Brake Light Switch: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect the stoplamp switch electrical connector.
2. NOTE: The stoplamp switch will be difficult to remove if the switch plunger is not depressed. A slight rearward force should be adequate to depress the plunger.
With a light force (approximately 1-4 N [1-3 lb]), pull rearward on the brake pedal, rotate the stoplamp switch 45 degrees clockwise and remove the stoplamp switch.
CAUTION: It is very important to not press, pull or touch the brake pedal assembly during the installation of the stoplamp switch. Failure to follow these instructions may damage the stoplamp switch.
1. Without movement to the brake pedal assembly, install the stoplamp switch and rotate 45 degrees counterclockwise.
2. Connect the stoplamp switch electrical connector.