Compressor HVAC: Service and Repair
CAUTION: If installing a new A/C compressor due to an internal failure of the old unit, carry out the following procedures to remove contamination from the A/C system.
- If A/C flushing equipment is available, carry out flushing of the air conditioning system prior to installing a new air conditioning compressor.
- If A/C flushing equipment is not available, carry out filtering of the air conditioning system after a new air conditioning compressor has been installed.
- Install a new evaporator core orifice.
- Install a new suction accumulator.
- Installation of a new suction accumulator is not required when repairing the A/C system, except when there is physical evidence of contamination from a failed A/C compressor or damage to the suction accumulator.
- If installing a new A/C compressor, the A/C clutch disc and hub, A/C compressor pulley and A/C clutch field coil must be inspected and transferred from the old unit to the new unit if suitable for reuse.
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
2. If flushing of the refrigerant system has not been carried out, recover the refrigerant.
3. Remove the drive belt form the A/C compressor pulley.
4. Remove the wire harness stud.
- To install, tighten to 47 Nm (35 lb-ft).
5. NOTE: The upper and lower rear A/C compressor bolts must be removed with the A/C compressor.
Remove the 3 A/C compressor bolts.
- To install, tighten to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
6. Disconnect the clutch field coil electrical connector.
7. Remove the RH front wheel and tire assembly.
8. Loosen the compressor manifold bolt and detach the compressor manifold and tube assembly.
- Discard the O-ring seals.
- To install, tighten to 21 Nm (15 lb-ft).
9. NOTE: The A/C compressor must be removed from the bottom.
Remove the A/C compressor.
10. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- Install new O-ring seals.
- If a new A/C compressor is to be installed, the clutch assembly must be transferred from the old unit to the new unit.
- If not filtering the A/C system, lubricate the refrigerant system with the correct amount of clean PAG oil.
11. If not filtering the A/C system, evacuate, leak test, and charge the refrigerant system.