Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



Part 1 Of 5:

Part 2 Of 5:

Part 3 Of 5:

Part 4 Of 5:

Part 5 Of 5:

Special Tool(s)

1. Remove the front wheel hubs and the front axle shaft assemblies.
2. Remove the front axle assembly.
^ Place the axle assembly in a suitable repair stand.

3. Remove the differential housing cover and drain the lubricant.
^ Position the differential housing to allow the lubricant to drain completely.
^ Clean the gasket material from the differential housing and the differential housing cover.

4. NOTE: An inspection can find the cause of the concern and determine the resolution.

Carry out the following inspection.
^ Remove all the lubricant from the internal parts and visually inspect the parts for wear and damage.
^ Rotate the gears to check for roughness, indicating damage to the bearings/gears.
^ Check the teeth of the ring gear and pinion for signs of scoring, wear, nicks and chips.

5. CAUTION: The differential ring gear and pinion must be clean and dry to obtain an accurate reading.

Using the special tools, measure the ring gear and pinion backlash at three equally spaced points. Record the reading.
^ The backlash tolerance must be within the specification and cannot very more than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) between points checked. A backlash variation or more than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) indicates gear/case runout.
- Make corrections for high or low backlash during assembly by changing the differential bearing selective shim thickness.

6. CAUTION: Prior to removal, note the stamped mating letters positioning on the bearing caps and the differential housing for correct reassembly.

Remove the bearing caps.

7. CAUTION: Do not spread the differential housing more than specified.

Using the special tools, spread the differential housing.
^ Remove special tool 100-D002 after spreading the differential housing.

8. CAUTION: Do not damage the ring gear and pinion.

Using two pry bars, remove the differential with the bearing cups.
^ Remove special tool 205-001 after removing the differential.

9. Measure the pinion bearing torque preload. Record the reading.
^ Rotate the pinion with a Nm (inch-pound) torque wrench. Record the torque necessary to maintain rotation of the pinion through several revolutions.

10. Remove and discard the nut and washer.
^ Use the special tool to prevent the flange from turning while removing the nut.

11. NOTE: Index-mark the flange and the pinion shaft.

Using the special tool, remove the flange.

12. CAUTION: Do not damage the pinion, the bearings, or the cup.

Remove the pinion.
^ Using a soft face hammer, tap the pinion through the outer bearing. Remove the pinion through the rear of the differential housing.

13. Using the special tools, remove the pinion seal. Discard the seal.

14. Remove the oil slinger and the differential pinion bearing.
^ On model 50 axles, remove the collapsible spacer after removing the slinger and the bearing.

15. Using the special tools, remove the outer pinion bearing cup, the inner pinion bearing cup, and the oil baffle.
^ For model 50 axles, use special tool 205-D055 and 205-D054 to remove the inner and the outer pinion bearing cups.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tool 205-D055 and 205-D051 to remove the inner pinion bearing cup.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tool 205-D055 and 205-D054 to remove the outer pinion bearing cup.

16. Drive the timer axle shaft oil seals out of the differential housing through the axle tubes. Discard the seals.

17. On model 60 axles, remove the discard the collapsible spacer.

18. Using the special tool, remove the differential pinion bearing.

19. NOTE: Discard the drive pinion position shim if bent or nicked. Measure and record the shim thickness if discarding the shim.

Remove the drive pinion position shim.
20. Carry out the following inspection.

^ CAUTION: Always use new solvent when cleaning the bearings.

CAUTION: Do not spin dry the bearings with compressed air.

CAUTION: Oil the bearings immediately, to prevent rusting.

Thoroughly clean all parts, including the differential housing and inside of the differential case.
^ Inspect all parts for damage.
- Discard the complete differential if excessive wear is visible on all parts.
- Discard both differential pinion gears and both differential side gears if any one of these gears are worn/damaged.
- Inspect the flange lugs for damage. The end of the flange that contacts the bearing cone as well as the nut counterbore and the seal contact area must be smooth and free of nicks.
- Verify that the differential and pinion bearing bores are smooth. Remove any nicks/burrs from the mounting surfaces of the differential housing.


1. NOTE: To ease installation, coat the seal axle tube mating surfaces with lubricant.

Using the special tools, install the axle shaft oil seals.
^ For model 50 axles, use special tools 205-428, 205-425 (LH), and 205-424 (RH) to install the axle shaft oil seals.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tools 205-428, 205-427 (LH), and 205-426 (RH) to install the axle shaft oil seals.
^ Place the axle shaft oil seals onto the tool, and position the assembly into the differential housing. Lengthen the tool as necessary until both seals start evenly in the axle tubes. Continue to lengthen the tool until both step plates bottom out against the housing.

2. Place the special tool on the differential case hubs, and position the assembly into the differential housing.
^ For model 50 axles, use special tool 205-D046.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tool 205-D047.

3. NOTE: Use a Dial Indicator with a minimum travel capacity of 5.08 mm (0.200 inch).

NOTE: Repeat this step until there is a consistent reading.

Determine the total thickness of differential bearing shims to install on the differential case hubs, less the preload, which is calculated later in this procedure. Record this measurement as the total case end play.
1 Position the special tool.
2 Position the special tool.
^ Locate the tip of the tool on a flat surface of one of the ring gear bolt spot faces.

3 Force the ring gear as far as possible toward the special tool.
4 With the pressure still applied, zero the special tool.
5 Force the ring gear as far as it will go in the opposite direction.
6 Record the reading.

4. Remove the differential case with the special tool from the differential housing.
^ Do not remove the special tool from the differential case hubs.

5. Install the inner oil baffle and the inner and outer pinion bearing cups.
1 Position the oil baffle and the bearing cups in the differential housing.
2 Place the special tools on the inner and outer bearing cups.
^ For model 50 axles, place special tool 205-139 on the outer pinion bearing cup.
^ For model 50 axles, place special tool 205-140 on the inner pinion bearing cup.
^ For model 60 axles, place special tool 205-006 B1 on the outer pinion bearing cup.
^ For model 60 axles, place special tool 205-006 B2 on the inner pinion bearing cup.

3 Install and tighten special tool 205-098 to seat the cups.
^ Remove the special tools after seating the cups.

6. NOTE: If the feeler gauge can fit between a cup and the bottom of its bore at any point around the cup, remove and reseat the cup.

Check that the cups have seated correctly in their bores.

7. CAUTION: If any of the gauge surfaces have nicks in them, remove the high spots with a medium India oilstone to prevent erroneous readings.

NOTE: Apply only a light oil film on the pinion bearings before assembling the tools.

Assemble and position the following in the differential housing.
1 Position the Adapter for 205-S16.
2 Position the Adapter for 205-S127.
3 Position the inner pinion bearing.
4 Position the Adapter for 205-S156 (model 50) or Adapter for 205-Sl27 (model 60).
5 Position the Adapter for 205-S16.
6 Position the outer pinion bearing.
7 Thread on the Adapter for 205-S127.

8. NOTE: This step simulates pinion bearing preload.

Using a Nm (inch-pound) torque wrench, tighten the special tool IO the specification.

9. NOTE: Offset the special tool to obtain an accurate reading.

Rotate the special tool several half-turns to seat the pinion bearings. Position the special tool as shown.

10. Install the special tool.
1 Position the special tool.
^ For model 50 axles, use tool 205-l58.
^ For model 60 axles, use tool 205-D033.

2 Install the bearing caps.
3 Install the bolts.

11. NOTE: Use a feeler gauge or flat, clean drive pinion position shims as a measuring device.

NOTE: Do not attempt to force the gauge or shim between the special tools. A slight drag indicates a correct selection.

Using a feeler gauge or flat, clean drive pinion position shims, measure the gap between the special tools. Record the measurement.
^ Remove the special tools alter making the correct shim selection.

12. NOTE: The differential ring gear and pinion is only available in a matched set. Matching numbers etched on both the differential ring gear and pinion are for verification. If installing a new differential ring gear and pinion, verify these numbers match before proceeding with assembly. The end of the pinion with the etched figures is the "button" end.

NOTE: Use the gear contact pattern method to verify the final pinion position is valid.

Shim the pinion as follows:
^ Etched on the button end of each pinion is a zero (0), or a plus (+) or minus (-) with a number. This number indicates the best running position for each particular differential ring gear. Shimming behind the inner pinion bearing controls this dimension.

13. If reusing the old differential ring gear and pinion, proceed as follows:
^ Measure and record the old drive pinion position shim thickness and select a new shim of the same dimension.
^ To change the pinion adjustment, drive pinion position shims are available in the thickness shown in the following charts. Measure each shim separately with a micrometer.

Available Drive Pinion Position Shims (Model 50 Axles)

Available Drive Pinion Position Shims (Model 60 Axles)

14. If installing a new differential ring gear and pinion, notice the (+) or (-) etching on both the old and new pinion, and adjust the new shim thickness to compensate for the difference of these two figures.
^ For example, a pinion etched with m+8 (+3) requires 0.08 mm (0.003 inch) less shimming than a pinion etched "0". This means to increase the mounting distance by the amount etched in the pinion, subtract 0.08 mm (0.003 inch) from the drive pinion position shim selected for installation. A pinion etched m-8 (-3), requires 0.08 mm (0.003 inch) more shimming than a pinion etched "0". In this instance, add 0.08 mm (0.003 inch) to the drive pinion position shim selected for installation to decrease the pinion mounting distance by the amount etched in the pinion.

New Pinion Conversion Chart (Metric)

15. CAUTION: Follow the drive pinion bearing preread shim and drive pinion position shim assembly sequence as directed or unit failure can result.

Install the correct thickness drive pinion position shim on the pinion.

16. Using the special tools, install the differential pinion bearing.
^ For model 50 axles. use an axle bearing/seal plate, special tool 205-004, and a suitable press to install the differential pinion bearing.
^ For model 60 axles, use an axle bearing/seal plate, special tool 205-092, and a suitable press to install the differential pinion bearing.

17. NOTE: On model 50 axles, position the new collapsible spacer inside the differential housing before installing the pinion bearing and the oil slinger.

Install the new collapsible spacer (model 50 axles), the differential pinion bearing, and the oil slinger.

18. Using a suitable driver, install the pinion seal.
^ Lightly coal the pinion seal lip with lubricant.

19. On model 60 axles, install a new collapsible spacer.

20. CAUTION: Do not damage the pinion, the bearings, the seal, or the cup.

Insert the pinion into the differential housing, and seat the inner bearing into the bearing cup.

21. CAUTION: Never use a metal hammer on the pinion flange or install the flange with power tools. If necessary, use a plastic hammer to tap on a tight fitting flange while holding the backside of the drive pinion.

NOTE: If reusing the original pinion and flange, align the index marks made during disassembly.

Lightly coat the flange splines and seal mating area with lubricant, then install the flange with a new washer and nut.

22. CAUTION: Never back off the pinion nut to reduce preload. If preload reduction is necessary, install a new collapsible spacer and pinion nut.

Tighten the nut.
^ Use the special tool to prevent the flange from turning while tightening the nut. Remove the special tool when taking pinion bearing torque preload readings.
^ Rotate the pinion occasionally to verify that the bearings are seating correctly.
^ Take frequent pinion bearing torque preload readings.
- If installing new differential pinion bearings, tighten the pinion nut to specifications.
- If installing the original pinion bearings, the final reading must be 0.56 Nm (5 inch lbs.) more than the initial reading taken during disassembly.

23. Position the differential case with the special tool into the differential housing.
^ For model 50 axles, use special tool 205-D046.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tool 205-D047.

24. NOTE: Repeat this step until there is a consistent reading.

Determine the total thickness of differential bearing shims to install under the differential bearing on the ring gear side of the differential case. Record this measurement, as the shim thickness required for the ring gear side of the differential case.
1 Position the special fool.
2 Position the special tool.
3 Force the ring gear into mesh with the pinion.
^ Rock the ring gear to allow the teeth of the gears to mesh.

4 With the pressure still applied, zero the special tool.
5 Force the ring gear away from the pinion.
6 Record the reading.

25. Remove the differential case with the special tool from the differential housing.
^ Remove the special tool from the differential case.

26. Place the required thickness of differential bearing shims on the ring gear side of the differential case. Refer to the measurement recorded, as the shim thickness required for the ring gear side of the differential case. Differential bearing shims are available in the thickness shown in the following chart.
^ For example, a reading of 1.14 mm (0.045 inch), requires that 1.14 mm (0.045 inch) shims be placed on the ring gear side of the differential case.

Available Differential Bearing Shims (Model 50 and Model 60 Axles)

27. Using the special tool(s), install the differential bearing.
^ For model 50 axles, use special tools 205-D055 and 205-142 to install the differential bearing.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tool 205-D044 to install the differential bearing

28. Determine the total thickness of differential bearing shims to install under the differential bearing on the drive pinion side of the differential case.
^ Subtract the measurement recorded, as the shim thickness required for the ring gear side of the differential case, from the total case end play measurement taken at the beginning of the assembly procedure. Then, add 0.38 mm (0.015 inch) to the total. This is the total amount of differential bearing shims to install under the differential bearing on the drive pinion side of the differential case.

29. Place the amount of differential bearing shims, as determined by the calculation made in the previous step, on the drive pinion side of the differential case.

30. Using the special fools, install the differential bearing.
1 Place the special tool under the bearing to protect it during the bearing installation.
^ For model 50 axles, use special tool 205-D016.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tool 205-D018.

2 Using the special tool(s), install the bearing.
^ For model 50 axles, use special tools 205-D055 and 205-142 to install the differential bearing.
^ For model 60 axles, use special tool 205-D044 to install the differential bearing.

31. Position the differential bearing cups on the bearings.

32. CAUTION: Do not spread the differential housing more than specified.

CAUTION: Do not damage the ring gear and pinion.

Using the special tools, spread the differential housing.
^ Use a soft trace hammer to seat the differential into the differential housing.
- Remove the special tools after seating the differential in the differential housing.

33. CAUTION: Match the positioning of the mating letters on the bearing caps and the differential housing.

Install the bearing caps.

34. Using the special tools, measure backlash at three equally spaced points.
^ The backlash must be within the specifications, and cannot vary more than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) between points checked. A backlash variation or more than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) indicates gear/case runout.
- Make the necessary corrections by moving shims from one side of the differential case to the other, until the correct backlash adjustment is achieved.
^ Correct for high backlash by moving the ring gear toward the pinion.
^ Correct for low backlash by moving the ring gear away from the pinion.

35. Check the gear tooth contact pattern.

36. CAUTION: Clean the differential housing cover mounting surfaces with a suitable solvent, to remove all traces of oil film or foreign material.

NOTE: The differential housing cover requires the use of silicone sealant material rather than a gasket.

NOTE: Install the differential housing cover within 15 minutes of applying the silicone material.

Apply the specified bead of silicone rubber sealer as shown.

37. CAUTION: Allow one hour curing time before filling the axle with lubricant.

NOTE: Place two cover bolts into the differential housing cover at the 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions. This will help to position the differential housing cover onto the differential housing.

Install the differential housing cover.
38. Install the axle assembly.
39. Install the axle shaft assemblies and the from wheel hubs.
40. Fill the axle with the specified type and quantity of lubricant.