Vehicle Identification Number
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a seventeen-digit combination of letters and numbers. The VIN is stamped on a metal tab riveted on the instrument panel, top upper left of the dash. The VIN number is also found on the Vehicle Certification (VC) label.
World Identification Identifier:
Vehicle Identification Number
The first three Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) positions are the world manufacturer code.
^ 1FM - Ford Motor Company, USA, multi-purpose vehicle
^ 1FT - Ford Motor Company, USA, truck, completed vehicle
^ 1FD - Ford Motor Company, USA, incomplete vehicle
^ 1FC - Ford Motor Company, USA, basic (stripped) chassis
^ 1FF - Ford Motor Company, USA, motor vehicle equipment without engine/powertrain (Glider)
^ 2FM - Ford Motor Company, Canada, multi-purpose vehicle
^ 2FT - Ford Motor Company, Canada, truck, completed vehicle
^ 2FD - Ford Motor Company, Canada, incomplete vehicle
^ 2FC - Ford Motor Company, Canada, basic (stripped) chassis
^ 2FF - Ford Motor Company, Canada, motor vehicle equipment without engine/powertrain (Glider)
^ 3FC - Ford Motor Company, Mexico, basic (stripped) chassis
^ 3FE - Ford Motor Company, Mexico, incomplete vehicle
^ 3FM - Ford Motor Company, Mexico, multi-purpose vehicle
^ 3FT - Ford Motor Company, Mexico, truck, completed vehicle
Brake/GVWR Code:
The fourth VIN position is the vehicle brake type and GVWR code (all vehicles use hydraulic brakes).
^ 1 - 8800 pounds GVWR, F-250 regular cab, SuperCab, crew cab
^ 2 - 9700 pounds GVWR, F-350 regular cab, SuperCab, crew cab (California emissions)
^ 3 - 9900 pounds GVWR, F-350 regular cab, SuperCab, crew cab
^ 4 - 11,000 pounds GVWR, F-350 regular cab, SuperCab, crew cab (California emissions), dual rear wheels
^ 5 - 11,200 pounds GVWR, F-350 regular cab, SuperCab, crew cab, dual rear wheels
^ 6 - 12,500 pounds GVWR, F-350 regular cab, SuperCab, crew cab, dual rear wheels
^ 7 - 15,000 pounds GVWR, F-450 regular cab, crew cab
^ F - 15,500 pounds GVWR, F-450 regular cab, crew cab
^ 8 - 17,500 pounds GVWR, F-550 regular cab, crew cab
^ 9 - 19,000 pounds GVWR, F-550 regular cab, crew cab
^ X - 8,600 pounds GVWR, Excursion
^ Y - 8,900 pounds GVWR, Excursion
^ G - 15,700 pounds GVWR, recreational stripped chassis (motorhome)
^ E - 18,000 pounds GVWR, recreational stripped chassis (motorhome)
^ R - 20,500 pounds GVWR, recreational stripped chassis (motorhome)
^ Z - 9,200 pounds GVWR, Excursion
Vehicle Line, Series, Body Type:
Positions 5 through 7 indicate vehicle line, series and body type.
^ F20 - F-250, regular cab, 4x2
^ X20 - F-250, SuperCab, 4x2
^ W20 - F-250, crew cab, 4x2
^ F21 - F-250, regular cab, 4x4
^ X21 - F-250 SuperCab, 4x4
^ W21 - F-250, crew cab, 4x4
^ F30 - F-350 regular cab, 4x2, single rear wheels
^ X30 - F-350 SuperCab, 4x2, single rear wheels
^ W30 - F-350, crew cab, 4x2, single rear wheels
^ F31 - F-350, regular cab, 4x4, single rear wheels
^ X31 - F-350, SuperCab, 4x4, single rear wheels
^ W31 - F-350, crew cab, 4x4, single rear wheels
^ F32 - F-350, regular cab, 4x2, dual rear wheels
^ X32 - F-350, SuperCab, 4x2, dual rear wheels
^ W32 - F-350, crew cab, 4x2, dual rear wheels
^ F33 - F-350, regular cab, 4x4, dual rear wheels
^ X33 - F-350, SuperCab, 4x4, dual rear wheels
^ W33 - F-350, crew cab, 4x4, dual rear wheels
^ F34 - F-350, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x2, single rear wheels
^ X34 - F-350, SuperCab (chassis cab), 4x2, single rear wheels
^ W34 - F-350, crew cab (chassis cab), 4x2, single rear wheels
^ F35 - F-350, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x4, single rear wheels
^ X35 - F-350, SuperCab (chassis cab), 4x4, single rear wheels
^ W35 - F-350, crew cab (chassis cab), 4x4, single rear wheels
^ F36 - F-350, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x2, dual rear wheels
^ X36 - F-350, SuperCab (chassis cab), 4x2, dual rear wheels
^ W36 - F-350, crew cab (chassis cab), 4x2, dual rear wheels
^ F37 - F-350, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x4, dual rear wheels
^ X37 - F-350, SuperCab (chassis cab), 4x4, dual rear wheels
^ W37 - F-350, crew cab (chassis cab), 4x4, dual rear wheels
^ F46 - F-450, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x2
^ W46 - F-450, crew cab (chassis cab), 4x2
^ F47 - F-450, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x4
^ W47 - F-450, crew cab (chassis cab), 4x4
^ F56 - F-550, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x2
^ W56 - F-550, crew cab (chassis cab), 4x2
^ F57 - F-550, regular cab (chassis cab), 4x4
^ W57 - F-550, crew cab, (chassis cab), 4x4
^ U40 - Excursion XLT, 4x2
^ U41 - Excursion XLT, 4x4
^ U42 - Excursion Limited, 4x2
^ U43 - Excursion Limited, 4x4
^ F53 - Recreational stripped chassis (motorhome)
Engine Code:
The eighth VIN position is the engine displacement and number of cylinders.
^ L - 5.4L, Modular, SOHC, EFI, V8, Gas, F-Series/Excursion
^ S - 6.8L, SOHC, EFI, V1O, Gas, F-Series/Excursion/Motorhome
^ F - 7.3L, OHV, DI Turbo, V8, Diesel, F-Series/Excursion
Check Digit Code:
The ninth VIN position is a check digit.
Model Year Code:
The tenth VIN position is the model year code.
^ Y - 2000
Assembly Plant Code:
The eleventh VIN position is the assembly plant code.
^ S - Allen Park (Allen Park, Michigan)
^ E - Kentucky Truck (Jefferson County, Kentucky)
^ M - Cuautitlan (Cuautitlan, Mexico)
^ J - IMMSA (Monterrey, Mexico)
Sequential Build Code:
The last six VIN positions are an alphanumeric code for the vehicle build sequence. This is also the vehicle serial and warranty number.
^ A00001 - E99999 - Ford Division