Fuel Pressure
Item SpecificationFuel Pressure
Engine running - 4.6L, 5.4L 193-310 kPa (28-45 psi)
Key ON, engine OFF (KOEO) - 4.6L, 5.4L 240-310 kPa (35-45 psi)
Key ON, engine running KOER) - 6.8L 379-448 kPa(a) (55-65 psi)
KOEO - 6.8L 276-345 kPa(a) (40-50 psi)
KOEO - 6.0L diesel 0-379 kPa (0-55 psi)
KOER - 6.0L diesel 310-379 kPa (45-55 psi)
(a) Measured by the fuel rail pressure (FRP) PID using the vehicle communication module (VCM) and integrated diagnostic system (IDS) with appropriate hardware, or equivalent scan tool. Mechanical gauge fuel pressure readings may vary from scan tool readings.