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Acronyms and Definitions


NOTE: This acronyms and definitions listing contains technical terms applicable to Ford Motor Company products. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive dictionary of components and their functions. If a detailed description of a particular system or component is desired, refer to Computers and Control Systems or refer to the applicable Vehicle System for the specific vehicle being repaired.

2V: Two valves per engine cylinder

3V: Three valves per engine cylinder

4V: Four valves per engine cylinder

4WD: Four Wheel Drive

ABS: Anti-lock Brake System

A/C: Air Conditioning

A/CC: Air Conditioning Clutch

A/CCR: Air Conditioning Clutch Control Relay

ACCS: Air Conditioning Cycling Switch

ACDS: Air Conditioning Diagnostic Switch (refrigerant containment switch)

ACET: Air Conditioning Evaporator Temperature

ACP: Air Conditioning Pressure

ACPSW: Air Conditioning Pressure Switch

A/D: Analog-to-Digital. Analog-to-Digital signal conversion.

AIR: Secondary Air Injection

APP: Accelerator Pedal Position

BARO: Barometric Pressure

BJB: Battery Junction Box

BPP: Brake Pedal Position

BPS: Brake Pedal Switch

BTDC: Before Top Dead Center. The location of the piston before it has reached the top of its stroke. Measured in degrees of crankshaft rotation.

CAC: Charge Air Cooler. A device which lowers the temperature of pressurized intake air.

CAN: Controller Area Network

CCM: Comprehensive Component Monitor

CF: Cooling Fan

CHT: Cylinder Head Temperature

CKP: Crankshaft Position

CL: Closed Loop. An operating condition or mode which enables operation based on sensor feedback.

CMCV: Charge Motion Control Valve

CMP: Camshaft Position

CO: Carbon Monoxide. A colorless, odorless, and toxic gas that is a component of auto exhaust emissions.

CO2: Carbon Dioxide. A colorless, odorless gas that is a normal by-product of the combustion of fuel.

COP: Coil On Plug. Ignition coil on plug assembly.

CPP: Clutch Pedal Position

CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

CPU: Central Processing Unit

CTO: Clean Tach Output. Signal used to drive the instrument panel tachometer.

CV: Canister Vent Solenoid. A Solenoid which seals the evaporative emission (EVAP) system from the atmosphere during the EVAP monitor test.

CVT: Continuously Variable Transmission

DBA: Driver Brake Application

DC: 1. Direct Current. Electric current flowing in one direction. 2. Duty cycle. The voltage measurement of ON time versus the full cycle period, expressed in percent.

DEPS: Dual Equal Phase Shifting

DIPS: Dual Independent Phase Shifting

DLC: Data Link Connector. SAE standard J1962 connector providing access to vehicle diagnostic information.

DMM: Digital Multimeter

DRI: Deposit Resistant Injector

DTM: Diagnostic Test Mode. A level of capability in an OBD system.

DTC: Diagnostic Trouble Code. An alpha/numeric identifier for a concern identified by the OBD system.

E10: Fuel containing 10% ethanol

E85: Fuel containing 85% ethanol

EATC: Electronic Automatic Temperature Control

ECM: Electronic Control Module

ECT: Engine Coolant Temperature

EEC: Electronic Engine Control

EEGR: Electric Exhaust Gas Recirculation System

EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. An electronic component in the PCM that allows the electronic storage of information.

EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation. A process in which a small amount of exhaust gas is routed into the combustion chamber.

EI: Electronic Ignition. An electronic ignition system that has the ignition control module integrated into the PCM.

EMD: Engine Manufacturers Diagnostics

EMI: Electromagnetic Interference. Usually caused by ignition voltage spikes, solenoids, relay operation, or noisy generator contacts.

EONV: Engine Off Natural Vacuum

EOT: Engine Oil Temperature

EPS: Exhaust Phase Shifting

E-Quizzer: Enhanced Quizzer

ERFS: Electronic Returnless Fuel System

ESM: EGR System Module

ESOF: Electronic Shift-on-the-Fly

ETB: Electronic Throttle Body

ETBTACM: Electronic Throttle Body Throttle Actuator Control Motor

ETBTPS: Electronic Throttle Body Throttle Position Sensor

ETC: Electronic Throttle Control

ETCREF: Electronic Throttle Control Reference Voltage. 5V for ETC (APP VREF, TP VREF).

ETCRTN: Electronic Throttle Control Return

EVAPCP: Evaporative Canister Purge Valve. A valve which controls the venting of fuel vapor from the evaporative emissions canister into the intake manifold for combustion.

FAOS: Fore-Aft Oxygen Sensor

FC: Fan Control

FCIL: Fuel Cap Indicator Lamp. Indicates that the fuel filler cap is not correctly installed.

FEPS: Flash EEPROM Programming Signal. An 18-volt DC signal input from the scan tool used by the PCM to initiate programming.

FFV: Flexible Fuel Vehicle

FLI: Fuel Level Input. Provides information on the amount of liquid fuel in the fuel tank. Used by the EVAP monitor to calculate the fuel tank vapor volume. Displayed as a percentage.

FMEM: Failure Mode Effects Management. Operating strategy that maintains limited vehicle function in the event of a PCM or EEC component failure.

FP: 1. Fuel Pump. Indicates whether the pump has been commanded ON or OFF by the PCM. 2. Fuel Pump (Modulated). Fuel pump duty cycle percentage.

FPC: Fuel Pump Control

FPDM: Fuel Pump Driver Module. A module that controls the electric fuel pump.

FPM: Fuel Pump Monitor

FRP: Fuel Rail Pressure

FRPT: Fuel Rail Pressure Temperature

FSS: Fan Speed Sensor

FTP: Fuel Tank Pressure

FWD: Front Wheel Drive

GND: Ground

GPM: 1. Grams per Mile. 2. Gallons per Minute.

H: Hydrogen

HC: 1. Hydrocarbon. A by-product of combustion and a component of auto exhaust emissions. 2. High Compression.

HDR: High Data Rate

HFC: High Fan Control

HLOS: Hardware Limited Operating Strategy. A mode of operation where the PCM uses fixed values in response to internal PCM concerns in place of output commands.

HO2S: Heated Oxygen Sensor. Provides information on rich or lean exhaust conditions to the PCM.

Hz: Hertz. Cycles per second.

IAC: Idle Air Control. Electrical control of throttle bypass air.

IAT: Intake Air Temperature

IAT2: Intake Air Temperature 2. Used on supercharged vehicles.

IC: Integrated Circuit. A small semi-conductor device capable of many separate circuit functions.

IDM: Ignition Diagnostic Monitor

IFS: Inertia Fuel Shut-Off

I/M: Inspection/Maintenance

IMRC: Intake Manifold Runner Control. Controls or modifies airflow in the intake air system.

IMRCM: Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor. Monitors the IMRC circuits for concerns.

IMTV: Intake Manifold Tuning Valve. Controls airflow through runners in a split intake manifold.

INJ: Injector

IPC: Independent Plausibility Checker

IPS: Intake Phase Shifting

ISO: International Standards Organization

KAM: Keep Alive Memory. A portion of the memory within the PCM that must have power even when the vehicle is not operating.

KAPWR: Keep Alive Power. A dedicated and unswitched power circuit that maintains KAM.

KOEO Self-Test: Key On Engine Off self-test. A test of the EEC system conducted by the PCM with power applied and the engine at rest.

KOER Self-Test: Key On Engine Running self-test. A test of the EEC system conducted by the PCM with the engine running and the vehicle at rest.

Km/h: Kilometers per Hour

kPa: Kilopascal. Unit of pressure. 3.386 kPa equals 1 (in-Hg).

KS: Knock Sensor

L: Liters. The unit of volume in the metric measuring system. One liter equals 1.06 quarts.

LCM: Lighting Control Module

LDR: Low Data Rate

LFC: Low Fan Control

LONGFT: Long-Term Fuel Trim. Fuel flow adjustment determined by the PCM.

LOS: Limited Operating Strategy

LSRC: Long Short Runner Control

MAF: Mass Air Flow

MAP: Manifold Absolute Pressure. The internal pressure of the intake manifold.

MFC: Medium Fan Control

MFF: Misfire Freeze Frame

MIL: Malfunction Indicator Lamp. An indicator lamp alerting the driver of an emission related concern.

MRFS: Mechanical Returnless Fuel System

MSOF: Manual Shift-on-the-Fly

N: Nitrogen

NMOG: Non-Methane Organic Gases

NOx: Oxides of Nitrogen. Gasses formed at high combustion temperatures.

OASIS: On-line Automotive Service Information System

OHC: Overhead Cam. An engine configuration that uses a single camshaft positioned above the valves.

OL: Open Loop. An operating condition based on instructions not modified by PCM feedback.

OSC: Output State Control

OSR: On-Board System Readiness

OTM: Output Test Mode

PATS: Passive Anti-Theft System

PCM: Powertrain Control Module. Formerly known as the electronic engine control (EEC) processor.

PCM-VSO: Powertrain Control Module - Vehicle Speed Output

PCV: Positive Crankcase Ventilation. A system which allows the controlled flow of crankcase vapors into the combustion chamber.

PCVTE: Positive Crankcase Ventilation Thermal Extension

Pd: Palladium

PDJB: Power Distribution Junction Box

PID: Parameter Identifier. Identifies an address in the PCM memory which contains operating information.

PIP: Profile Ignition Pickup. Provides crankshaft position information for ignition synchronization.

PPM: Parts per Million. A measure used in emission analysis.

PS: Pressure Switch

PSP: Power Steering Pressure. Indicates the pressure in the power steering system.

PSPT: Power Steering Pressure Transducer

Pt: Platinum

PTO: Power Take-Off

PTS: Professional Technician Society

PWM: Pulse Width Modulation. Controls the intensity of an output by varying the signal duty cycle.

PWR GND: Power Ground. The main ground circuit in the EEC system.

RAM: Random Access Memory. Memory into which information can be written as well as read.

RFI: Radio Frequency Interference

Rh: Rhodium

ROM: Read-Only Memory. Computer memory that can be accessed and used, but not altered.

RPM: Revolutions Per Minute

RWD: Rear Wheel Drive

SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers

SCB: Supercharger Bypass

SF1: Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection. A multiport fuel delivery system in which each injector is individually energized and timed relative to its cylinder intake event.

SHRTFT: Short-Term Fuel Trim. Fuel flow adjustment in response to the HO2S sensor(s) input during closed-loop operation.

SIG RTN: Signal Return. A dedicated sensor ground circuit that is common to 2 or more sensors.

SJB: Smart Junction Box

SMR: Starter Motor Request

TAC: Throttle Actuator Control

TACM: Throttle Actuator Control Motor

TCM: Transmission Control Module

TCSS: Transfer Case Speed Sensor

TDC: Top Dead Center

TP: Throttle Position

TPPC: Throttle Plate Position Controller

TSB: Technical Service Bulletin. Notifies technician of any known vehicle concerns, procedures, or general repair information.

TWC: Three-Way Catalytic

VBPWR: Vehicle Buffered Power. A PCM-supplied power source that supplies regulated voltage.

VCM: Vehicle Communication Module

VCT: Variable Camshaft Timing

VECI: Vehicle Emission Control Information

VID: Vehicle Identification

VIN: Vehicle Identification Number. A unique identification number given to every vehicle produced. Includes information about the year, model, engine, and plant origin of the vehicle.

VMV: Vapor Management Valve. Also known as EVAPCP. Refer to EVAPCP.

VPWR: Vehicle Power. A switched circuit that provides power to the EEC system. Compare to battery voltage (B+).

VR: Variable Reluctance

VREF: Reference Voltage. A dedicated circuit that provides an approximately 5.0 volt signal used as a reference by certain sensors.

WAC: Wide Open Throttle Air Conditioning Cutoff

WDS: Worldwide Diagnostic System

WOT: Wide Open Throttle. A condition of maximum airflow through the throttle body.


NOTE: The automatic transmission naming convention is as follows:

- The first character, a number, is the number of forward gears.
- The second character, either the letter F or R, represents front (transaxle) or rear (transmission) wheel drive.
- The next set of characters, a grouping of numbers, represents the design torque capacity of the transmission/transaxle.
- The last character, if used, is one of the following:
- E for electronic shift
- N for non-synchronous shift
- S for synchronous shift
- W for wide ratio

As an example, for the 4F27E transaxle, the number of forward gears is 4, the character F indicates front transaxle, 27 represents 270 ft-lbs of torque capacity and the character E represents an electronic shift.

- A/T: Automatic Transmission
- CCS: Coast Clutch Solenoid
- EPC: Electronic Pressure Control
- ESS: Electronic Shift Scheduling
- ISS: Intermediate/Input Shaft Speed Sensor
- M/T: Manual Transmission/Transaxle
- OCS: Overdrive Cancel Switch
- OSS: Output Shaft Speed. Indicates the rotational speed of the transmission output shaft.
- PNP: Park/Neutral Position switch.
- REVERSE or REV: Transmission Reverse Switch Input
- SSA/SSB/SSC/SSD/SSE: Shift solenoids. Devices in an automatic transmission that control the shifting by varying fluid flow when commanded by the PCM.
- SS1/SS2/SS3: Shift solenoids. Devices in an automatic transmission that control the shifting by varying fluid flow when commanded by the PCM.
- TCC/TCCH: Torque Converter Clutch. When energized, causes a mechanical engagement and disengagement of the torque converter clutch.
- TCIL: Transmission Control Indicator Lamp. Indicates that the TCS has been activated.
- TCS: Transmission Control Switch. Modifies the operation of electronically controlled transmissions.
- TFT: Transmission Fluid Temperature. Indicates the temperature of transmission fluid.
- TR: Transmission Range. The range in which the transmission is operating.
- TSS: Turbine Shaft Speed. Indicates the rotational speed of the transmission turbine shaft.
- VSS: Vehicle Speed Sensor. A magnetic pickup device that generates an AC signal that is proportional to the vehicle speed.
- VSOUT: Vehicle Speed Output. A pulse width modulated vehicle speed signal.