Special Tools:
4.2L, and 4.6L Engines
1. Inspect the wiring harness and connectors for damage, condition of terminals, corrosion and seal integrity. Repair or replace as required.
2. Position, then raise the transmission into the vehicle.
WARNING: The torque converter must be held firmly in its installed position.
- While holding the torque converter, carefully tilt the front of the transmission downward.
CAUTION: Do not allow the torque converter drive flats to disengage from the pump gear.
While continuing to hold the torque converter raise the transmission downward.
CAUTION: Watch for obstruction. While continuing to hold the torque converter raise the transmission positioning the extension housing above the exhaust crossover pipe.
CAUTION: Watch for clearance between the transmission and engine and the transmission and exhaust crossover pipe.
Tilt the front of the transmission upward until level.
3. Remove the Torque Converter Holding Tool.
4. CAUTION: Use care not to damage the flexplate and the converter pilot. The torque converter must rest squarely against the flexplate, indicating the converter pilot is not binding in the crankshaft.
Align the (A) torque converter studs with the mounting holes in the (B) flexplate. Install the (C) transmission to the (D) engine.
5. On the vehicles with a 4.2L engine, install and alternately snug the engine oil pan-to-torque converter housing retaining bolts.
6. On the vehicles with a 4.6L engine, install and alternately snug the torque converter housing-to-engine retaining bolts.
7. Note: Also refer to the following illustration.
Install 4 new torque converter-to-flexplate retaining nuts.
1 Rotate the (A) crankshaft pulley-to-crankshaft retaining bolt to position the (B) torque converter stud in the (C) opening.
2 Install and snug the new torque converter-to-flexplate retaining nut.
+ Repeat substeps 1 and 2 for each of the remaining torque converter-to-flexplate retaining nuts.
+ Repeat substeps 1 and 2, tightening each of the torque converter-to-flexplate retaining nuts.
8. On the vehicles with a 4.2L engine, alternately tighten the engine oil pan-to-torque converter housing retaining bolts.
9. On the vehicles with a 4.6L engine, alternately tighten the torque converter housing-to-engine retaining bolts.
10. On the vehicles with a 4.6L engine, install the (A) flexplate inspection plate and the (B) bolts. Install the (C) rear engine plate-to-torque converter housing retaining bolt.
11. Note: Also refer to the following illustration.
Install the access plugs.
12. If so equipped, install the (A) front A/C deflector assembly with the (B) fasteners.
13. Install the (A) bracket onto the (B) hanger and position it to the (C) transmission insulator and retainer. Install the (D) bolt.
14. Install the transmission support crossmember.
1 Install the (A) transmission support crossmember onto the (B) retainer and insulator studs. Install the (C) retaining nuts hand-tight.
2 Raise the transmission, aligning the (A) transmission support crossmember to the (D) frame.
3 Install the (E) stud brackets and the (F) retaining nuts.
4 Tighten the retainer and insulator-to-crossmember retaining nuts.
15. Remove the High-Lift Transmission Jack.
16. Connect the catalyst monitoring sensor harness connectors.
17. Tighten the clamp.
18. Install the exhaust heat shield-to-crossmember retaining bolts.
19. Position the (A) EGR vacuum reservoir to the (B) frame. Install the (C) nuts.
20. Install the starter motor.
21. Note: The output shaft and the driveshaft are a balanced assembly.
Install the driveshaft.
- Align the yellow dots and position the driveshaft on the transmission.
- Position the driveshaft to the rear differential.
22. Install the driveshaft.
1 Install the driveshaft.
2 Install the bolts.
23. Install the shift cable.
24. Note: Also refer to the two following illustrations.
Note: Prior to installation, check the condition of the transmission fluid filler tube O-ring. Replace if damaged.
Install the (A) fluid filler tube into the (B) transmission. Position the (C) retaining brackets. Install the (D) bolt and (E) nut (bolt for 4.6L engine).
25. With a drain pan properly positioned, remove the plugs and connect the fluid cooler tubes.
26. Note: Also refer to the following illustration.
Position the (A) fuel and electrical harness bracket for installation. Install and alternately snug, then tighten, the (B) bolts.
27. Connect the electrical harness connectors.
28. Remove the supports and lower the vehicle.
29. Install the engine Over.
30. Install the air cleaner air intake duct assembly.
31. Connect the battery ground cable.
32. Fill the transmission to the specified level with MERCON(R) V Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-5-QM meeting MERCON (R) V specification.
5.4L Engine
33. Install the special tool if not installed during assembly.
34. Raise the transmission into the vehicle.
35. Install the bolt.
36. Install the bolts.
37. Remove the special tool.
38. Connect the connector.
39. Connect the Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor connector.
40. Connect the connector.
41. Install the flexplate inspection plate.
42. Install the crossmember.
1 Install the crossmember.
2 Install the stud brackets.
3 Install the retaining nuts.
43. Install the nuts.
44. Remove the High-Lift Transmission Jack.
45. Install the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) vacuum reservoir.
46. Install the heat shield and bolt.
47. Install the heat shield bolt.
48. Install the top heat shield bolt.
49. Install the bolts
50. Install four torque converter nuts.
51. Install the starter and three bolts.
52. Reconnect the connectors.
53. Install the cover.
54. Install the access cover plug.
55. Install the shift cable bracket bolt.
56. Install the shift cable and bracket.
1 Install the bolts.
2 Connect the clip.
57. Note: The output shaft and driveshaft are a balanced assembly.
Install the driveshaft.
- Align the yellow dots and install the driveshaft into the transmission.
- Position the driveshaft to the rear differential.
58. Install the bolts.
59. Connect the fluid cooler tubes.
60. Lower the vehicle.
61. Install the bolts.
62. Install the fluid level indicator tube.
1 Install the tube.
2 Install the bolt.
63. Install the engine cover.
64. Install the fluid level indicator tube bolt.
65. Install the air cleaner assembly.
66. Connect the battery ground cable.
67. Fill the transmission to the specified level with MERCON(r) V Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-5-QM meeting MERCON V specification.
68. Install the fluid level indicator.