Torque Specifications
Connecting rod bearing cap boltsCAUTION: The connecting rods are powdered metal cracked rods and care should be taken to make sure that the connecting rod caps are oriented correctly with the connecting rods or engine damage can occur.
Position the connecting rod cap and tighten the bolts in 2 stages.
^ Stage 1: Tighten to 45 Nm (33 ft. lbs.).
^ Stage 2: Tighten to 68 Nm (50 ft. lbs.).
Lower crankcase main bearing cap bolts
Lower crankcase outer bolts (M8 x 30) 31 Nm (23 ft. lbs.)
Main Bearing Cap bolts
CAUTION: To prevent engine damage, make sure that the longer main cap bolts (M14 x 2 x 127) are installed inboard and the shorter bolts (M14 x 2 x 114) are installed outboard.
Position the lower crankcase and install all 20 lower crankcase main bearing mounting bolts. Tighten the mounting bolts in 3 stages in the sequence shown.
^ Stage 1: Tighten to 122 Nm (90 ft. lbs.).
^ Stage 2: Tighten to 163 Nm (120 ft. lbs.).
^ Stage 3: Tighten to 231 Nm (170 ft. lbs.).
Piston cooling jet mounting bolt c 13 Nm (10 ft. lbs.)
Crankshaft Pulley
Position the crankshaft pulley and install 4 new bolts in 2 stages, in the sequence shown.
^ Stage 1: Tighten to 68 Nm (50 ft. lbs.).
^ Stage 2: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
Crankshaft pulley bolts (dual generators) 47 Nm (35 ft. lbs.)
c Apply Threadlock 262 to bolt threads prior to assembly.
c Apply clean engine oil to the O-ring seal before installing.