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Powertrain Management: Description and Operation


NOTE: This acronyms and definitions listing contains technical terms applicable to Ford Motor Company products. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive dictionary of components and their functions. If a detailed description of a particular system or component is desired, refer to Computers and Control Systems or refer to the applicable Vehicle System for the specific vehicle being repaired.

4WD: Four Wheel Drive

ABS: Anti-lock Brake System

A/C: Air Conditioning

A/CC: Air Conditioning Clutch

A/D: Analog-to-Digital. Analog-to-Digital signal conversion.

API: American Petroleum Institute

APP: Accelerator Pedal Position

ATF: Automatic Transmission Fluid

BARO: Barometric Pressure. A variable capacitance sensor which, when supplied with a 5-volt reference signal from the PCM, produces a linear analog voltage signal indicating atmospheric pressure.

BJB: Battery Junction Box

BPA: Brake Pressure Applied

BPP: Brake Pedal Position

BTDC: Before Top Dead Center

CAC: Charge Air Cooler. A heat exchanger mounted in the charge air path between the turbocharger and engine intake manifold. The CAC reduces the charge air temperature by transfering heat from the charge air to a cooling medium (usually air).

CAN: Controller Area Network. This is a SAE J1939 high speed communication link. CAN 1 is a public communications network between the vehicle modules and the PCM. CAN 2 is a private communications network between the PCM and the fuel injector control module (FICM).

CARB: California Air Resources Board

CCM: Comprehensive Component Monitor

Cetane number: 1. The auto-ignition quality of diesel fuel. 2. A rating applied to diesel fuel similar to octane rating for gasoline. 3. A measure of how readily diesel fuel starts to burn (auto ignites) at high compression temperature. Diesel fuel with a high cetane number auto-ignites shortly after injection into the combustion chamber. Therefore, it has a short ignition delay time. Diesel fuel with a low cetane number resists auto-ignition. Therefore, it has a longer ignition delay time.

CJB: Central Junction Box

CKP: Crankshaft Position

Closed loop operation: A system that uses a sensor to provide feedback to the PCM. The PCM uses the sensor to continuously monitor variables and adjust to match engine requirements.

CMP: Camshaft Position

CPP: Clutch Pedal Position

DEPM: Diesel Engine Power Monitor

DLC: Data Link Connector

DMM: Digital Multimeter

DTC: Diagnostic Trouble Code

ECM: Electronic Control Module

ECT: Engine Coolant Temperature

EEC: Electronic Engine Control

EEPROM: Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation. A process in which a small amount of exhaust gas is routed into the combustion chamber.

EOT: Engine Oil Temperature

EP: Exhaust Pressure

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

ESOF: Electronic Shift-On-The-Fly

FICM: Fuel Injector Control Module. An electronic microprocessor that monitors and controls injector performance.

FLI: Fuel Level Input

FMEM: Failure Mode Effects Management. Operating strategy that maintains limited vehicle function in the event of a PCM or EEC component failure.

FP: Fuel Pump

FPM: Fuel Pump Monitor

FSS: Fan Speed Sensor

GPCM: Glow Plug Control Module

GPIL: Glow Plug Indicator Lamp

GPM: Glow Plug Monitor

GVWR: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating

IAT: Intake Air Temperature

IC: Integrated Circuit. A small semi-conductor device capable of many separate circuit functions.

ICP: Injection Control Pressure. High lube oil pressure generated by a high pressure pump/pressure regulator used to hydraulically actuate the fuel injectors.

IFS: Inertia Fuel Shutoff

IM: Inspection Maintenance

IPR: Injection Pressure Regulator. A pulse width modulated (PWM) regulator valve, controlled by the PCM, that controls the injection control pressure.

ISO: International Standards Organization

KAM: Keep Alive Memory. A portion of the memory within the PCM that must have power even when the vehicle is not operating.

KAPWR: Keep Alive Power. A dedicated and unswitched power circuit that maintains the KAM.

km/h: Kilometers per hour

KOEO: Key On Engine Off

KOER: Key On Engine Running

kPa: Kilopascal

L: Liter

LB-ft: Pounds of force per foot

MAF: Mass Air Flow. Intake air mass flow before the turbocharger.

MAP: Manifold Absolute Pressure. Intake air manifold pressure (boost pressure).

MFDES: Mass Fuel Desired

MIL: Malfunction Indicator Lamp

mm: Millimeter

MPH: Miles per hour

MSOF: Manual Shift-On-The-Fly

OASIS: On-line Automotive Service Information System

OBD: On Board Diagnostics. A system that monitors the PCM input and output control signals.

OD: Overdrive

Open Loop Operation: An operating condition based on instructions not modified by PCM feedback.

OSC: Output State Control

OSR: On-Board System Readiness

OSS: Output Shaft Speed

PATS: Passive Anti-Theft System

PBA: Parking Brake Applied

PCM: Powertrain Control Module. An electronic microprocessor that monitors and controls engine performance, exhaust emissions, and vehicle system performance (speed control, transmission control, and starter engagement). The PCM provides diagnostic information for engine and vehicle systems and can be programmed at different levels for engine protection, warning and shutdown.

PID: Parameter Identification

PTO: Power Take Off. An accessory output, usually from the transmission, used to operate a hydraulic pump for a special auxiliary feature (such as garbage packing or lift equipment).

PTS: Professional Technician Society

PWM: Pulse Width Modulation. The time that an actuator, such as an injector, remains energized.

RAM: Random Access Memory. Computer memory that stores information. Information can be written to and read from RAM. Input information (such as current engine speed or temperature) can be stored in RAM to be compared to values stored in the read only memory (ROM). All memory in RAM is lost when the key is turned to the off position.

ROM: Read Only Memory. Computer memory that stores permanent information for calibration tables and operating strategies. Permanently stored information in ROM cannot be changed or lost by turning the engine off or when PCM power is interrupted.

RPM: Revolutions Per Minute

SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers

SIG RTN: Signal Return. The common ground wire to the PCM for the sensors.

TCM: Transmission Control Module

TCS: Transmission Control Switch

TDC: Top Dead Center. The uppermost position of the piston during the stroke.

TFT: Transmission Fluid Temperature

TSB: Technical Service Bulletin. Notifies technician of any known vehicle concerns, procedures, or general repair information.

VBAT: Battery Voltage

VDF: Visctronic Drive Fan

VECI: Vehicle Emission Control Information

VGT: Variable Geometry Turbo

VIN: Vehicle Identification Number

VREF: Reference Voltage. A 5-volt reference voltage supplied by the PCM to operate various engine sensors.

VSS: Vehicle Speed Sensor. A magnetic pickup device that generates an AC signal that is proportional to the vehicle speed.

WIF: Water In Fuel

WOT: Wide Open Throttle. A condition of maximum airflow through the throttle body.

VCM: Vehicle Communication Module

VID: Vehicle Identification

VSF: Variable Speed Fan