Dual rear wheel vehicles
1. Remove the front wheels and tires. For additional information, refer to Wheels and Tires.
2. Remove the hub extender nuts and the hub extender.
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3. Loosen the hublock screws 1 to 2 turns.
4. Use a small pry bar, carefully pry around the entire hub flange to release the gasket.
5. Remove and discard the hublock screws.
6. NOTE: Wiggle the axle shaft while sliding the hublock off of the splines to ease removal.
Use a small pry bar, carefully pry around the entire hub flange and remove the hublock from the wheel hub.
7. Remove the old gasket material completely and discard the O-ring.
8. Clean the O-ring seal contact area as necessary to provide a good seal.
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1. Install a new gasket and O-ring on the hublock.
2. Rotate the hublock dial clockwise to the LOCK position, then apply the specified grease to the inner and outer splines.
3. NOTE: Wiggle the axle shaft while sliding the hublock on the splines to ease installation.
Slowly rotate the wheel hub while installing the hublock into the hub.
- Push the hublock in firmly by hand to seat the O-ring seal completely.
4. Rotate the hublock dial counterclockwise to the AUTO position.
- Be sure that the axle shaft turns freely.
5. Tighten the new hublock screws to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).
Dual rear wheel vehicles
6. Install the front wheel hub extender and nuts.
- Tighten to 176 Nm (130 lb-ft).
7. Install the front wheels and tires. For additional information, refer to Wheels and Tires.