Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
Removal1. Remove the lower intake manifold.
2. Remove the valve covers.
3. Remove the bolts.
Note: Make sure to mark the rocker arms and the push rods so they will be installed in their original positions.
4. Remove the eight rocker arm fulcrums.
5. Remove the eight rocker arms and rocker arm fulcrum guides.
6. Remove the exhaust manifolds.
7. Remove the bolts and remove the bracket (RH only).
8. Disconnect the generator electrical connectors (RH only).
9. Remove the bolt retaining the transmission oil fill tube from the back of the RH cylinder head.
10. Remove the push rods and mark them so they can be installed in their original locations.
11. Note: Only the LH cylinder head is equipped with spark plug wire brackets.
Remove the bolts in the indicated sequence and remove the cylinder head.
- Discard the old bolts.
12. Clean and inspect the cylinder head surface.
1. Note: A specially treated composition gasket is used. Do not apply a sealer to a composition gasket.
Use Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A to clean the cylinder head, intake manifold, valve cover and head gasket surfaces.
2. Install the head gaskets.
3. Note: Only the LH cylinder head is equipped with spark plug wire brackets.
Install the cylinder head on the head gasket and loosely install the new bolts.
4. Tighten the bolts in three steps.
- Step 1: Tighten to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
- Step 2: Tighten to 68 Nm (50 ft. lbs.).
- Step 3: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
5. Lubricate and install the push rods in their original locations.
Use Super Premium SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-C.
6. Apply engine oil to the top of the valve stem, rocker arm seats, and rocker arms.
- Use Super Premium SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil XO5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.
7. Install the eight rocker arms and rocker arm fulcrum guides.
8. Install the eight rocker arm fulcrums.
9. Install the bolts.
10. Check the valve clearance.
11. Install the valve cover on the side that is being repaired.
12. Install the bracket and the bolts.
13. Install the bolt on the RH cylinder head.
14. Install the exhaust manifolds.
15. Connect the generator electrical connectors (RH only).
16. Install the lower intake manifold.