NOTE: Clean all disassembled parts in a suitable solvent and blow dry with compressed air.
NOTE: Visually inspect all disassembled parts for any damage, deformation or abnormal wear. Install new components as necessary.
NOTE: Verify the normal assembled condition before disassembly.
1. Clean the transaxle exterior with solvent before disassembly.
2. Clean out all holes and passages with compressed air and verify that there are no obstructions.
3. Remove the fill plug, the drain plug, the fill level inspection plug and the washers.
4. Remove the reverse switch.
5. Remove the shift check bolt.
6. Remove the stopper bolt.
7. Remove the 4 shift assembly bolts.
8. Remove the shift assembly and the shift assembly O-ring seal.
9. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift rod check plug, the 3rd/4th gear shift rod check plug and the 5th/reverse gear shift rod check plug.
10. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift rod spring (white), the 3rd/4th gear shift rod spring (blue) and the 5th/reverse gear shift rod spring (yellow).
11. Remove the 5th/reverse gear shift check sleeve.
12. Remove the 3 check balls.
13. Remove the 20 transaxle case-to-clutch housing bolts.
14. Remove the bore plug.
15. NOTE: The mainshaft will make noise as it drops when the snap ring releases from the mainshaft.
Separate the transaxle case from the clutch housing.
- Pry open the mainshaft snap ring.
- Separate the transaxle case from the clutch housing.
16. Remove the baffle plate.
17. Remove the oil gutter.
18. Remove the mainshaft adjustment shim and the mainshaft snap ring.
19. Remove the input shaft adjustment shim and the reverse idler shaft adjustment shim.
20. NOTICE: Do not exceed 120°C (248°F) or damage to the transaxle case may occur.
NOTE: If there is difficulty in removing the differential side bearing outer race, use the Slide Hammer with the Bearing Cup Remover.
Heat the transaxle case to 100°C (212°F) and remove the differential side bearing outer race.
21. Remove the differential side bearing adjustment shim.
22. Remove the LH halfshaft oil seal.
23. Remove the magnet.
24. Shift the transaxle to 5th gear and remove the 2 reverse lever bracket bolts.
25. Remove the reverse lever bracket.
26. Remove the shifter cap.
27. Remove the reverse gear shift fork rod.
28. Remove the reverse gear shift fork.
29. Shift the transaxle into 3rd gear and remove the 5th gear shift fork roll pin.
30. Remove the 2 circlips.
31. NOTE: The 1-2 and 3-4 shift rods must be in the neutral position before removing the 5th gear shift fork.
Remove the 5th gear shift fork.
32. Remove the 5th/reverse gear shift rod.
33. Remove the 5th/reverse gear bracket.
34. Remove the 2 steel balls and the interlock pin.
35. Remove the 3rd/4th gear shift rod roll pin.
36. Remove the 3rd/4th gear shift finger roll pin.
37. Remove the 2 circlips.
38. Remove the 3rd/4th gear shift rod.
39. Remove the 3rd/4th gear shift fork and the 3rd/4th gear shift finger.
40. Remove the 1st/2nd gear check sleeve (pin).
41. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift finger roll pin.
42. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift finger.
43. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift fork roll pin.
44. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift rod.
45. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift fork.
46. NOTICE: Make sure to remove the mainshaft straight out. Failure to remove the mainshaft correctly may result in damage to the funnel on the clutch housing.
Remove the reverse gear idler shaft assembly, mainshaft assembly and input shaft assembly as a set.
47. Remove the differential assembly.
48. Remove the mainshaft bearing retainer bolt and the mainshaft bearing retainer.
49. Remove the mainshaft bearing.
50. Remove the funnel.
51. Remove the RH intermediate shaft oil seal.
52. NOTICE: Do not exceed 120°C (248°F) or damage to the clutch housing may occur.
NOTE: If there is difficulty in removing the differential side bearing outer race, use the Slide Hammer with the Bearing Cup Remover.
Heat the clutch housing to 100°C (212°F) and remove the differential side bearing outer race.
53. Remove the input shaft oil seal.