Windshield Glass
Windshield Glass
1. Remove the RH and LH side A-pillar trim panels.
2. Remove the sun visors and retainers and, if equipped, the overhead console. For additional information, refer to Instrument Cluster / Carrier &/or Interior Moulding / Trim.
3. If equipped, remove the roof opening panel trim.
4. Remove the interior mirror. For additional information, refer to Mirrors.
5. Lower the front portion of the headliner.
6. Remove the cowl panel grille.
7. NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
If equipped, disconnect the heated windshield electrical connectors.
- Disconnect the connector.
- Remove the connector from the retainer.
- Remove the connector from the stud.
8. NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
Lower the setting blocks.
- Use a flat screwdriver to release the setting block and lower.
9. Before cutting the urethane adhesive, remove dirt and other foreign material from the windshield pinch weld area.
- Use a clean shop towel or oil-free compressed air.
10. WARNING: Always wear eye protection when servicing a vehicle. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.
WARNING: Wear protective gloves when handling components or parts that have pointed or sharp edges. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.
NOTICE: To avoid rust formation, use extreme care not to scratch the paint or primer or otherwise damage the pinch weld during glass removal.
NOTE: Insert the blade into the Deluxe Windshield Removal Tool so that the flat side is against the glass. This will leave the entire urethane adhesive bead on the pinch weld and allow a dry fit of the replacement windshield glass.
NOTE: Lubricate the urethane adhesive with water to aid the Deluxe Windshield Removal Tool when cutting the urethane adhesive.
NOTE: Support the windshield glass to prevent the glass from dropping while cutting the urethane adhesive.
Using the Deluxe Windshield Removal Tool, cut the urethane adhesive from the windshield glass starting at the upper center of the windshield glass and working toward the bottom corners.
11. Using The Pumper, distance the windshield from the body.
12. Using the Deluxe Windshield Removal Tool, cut the remaining urethane adhesive.
13. NOTE: Removing the windshield glass requires more than one technician.
NOTE: If reinstalling the windshield glass, tape the windshield at the windshield stops to aid in alignment of the glass during installation.
Carefully remove the windshield glass from the vehicle and place on a stable work surface.
1. NOTE: Raise the setting block until flush with top. Lock the blocks into place after windshield is installed.
Raise the setting blocks.
2. Dry-fit the new windshield glass on the existing urethane adhesive bead on the pinch weld.
- Position the windshield glass on the pinch weld.
- Center the windshield glass in the opening.
- Make alignment marks with tape or non-staining grease pencil (preferably at the windshield glass setting blocks) on the windshield glass and the body.
3. After the dry-fit alignment, remove the glass assembly from the windshield opening and place on a stable work surface with the interior side of the glass facing upward.
4. WARNING: Repair any corrosion found on the pinch weld. The pinch weld is a structural component of the vehicle. Corrosion left unrepaired may reduce the structural integrity of the vehicle. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious injury to vehicle occupant(s).
NOTE: Avoid scratching the pinch weld. Repair all minor scratches or exposed metal on the pinch weld following manufacturer's instructions. Use the same brand pinchweld primer, glass primer and urethane adhesive.
Using an appropriate tool, trim the urethane adhesive leaving a 1 mm to 2 mm (0.04 in to 0.08 in) base of original equipment urethane adhesive on the pinch weld.
5. Using a clean shop towel, brush or oil-free compressed air, clean the pinch weld area around the existing urethane adhesive. Remove any foreign material or water that may have entered during windshield removal.
6. If installing the original windshield glass, remove the excess urethane adhesive from the glass leaving a thin layer to bond with the new urethane adhesive bead.
7. NOTE: Inspect the flat foil connectors at the bottom of the new windshield for damage prior to installation. Do not install a windshield with damaged flat foil connectors.
Clean the inside of the new windshield glass with glass cleaner.
- Make sure to thoroughly clean the surface of the blackened border area where the urethane adhesive will be applied.
8. NOTE: Be sure to use the same brand and cure-rate products for the urethane adhesive and glass primer. Do not mix different brands of urethane adhesive and glass primer. Refer to the Material Chart in this procedure.
If installing a new windshield glass, apply glass primer according to manufacturer's instructions. Allow at least 6 minutes to dry.
9. Cut the urethane adhesive applicator tip to specification.
10. NOTE: Use either a high-ratio, electric or battery-operated caulk gun that will apply the urethane adhesive with less effort and continuous bead.
NOTE: The windshield glass must be positioned within 10 minutes of applying the urethane adhesive.
Apply a uniform bead of urethane adhesive on top of the existing trimmed urethane adhesive bead on the pinch weld, starting and ending at the bottom of the windshield near the center, making sure there are no gaps in the bead.
11. WARNING: Do not drive vehicle until the urethane adhesive seal has cured. Follow urethane adhesive manufacturer's curing directions. Inadequate or incorrect curing of the urethane adhesive seal will adversely affect glass retention. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury to vehicle occupant(s).
NOTICE: Before positioning the windshield glass, open vehicle windows to prevent the air pressure of closing doors from affecting the urethane adhesive bond.
Using the alignment marks made previously, position the windshield glass on the pinch weld.
12. NOTE: The urethane adhesive must cure for a minimum of one hour before testing for air and water leaks.
After the urethane adhesive has cured, check for water leaks and add urethane adhesive where needed.
13. NOTE: Follow the same routing for the electrical connector that was used during removal.
If equipped, connect the heated windshield electrical connectors.
14. Install the cowl panel grille.
15. Raise the front portion of the headliner.
16. Install the interior mirror. For additional information, refer to Mirrors.
17. Install the sun visors, retainers and, if equipped, the overhead console. For additional information, refer to Instrument Cluster / Carrier &/or Interior Moulding / Trim.
18. If equipped, install the roof opening panel trim.
19. Install the RH and LH side A-pillar trim panels.
20. Clean the exterior and interior of the windshield glass with glass cleaner.