Differential Assembly: Adjustments
PICKUP BED LEAN - SHIMMING, AXLENOTE: A side to side lean may be adjusted by 6 mm (0.25 in) by placing a shim between the rear spring (5560) and the axle on the low side of the vehicle.
1. Determine the need for shimming; refer to Pickup Bed Lean-Measurements. Pickup Bed Lean - Measurements
2. Without removing the tires from the ground, raise the vehicle enough to take the weight off of the rear springs.
3. Loosen the spring U-bolt nuts.
- Separate the spring and the axle approximately 13 mm (0.5 in).
4. NOTE: On 4x4 vehicles place the shim between the rear spring and the axle spacer.
Install the shim.
5. Tighten the U-bolt nuts.
6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Recheck the vehicle lean; refer to Pickup Bed Lean-Measurements. Pickup Bed Lean - Measurements