Brake Caliper Guide Pins
Brake System Inspection
Brake Caliper Guide Pins
1. The guide pins should slide with a reasonable amount of hand force. If the brake pads show taper wear or the guide pins are difficult to move, carry out the following steps.
- Disassemble the brake caliper guide pins and inspect the guide pins and guide pin bores for wear, damage and corrosion. If the bore is worn or damaged, replace the damaged component.
- Use a wire brush, rolled-up sandpaper or emery cloth to remove all corrosion and foreign material from the caliper guide pin bores. Clean any remaining foreign material from the bores with brake parts cleaner and compressed air.
- Assemble the caliper seals, boots and guide pins. Use an ample amount of the specified grease to lubricate the bores and guide pins.
- Inspect the brake pads. For additional information, refer to Brake Pads inspection. Brake Pads