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Powertrain Management: Application and ID


NOTE: This acronyms and definitions listing contains technical terms applicable to Ford Motor Company products. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive dictionary of components and their functions. If a detailed description of a particular system or component is desired, refer to the applicable section within Computers and Control Systems or refer to the diagnostic/repair information for the specific vehicle being repaired.

ABS: Anti-lock Brake System

A/C: Air Conditioning

APP: Accelerator Pedal Position

A/T: Automatic Transmission

BARD: Barometric Pressure

BPA: Brake Pressure Applied

BPP: Brake Pedal Position

CAC: Charge Air Cooler

CAN: Controller Area Network

CARB: California Air Resources Board

CCM: Comprehensive Component Monitor

CKP: Crankshaft Position

CMP: Camshaft Position

CPP: Clutch Pedal Position

DLC: Data Link Connector

DMM: Digital Multimeter

DTC: Diagnostic Trouble Code

ECT: Engine Coolant Temperature

EEC: Electronic Engine Control

EEPROM: Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation

EGRT: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature

EGT: Exhaust Gas Temperature

EMD: Engine Manufacturer Diagnostics

EMI: Electromagnetic Interference

EOT: Engine Oil Temperature

EP: Exhaust Pressure

ESOF: Electronic Shift-On-The-Fly

FLI: Fuel Level Input

FMEM: Failure Mode Effects Management

FP: Fuel Pump

FRP: Fuel Rail Pressure

FRT: Fuel Rail Temperature

FSS: Fan Speed Sensor

GPCM: Glow Plug Control Module

GVWR: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating

HLOS: Hardware Limited Operation Strategy

IAT: Intake Air Temperature

IDS: Integrated Diagnostic System

IFS: Inertia Fuel Shutoff

IM: Inspection Maintenance

ISO: International Standards Organization

KAM: Keep Alive Memory

KAPWR: Keep Alive Power

km/h: Kilometers per hour

KOEO: Key On Engine Off

KOER: Key On Engine Running

kPa: Kilopascal

L: Liter

lb-ft: Pounds of force per foot

MAF: Mass Air Flow

MAP: Manifold Absolute Pressure

MIL: Malfunction Indicator Lamp

MPH: Miles Per Hour

MSOF: Manual Shift-On-The-Fly

OASIS: On-line Automotive Service Information System

OBD: On Board Diagnostics

OC: Oxidation Catalytic Converter

OD: Overdrive

OSC: Output State Control

OSR: On-Board System Readiness

PATS: Passive Anti-Theft System

PBA: Parking Brake Applied

PCM: Powertrain Control Module

PID: Parameter Identification

PTO: Power Take Off

PTS: Professional Technician Society

PWM: Pulse Width Modulation

PWR GND: Power Ground

RAM: Random Access Memory

RFI: Radio Frequency Interference

ROM: Read Only Memory

RPM: Revolutions Per Minute

RTD: Resistance Temperature Detector

SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers

SIG RTN: Signal Return

TCM: Transmission Control Module

TSB: Technical Service Bulletin

VBPWR: Vehicle Buffered Power

VCM: Vehicle Communication Module

VECI: Vehicle Emission Control Information

VID: Vehicle Identification

VIN: Vehicle Identification Number

VPWR: Vehicle Power

VREF: Reference Voltage

VSS: Vehicle Speed Sensor

WIF: Water In Fuel

WOT: Wide Open Throttle