Part 1
Differential Ring And Pinion - Dana 60Special Tool(s):
Special Tool(s):
Special Tool(s):
Special Tool(s):
Steps 1-36
1. Remove the differential carrier assembly.
2. CAUTION: Mark or tag the outboard spacers indicating from which side they were removed.
Remove the outboard spacers.
^ Inspect the spacers for nicks, bending and grooved conditions. Discard them if necessary.
3. Using the special tools, remove the differential bearings.
^ Place the left and right differential bearing shims with the respective outboard spacers.
4. NOTE: Use a vise with brass jaws or wood blocks.
Place the differential case in a vise.
5. NOTE: Whenever removing the ring gear bolts, always install new bolts upon assembly. Use Grade 9 bolts for service replacement for all Dana rear axles.
Remove the bolts on the ring gear. Leave 4 bolts loosely assembled, 90 degrees apart.
6. Tap each bolt head alternately with a rawhide or plastic hammer to loosen the ring gear. Remove the bolts and the ring gear.
7. If required, remove the anti-lock speed sensor ring with a soft-faced hammer. Discard the anti-lock speed sensor ring.
8. To maintain driveline balance, index-mark the driveshaft flange yoke and the pinion flange.
9. Remove the 4 bolts.
10. CAUTION: The driveshaft flange yoke fits tightly on the pinion flange yoke. Never hammer on the driveshaft or any of its components to disconnect the yoke from the flange. Pry only in the area shown, with a suitable tool, to disconnect the yoke from the flange.
Using a suitable tool as shown, disconnect the driveshaft flange yoke from the pinion flange and support the driveshaft using mechanic's wire.
11. CAUTION: Index-mark the pinion flange to the pinion shaft prior to removal.
Use the special tool to prevent the flange from turning while removing the locknut and washer.
12. Using the special tool, remove the pinion flange.
13. NOTE: There are drive pinion bearing preload shims on the spline-end of the pinion. These shims and can stick to the pinion, the pinion bearing, or they can fall out of the differential housing. Collect and keep the shims for reassembly.
Using a soft-face hammer, tap the pinion out of the pinion bearing cup and remove it through the rear of the differential housing.
14. Using the special tools, remove and discard the pinion seal.
15. Remove the oil slinger and the pinion bearing.
16. CAUTION: Do not nick the differential housing bore.
Using the special tools, remove the outer pinion bearing cup.
^ For semi-float axles, use tools 205-D054 and 205-D055.
17. Using the special tools, remove the inner pinion bearing cup.
^ For semi-float axles, use tools 205-D051 and 205-D055.
18. Using the special tool, remove the inner pinion bearing.
19. NOTE: Discard the drive pinion position shim if bent or nicked. If discarding the shim, measure and record the shim thickness.
Remove the drive pinion position shim.
20. Position the inner and outer pinion bearing cups and the special tools in their respective differential housing bores.
1 After placing the inner and outer pinion bearing cups in their bores, place the special tool (inner) on the inner pinion bearing cup.
2 Place the special tool (outer) on the outer pinion bearing cup.
3 Install the special tool.
21. Tighten the special tool to seat the pinion bearing cups into their bores.
22. NOTE: If the feeler gauge can fit between a cup and the bottom of its bore at any point around the cup, remove and reseat the cup.
Check that the cups have seated correctly in their bores.
23. NOTE: The tab on the anti-lock speed sensor ring must be aligned with the slot in the differential case.
Install the anti-lock speed sensor ring if removed.
^ Align the tab in the anti-lock speed sensor ring with the slot in the differential case. Start the 2 ring gear bolts through the differential case flange into the ring gear to make sure the differential case and the ring gear bolt hole align.
24. Press the anti-lock speed sensor ring on the differential case. The differential case flange acts as a pilot for the anti-lock speed sensor ring.
25. Apply Threadlock to the new ring gear bolts.
26. Install and tighten the Grade 9 ring gear bolts alternately and evenly.
^ Tighten to 176 Nm (130 ft. lbs.)
27. Install the outboard spacers in the side from which they were removed.
28. NOTE: Remove all nicks, burrs and dirt from the differential case hubs, to allow the bearings to rotate freely.
Place the special tool on the differential case hubs and position the assembly into the differential housing.
^ For semi-float axles, use tool 205-D047.
29. NOTE: Use a dial indicator with a minimum travel capability of 5.08 mm (0.200 inch).
NOTE: The rear axle uses a combination of differential bearing shims and selective outboard spacers to control differential case end play. The old outboard spacers provide a good starting point when setting end play. However, if additional shimming is necessary, beyond what the hardened differential bearing shims can provide, select and install different thickness outboard spacers.
Mount the special tools as shown. Locate the tip of special tool 308-021 on a flat surface on one of the bolts.
30. NOTE: Repeat this step and the next step until the same reading appears on the indicator each time. Record the reading. This is the total differential bearing shim thickness required, less preload. The final calculation occurs later during assembly.
Force the differential case as far as possible toward the indicator. With force still applied, set the indicator at 0.
31. Force the differential case as far as it will go in the opposite direction. Record the total differential case end play reading.
32. After making sure the reading is correct, remove the special tools and the differential from the differential housing. Do not remove the master bearings from the differential case at this time.
33. CAUTION: If any of the gauge surfaces have nicks in them, remove the high spots with a medium India oilstone to prevent erroneous readings.
NOTE: Apply only a light oil film on the pinion bearings before assembling the tools.
Assemble and position these in the differential housing.
1 Position the special tool.
2 Position the special tool.
3 Position the inner pinion bearing.
4 Position the special tool.
5 Position the special tool.
6 Position the outer pinion bearing.
7 Thread on the special tool.
34. NOTE: This step simulates pinion bearing preload.
Using a Nm (inch lbs.) torque wrench, tighten the special tool to specification.
35. Install the special tool.
1 Position the special tool.
^ For semi-float axles, use tool 205-D033.
2 Install the bearing caps.
3 Install the bolts.
^ Tighten to 108 Nm (80 ft. lbs.)
36. NOTE: Use a feeler gauge or flat, clean drive pinion position shims as a measuring devise.
NOTE: Do not attempt to force the gauge or shim between the special tools. A slight drag indicates a correct selection.
Using a feeler gauge or flat, clean drive pinion position shims, measure between the special tools. Record the measurement. Refer to Pinion Ring Gear Variation Number for shim selection information.
^ Remove the special tools after making the correct shim selection.