Engine: Service and Repair
NOTE: Ford does not provide camshaft gear timing marks, or information to perform timing belt service without the special tools shown in this procedure.
1. Disconnect battery cables and wiring from battery.
2. Remove pinch bolt and disconnect steering shaft and joint at cowl in vehicle.
3. Remove engine air intake resonators.
4. Disconnect engine control sensor wiring connector from Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor, then engine control sensor wiring from Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor.
5. Remove engine air cleaner to body O-ring retainer.
6. Remove air cleaner body and intake tube from bracket and tube and duct.
7. Recover air conditioning system.
8. Raise and support vehicle, then remove splash shield from front of subframe and body.
9. Remove three way catalytic converter as follows:
a. Remove outlet flange nuts, then muffler and exhaust converter outlet gasket from converter.
b. Remove EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube, bracket and clamp from converter.
c. Lower vehicle and remove heat shield and converter nuts from exhaust manifold.
d. Remove converter and exhaust converter inlet gasket from exhaust manifold.
e. Discard exhaust converter inlet gasket.
10. Drain cooling system.
11. Remove front wheel and tire assemblies.
12. Remove cotter pins and nuts, then separate lefthand and righthand stabilizer bar links from front stabilizer bar.
13. Remove lefthand and righthand tie rod end nuts, then separate ends from front wheel knuckles using tie rod end remover tool 3290-D, or equivalent.
14. Remove pinch bolts, then separate lefthand and righthand front suspension lower arms from front wheel knuckles at ball joint.
15. Remove lefthand and righthand front axle wheel hub retainer from halfshaft ends, then halfshafts from knuckles.
16. Remove A/C accumulator screws from front subframe.
17. Disconnect vehicle speed sensor wiring harness at connector, then disconnect speedometer drive cable from transaxle.
18. On models equipped with an automatic transaxle, proceed as follows:
a. Remove righthand splash shield from front fender apron to access crankshaft pulley.
b. Remove access plug from engine rear plate, then torque converter nuts.
c. Push torque converter into transaxle front pump support and gear.
19. Disconnect engine control sensor wiring from knock sensor and oil pressure sensor located on righthand side of cylinder block.
20. Lower vehicle, then secure radiator and engine cooling fan motor, fan blade and fan shroud assembly to radiator support with safety wire.
21. Disconnect accelerator cable and speed control actuator from throttle body and accelerator cable bracket, then engine control sensor wiring to fuel charging wiring at connector located near fuel pressure regulator.
22. Remove engine control sensor wiring screws from intake manifold.
23. Remove power steering pump auxiliary reservoir from bracket and position over engine assembly. Disconnect return hose from reservoir, then plug hose.
24. Disconnect power steering return hose from power steering pump.
25. Disconnect engine control sensor wiring from power steering pressure switch located on power steering pressure hose and from the alternator.
26. Remove ground strap from alternator mounting bracket, then disconnect vacuum supply hose from intake manifold at fitting on rear of intake manifold.
27. Disconnect coolant hoses from radiator coolant reservoir, then hoses from A/C compressor.
28. Disconnect fuel and supply lines from fuel injection supply manifold, then vacuum supply hose from EGR valve.
29. Disconnect EGR pressure sensor vacuum hoses at exhaust manifold tube.
30. On models equipped with automatic transaxle, proceed as follows:
a. Pry shift cable from stud, then remove two bolts and shift cable and bracket from transaxle.
b. Disconnect engine control sensor wiring from Transaxle Range (TR) sensor, then remove the shift cable, bracket and bolts from the transaxle.
31. Disconnect ground strap from transaxle case. Disconnect engine control sensor wiring from ignition coil and radio ignition interference capacitor, then position wiring aside.
32. Remove vacuum supply line from power brake booster, then disconnect the upper radiator hose from radiator.
33. Disconnect evaporative emission hose from connector located near radio interference capacitor, then heater water hose near EGR valve.
34. Disconnect positive and negative battery cable retainer from battery tray.
35. On models equipped with manual transaxle, remove retainer and disconnect clutch hydraulic line from clutch actuator pipe at transaxle case. Disconnect block heater power supply wiring from lefthand side of radiator support, then raise and support vehicle.
36. Disconnect heater water hose at heater water tube located under engine.
a. On models equipped with automatic transaxle, remove transaxle oil cooler lines from transaxle, then transaxle oil cooler lines from transaxle and oil cooler return line from bracket on lefthand side of transaxle.
b. On models equipped with manual transaxle, remove shift rod bolt and nut from stabilizer bar, then bar.
37. Disconnect lower radiator hose from radiator, then remove lower radiator support to front subframe bolts and rotate supports forward.
38. Disconnect A/C compressor wiring harness, then engine control sensor wiring from heated oxygen sensor, engine coolant temperature sensor and crankshaft position sensor.
39. Remove bumper cover brace screws from lefthand and righthand sides of front subframe, then rotate braces forward.
40. Disconnect power steering oil cooler hoses at righthand front of front subframe, then drain power steering system.
41. Partially lower vehicle, then position and secure any hoses, lines and components to be removed with engine.
42. Install powertrain and subframe support bracket 134-00250, or equivalent, to Rotunda Powertrain Lift 134-00251, or equivalent.
43. Rotate transaxle adapters for transaxle removal, then position bracket and lift tools to provide proper contact at powertrain lift points.
44. Remove front subframe to body bolts. Ensure engine is properly positioned and secure on lifting equipment.
WARNING: Damage to vehicle or personal injury may occur if engine is not secure.
45. Remove upper front engine support bracket and engine and transaxle support insulator nuts. Discard nuts.
46. With an assistant, lower engine and transaxle with front subframe as an assembly. Check for interference to body while lowering powertrain.
47. Support engine with Rotunda floor crane positioning sling 014-00036, and Rotunda floor crane 014-00071, or equivalents, from the engine lifting eyes.
48. Remove lefthand and righthand halfshafts from transaxle.
49. Remove the lefthand and righthand front engine support insulators from front subframe and transaxle.
50. Raise and support engine and transaxle assembly, then remove front subframe and lift tool.
51. Support transaxle with suitable transaxle jack.
52. Remove starter motor bolts, then starter motor.
53. Remove battery ground cable from engine to transaxle stud bolt.
54. Remove transaxle to engine bolts, then separate transaxle from engine.
55. On models equipped with manual transaxle, remove clutch pressure plate bolts, then clutch pressure plate and clutch disc.
56. Remove the flywheel bolts and flywheel from crankshaft. Remove engine rear plate, then install engine onto suitable engine stand, following manufacturer's instructions.
1. Remove engine from engine stand using Rotunda floor crane positioning sling 014-00036 and Rotunda floor crane 014-00071, or equivalent, attached to engine lifting eyes.
2. Install engine rear plate and flywheel. Tighten bolts in alternating sequence. On models equipped with manual transaxle, install clutch disc and clutch pressure plate.
3. Align torque converter and flywheel and install transaxle to engine.
Fig. 9 Powertrain & subframe support bracket tool installation:
4. If removed, place front subframe on powertrain and subframe support bracket tool 134-00250, or equivalent, then install engine and transaxle assembly onto bracket tool.
5. Install powertrain alignment gauge T94P-6000-AH, or equivalent, to lefthand front engine support bracket and front subframe.
6. Install righthand front engine support insulator bolts to front subframe and through bolt should be finger-tight.
7. Install battery ground cable to engine at transaxle stud bolt.
8. Install starter motor.
9. Install halfshafts.
Fig. 9 Powertrain & subframe support bracket tool installation:
10. Install subframe alignment pin set 94P-2100-AH, or equivalent, into front subframe.
11. Partially lower vehicle, then install engine and transaxle assembly with front subframe to body.
12. Install front subframe bolts. Remove pin set tool.
13. Using new nuts, install upper front engine support bracket and engine and transaxle support insulator. Ensure engine and transaxle are firmly seated against front and rear brackets. Torque engine support bracket and transaxle support insulator nuts to 7 ft lb.
14. Remove powertrain lift and support bracket tools, then raise and support vehicle.
15. Tighten front engine support bracket nuts.
16. Tighten engine and transaxle support insulator nuts, then righthand front engine and support insulator through bolt.
17. Remove gauge tool, then install lefthand front engine support insulator to front subframe with bolts. Torque bolts to 7 ft lb. Observe lefthand front engine support insulator to ensure perfect front-to-rear alignment. Torque bolts to 30-41 ft. lbs.
17. Install lefthand front engine support insulator through bolt.
18. Connect engine control sensor wiring to heated oxygen sensor, engine coolant temperature sensor and crankshaft position sensor.
19. Connect A/C wire harness, then install radiator supports to front subframe bolts.
20. Connect lower radiator hose to radiator.
21. On vehicles equipped with manual transaxle, install shift rod stabilizer to transaxle. On models equipped with automatic transaxle, install transaxle oil cooler lines.
22. Connect heater water hose at the heater water tube located under engine, then lower vehicle.
23. Connect block heater power supply wiring to lefthand side of radiator support. On models equipped with manual transaxle, connect clutch hydraulic line to clutch actuator pipe at transaxle case, then install retainer.
24. Connect positive and negative battery cable retainer to battery tray.
25. Install heater water hose to connector tube located near EGR valve, then install heater hose in spring clamp securely.
26. Connect evaporative emission hose at connector located near radio ignition interference capacitor, then upper radiator hose to radiator.
27. Connect vacuum supply line to power brake booster, then engine control sensor wiring to ignition coil and radio ignition interference capacitor.
28. Connect ground strap to transaxle case, then engine control sensor wiring to Transaxle Range (TR) sensor. On models equipped with automatic transaxle, install shift cable and bracket to transaxle.
29. Connect vacuum hoses from EGR pressure sensor to EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube, then vacuum supply hose to EGR valve.
30. Connect fuel supply and return lines to fuel injection supply manifold.
31. Connect A/C compressor hoses.
32. Connect coolant hoses to radiator coolant recovery reservoir, then vacuum supply hose for body to intake manifold at fitting on rear of intake manifold.
33. Install ground strap on alternator mounting bracket, then connect engine control sensor wiring to alternator.
34. Connect engine control sensor wiring to power steering pressure switch located on power steering pressure hose, then return hose to pump.
35. Install power steering pump auxiliary reservoir to bracket.
36. Install engine control sensor wiring to intake manifold retainer screws.
37. Connect engine control sensor wiring to fuel charging wiring at connector located near pressure regulator, then accelerator cable and speed control actuator to accelerator cable bracket and throttle body.
38. Remove safety wire from radiator and radiator support, then raise and support vehicle.
39. Connect engine control sensor wiring to knock sensor and oil pressure sensor located on righthand side of cylinder block.
a. On models equipped with automatic transaxle, install torque converter to flywheel nuts, then access plug onto engine rear plate.
40. Install righthand splash shield onto front fender apron.
41. Connect vehicle speed sensor wiring harness at connector, then install speedometer drive cable to transaxle.
42. Install A/C accumulator screws to front subframe.
43. Install driveshafts.
44. Install lefthand and righthand front wheel knuckles onto front suspension lower arms at ball joint.
45. Install lefthand and righthand tie rod ends to front wheel knuckle, using new nuts on tie rod end studs. Torque tie rod end stud nuts to 21 ft lb, then continue tightening nuts to align next castellation of nut with cotter pin hole in stud. Install new cotter pins.
46. Connect lefthand and righthand front stabilizer bar link to front stabilizer bar.
47. Install front wheel and tire assemblies.
48. Install three-way catalytic converter as follows:
a. Loosely install converter to exhaust manifold using new converter inlet gasket.
b. Position muffler and converter outlet gasket onto converter and loosely install retainers onto outlet flange studs of converter.
c. Align system and ensure muffler and converter are fully engaged. Tighten all nuts and bolts, starting with front of system.
49. Install splash shield to front of subframe and body.
50. Rotate front bumper cover braces rearward, then install two screws to front subframe.
51. Lower vehicle, then position engine air cleaner body and intake tube on mounting bracket. Ensure mounting tabs are firmly seated in mounting bracket grommets and intake tube is fully locked into air cleaner body opening.
52. Install air cleaner O-ring retainer, then cover. Ensure rear of cover is fully engaged in body, then close retaining clamps.
53. Connect engine control sensor wiring connector to mass air flow sensor, then install air cleaner outlet tube.
54. Install engine air intake resonators.
55. Connect steering shaft and joint in vehicle.
56. Connect positive and battery ground cables and wiring to battery. Fill transaxle with fluid.
57. Fill power steering system with fluid.
58. Fill engine cooling system with coolant.
59. Recharge A/C system.
60. Run engine and check for oil, coolant or fuel leaks. Verify proper operation of engine cooling fan and A/C system.