instant adhesive completely around the gasket groove in the LH valve cover. Install the new valve cover gasket.
47. NOTE: If not secured within four minutes, the sealant must be removed and the sealing area cleaned. To clean the sealing area, use silicone gasket remover and metal surface prep. Follow the directions on the packaging. Failure to follow this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone gasket and sealant in two places where the engine front cover meets the cylinder head.
48. Position the LH valve cover and gasket on the cylinder head and install the bolts loosely.
49. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
50. If a new gasket is being installed, apply instant adhesive completely around the gasket groove in the RH valve cover. Install the new valve cover gasket.
51. NOTE: If not secured within four minutes, the sealant must be removed and the sealing area cleaned. To clean the sealing area, use silicone gasket remover and metal surface prep. Follow the directions on the packaging. Failure to follow this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone gasket and sealant in two places where the engine front cover meets the cylinder head.
52. Position the RH valve cover and gasket on the cylinder head and install the bolts loosely.
53. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
54. Install the crankcase ventilation tube on the LH valve cover.
55. NOTE: RH shown, LH similar.
Install the radio frequency interference capacitors and the hose support.
56. Roughly position the engine control sensor wiring harness and mount it on the valve cover studs.
57. Connect the knock sensor electrical connector.
58. Connect the RH radio frequency interference capacitor electrical connector.
59. Connect the CMP sensor electrical connector.
60. Connect the LH radio frequency interference capacitor and CHT sensor electrical connectors.
61. NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
Install the cylinder block drain plugs.
62. Install the RH engine mount.
63. Install the special tool.
64. Install the special tool.
65. Install the special tool and remove the engine from the work stand.
66. Lower the engine onto wooden blocks.
67. Remove the special tool.
68. Remove the special tool.
69. Install the special tool and raise the engine.
70. Install the power steering reservoir lower mounting bracket.
71. Install the flexplate or the flywheel and bolts. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
72. Install the engine.