Ignition System: Specifications
BTDC - Before Top Dead Center.
OHV - Overhead Valve.
OHC - Overhead Cam.
1 - Wrap shop towel around fuel diagnostic valve to prevent fuel spillage. Connect a suitable fuel pressure gauge to fuel diagnostic valve. Energize fuel pump & note fuel pressure reading.
2 - Idle speed on man. trans. models is adjusted in Neutral. On auto. trans. models, idle speed is adjusted in Drive (D). When checking idle speed, set parking brake & block drive wheels.
3 - Before removing wires from distributor cap, determine location of No.1 wire in cap, as distributor position may have been altered from that shown at the end of this chart.
4 - Controlled by automatic idle speed control.
5 - Firing order Is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8. Refer to Fig. B for spark plug cable orientation.
6 - Equipped w/hydraulic lifters & non -adjustable rocker arms. No adjustment necessary.
7 - Firing order is 1-3-4-2. Cylinder numbering from front of engine to back is 1-2-3-4.
8 - Base timing.
9 - Collapsed tappet gap.
10 - Ranger, 56 - 72 psi.
Ranger w/Flex Fuel Option, 55 - 75 psi.