1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. For additional information, refer to Jacking and Lifting Service and Repair.
2. Disconnect the battery.
3. Remove the rear driveshaft. For additional information, refer to Driveshaft Removal and Replacement.
4. NOTE: If transmission disassembly is required, drain the transmission fluid.
Remove the transmission fluid drain plug and allow the transmission fluid to drain.
5. Install the transmission fluid drain plug.
- Tighten to 18 Nm (159 lb-in).
6. Install a suitable high-lift transmission jack.
7. While holding the case fitting, remove the transmission fluid cooler inlet tube.
8. While holding the case fitting, remove the transmission fluid cooler outlet tube.
9. If equipped, remove the transmission fluid cooler tubes from the bracket.
10. If equipped, remove the selector lever cable from the routing clip.
11. Remove the selector lever cable and selector lever cable bracket from the transmission.
1. Disconnect the selector lever cable from the manual control lever.
2. Disconnect the wire harness from the selector lever cable bracket.
3. Remove the selector lever cable bracket-to-case bolt and the selector lever cable bracket-to-case stud bolt and position the selector lever cable and bracket aside.
12. Remove the center heat shield screws.
13. Remove the center heat shield screw.
14. Remove the forward RH heat shield screw.
15. Remove the forward RH heat shield screws from the frame.
16. Loosen the bolt and disconnect the transmission vehicle harness connector.
17. Disconnect the Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor electrical connector.
18. Disconnect the Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) and intermediate shaft speed sensor electrical connector.
19. Disconnect and position the wire harness aside.
20. Disconnect the wire harness from the bracket.
21. Remove the cylinder block opening cover in order to gain access to the torque converter nuts.
22. Using a suitable tool, rotate the crankshaft pulley to gain access to the torque converter-to-flexplate nuts.
23. Remove and discard the torque converter-to-flexplate nuts.
24. Remove the starter motor. For additional information, refer to Starting System Service and Repair.
25. Remove the torque converter cover bolts and torque converter cover.
26. Remove the transmission support crossmember. For additional information, refer to Full Frame and Body Mounting Crossmember - Exploded View.
27. Remove the transmission insulator and retainer bolts and the transmission insulator and retainer.
28. Remove the 7 transmission-to-engine mounting bolts and position the bracket aside.
29. Slide the transmission back and install the Torque Converter Retainer.
30. Remove and discard the transmission fluid filler tube O-ring.
31. If the transmission is being overhauled or if installing a new or remanufactured transmission, carry out the Transmission Fluid Cooler Backflushing and Cleaning procedure. For additional information, refer to Transmission Fluid Cooler Backflushing and Cleaning TorqShift(R).