Part 2
Transfer Case - Mechanical Shift
Mechanical Shift Transfer Case
All vehicles
1. Install a new support O-ring seal.
2. NOTE: Prior to installation, coat the threads with thread sealant.
Using the Selector Shaft Nut Socket, install the sector shaft support.
- Tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
3. Install the sector assembly.
4. Install the spacer, the lever, the washer and the locknut.
5. NOTE: If installing a new poppet spring, it must be like in color to the original poppet spring.
Assemble the poppet screw, the spring and the poppet.
6. Install the poppet assembly.
- Tighten to 20 Nm (177 lb-in).
7. Install the rear input gear thrust washer.
8. Install the front input gear thrust washer.
9. NOTE: Install the lock plate with the stamped letter E facing outward.
Install the lock plate.
10. Place the input gear into the planetary carrier assembly.
11. Install a new lock plate retaining ring.
12. Using the Input Shaft Bearing Installer with the Handle and a suitable press, install a new front input bearing.
13. Install a new bearing retainer ring.
14. Position the planetary assembly into the front case.
15. Install a new retaining ring.
1. Install the Input Shaft Snap Ring Sleeve.
2. Install a new retaining ring.
- Remove the Input Shaft Snap Ring Sleeve.
16. Using the Input Shaft Oil Seal Installer and the Handle, install a new input seal.
17. Using the Output Shaft Front Bearing Installer with the Handle and a suitable press, install a new front output ball bearing.
18. Install a new front output ball bearing retaining ring.
19. Position the front output shaft in the front case.
20. Install a new retaining ring.
1. Install the Output Shaft Front Snap Ring Sleeve.
2. Install a new retaining ring.
- Remove the Output Shaft Front Snap Ring Sleeve.
21. Using the Output Shaft Oil Seal Installer with the Handle, install a new front output seal.
22. Using the Output Shaft Oil Slinger Installers, install a new slinger on the front flange, if removed.
23. Using the Drive Pinion Flange Holding Fixture to prevent the flange from turning, install the front flange and a new front output nut.
- Tighten to 223 Nm (164 lb-ft).
24. NOTE: Rotate the sector assembly to the 4-wheel high position for easy installation.
Position the range fork assembly and the range shift sleeve in the front case.
25. Position the drive sprocket hub on the mainshaft.
26. Install the mode hub.
27. NOTE: The thin side of the synchronizer or mode sleeve must face upward.
Assemble the mode fork, the shift rail and the mode sleeve.
28. Install the mode fork and the shift rail assembly in the front case.
- The shift rail must bottom in the case.
29. NOTICE: Install the mainshaft assembly so that the synchronizer strut bears against one of the mode sleeve teeth. If not installed correctly, the synchronizer will bind.
Install the mainshaft.
30. Install the clutch gear.
31. Install the drive sprocket, the driven sprocket and the drive chain as an assembly.
32. Install the mode spring.
33. Install a new drive sprocket retaining ring.
34. Install a new driven sprocket retaining ring.
35. Using the Output Shaft Rear Bearing Installer with the Handle and a suitable press, install a new ball bearing.
36. Install a new ball bearing retaining ring.
37. NOTE: The identification numbers on the bearing must face the Output Shaft Rear Bearing Installer and the Handle.
Using the Output Shaft Rear Bearing Installer with the Handle and a suitable press, install a new needle bearing.
38. Install the chip collector magnet.
39. Install the oil tube.
40. Clean both case mating surfaces with metal surface prep.
41. NOTE: The silicone bead must be no larger than 2 mm (0.08 in) in diameter.
Apply a bead of silicone gasket and sealant to the joint face of the case.
- The bead must be on the inside of the bolt holes, toward the inside of the case.
42. Position the rear case half onto the front case half.
43. NOTE: Use a crisscross pattern when tightening the bolts.
Install the 25 new case bolts.
- Tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
44. Install the new retaining ring.
1. Install the Output Shaft Rear Snap Ring Sleeve.
2. Install the new retaining ring.
- Remove the Output Shaft Rear Snap Ring Sleeve.
45. NOTE: Prior to assembly, verify that the O-ring is in the oil pump pickup inlet.
Slide the oil pump assembly onto the mainshaft and connect the oil tube.
46. NOTE: The identification numbers on the needle bearing must face the Transfer Case Needle Bearing Installer and the Handle.
Using the Transfer Case Needle Bearing Installer with the Handle and a suitable press, install a new needle bearing.
47. Clean the rear case and rear retainer mating surfaces with metal surface prep.
48. Apply a bead of silicone gasket and sealant to the rear retainer joint face.
49. Position the rear retainer on the rear case.
50. Install the 8 new rear retainer bolts.
- Tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
Vehicles equipped with a flange
51. Using the Output Shaft Oil Seal Installer with the Handle, install a new rear output seal.
52. Using the Output Shaft Oil Slinger Installers, install a new slinger on the rear flange, if removed.
53. Using the Drive Pinion Flange Holding Fixture to prevent the flange from turning, install the rear flange and a new output nut.
- Tighten to 251 Nm (186 lb-ft).
Vehicles equipped with a slip yoke
54. Using a suitable driver, install the rear output seal.
All vehicles
55. NOTICE: Do not use air tools or damage to the plugs or case may occur.
Install the drain and fill plugs.
- Tighten to 27 Nm (20 lb-ft).
56. Install the 3-position switch.
- Tighten to 27 Nm (20 lb-ft).
57. Tighten the shift lever nut to 20 Nm (177 lb-in).
58. Remove the transfer case from the Transmission Holding Fixture.