Toe Adjustment
1. Start the engine and center the steering wheel.
2. Turn the engine off, and hold the steering wheel in the "straight forward" position by attaching a rigid link from the steering wheel to the brake pedal.
3. Check the toe settings; follow the manufacturer's instructions.
4. Hold the tie-rod end while loosening the toe set jam nuts.
5. Rotate the front wheel spindle tie-rod adjusting sleeve to desired position.
6. NOTE: Whenever the toe set jam nuts are loosened for toe adjustment, the nut and tie-rod threads must be cleaned and lubricated.
Tighten the jam nuts as follows:
1 Make sure the inner and outer ball joint sockets are perpendicular to the ball studs.
2 Hold the adjuster sleeve in position with locking pliers positioned against the lower control arm.
3 Tighten one adjuster sleeve jam nut to the specified torque.
4 Make an alignment mark across the adjuster sleeve and the tightened jam nut. Make a second mark across the jam nut and the tie-rod end threads.
5 Tighten the remaining jam nut.
6 Check the alignment marks. If either mark is out of alignment, check the toe setting. Readjust, if necessary, and repeat these steps.