Special Service Tool(s) Required
NOTE: This procedure will disassemble and assemble a complete engine with the engine removed from the vehicle.
1. Remove ignition wires and spark plugs.
2. Disconnect fuel charging wiring from electronic engine controls, fuel injectors and ignition coils. Remove fuel charging wiring.
Fuel Charging Wiring
3. Remove six flywheel retaining bolts and remove flywheel from crankshaft.
4. Remove crankcase vent connector and front vapor hose. Remove positive crankcase ventilation valve (PCV valve).
5. Remove generator mounting bracket and two bolts retaining generator (GEN) to cylinder block.
6. Remove water pump pulley.
7. Remove A/C compressor.
8. Remove drive belt idler pulley and drive belt tensioner with ignition coils.
9. Remove RH and LH exhaust manifolds as outlined.
10. Remove oil bypass filter and oil filter adapter as outlined.
11. Remove water hose connection, water thermostat and O-ring.
12. Remove remaining nine bolts retaining intake manifold to cylinder heads and remove intake manifold.
13. If necessary, disassemble intake manifold as follows:
a. Remove throttle body and throttle body adapter.
b. Remove idle air control valve (IAC valve).
c. Remove engine coolant temperature sensor (ECT sensor) and water temperature indicator sender unit.
d. Remove four bolts retaining fuel injection supply manifold and remove fuel injection supply manifold and fuel injectors.
14. Remove RH and LH valve cover.
15. Remove crankshaft pulley bolt and crankshaft pulley retaining washer.
16. Using Crankshaft Damper Remover T58P-6316-D, pull crankshaft pulley from crankshaft.
17. Remove connecting rod bolt and camshaft position sensor (CMP sensor) from engine front cover.
18. Remove oil pan and oil pan gasket as outlined.
19. Remove EGR backpressure transducer bracket and heater water hose from rear of RH cylinder head.
20. Remove water pump as outlined.
21. Remove engine front cover as outlined.
22. NOTE: This will position all pistons below top of cylinder block deck face.
Position crankshaft at top dead center (TDC) of No. 1 cylinder.
23. Remove timing chains as outlined.
24. Rotate crankshaft counterclockwise 45°.
25. Remove RH and LH cylinder heads as outlined. Discard all head bolts.
26. Remove and discard head gaskets.
27. If cylinder heads are to be serviced, refer to Subassemblies, Cylinder Head.
28. Remove oil pump and oil pump screen cover and tube as outlined.
29. Remove crankshaft rear oil seal retainer as outlined.
30. NOTE: Pistons, connecting rods and connecting rod bearings should be numbered to make sure they are assembled in their original positions.
NOTE: Before removing pistons, inspect the top of the cylinder bores. If necessary, remove the ridge and/or carbon deposits from each cylinder using Rotunda Cylinder Ridge Reamer 014-00292.
Turn crankshaft until piston to be removed is at the high point of its travel. If more than one piston is being removed, identify the pistons, connecting rods and connecting rod caps for cylinder position.
31. Remove the connecting rod cap and lower connecting rod bearing. Keep cap and lower connecting rod bearing together. Push the piston, connecting rod and upper connecting rod bearing through the top of the cylinder bore. Use care to prevent damage to the bearing and cylinder bore surfaces. Keep upper connecting rod bearing and connecting rod together.
32. CAUTION: Care should be taken not to damage the fractured rod and cap joint face surfaces or damage to the engine may occur.
NOTE: Connecting rod bolts are retained in the connecting rod cap with a light press fit. The connecting rod bolts have been torqued to yield at least twice and must be discarded. Use a hammer and punch to drive connecting rod bolts from connecting rod caps.
Using new connecting rod bolts, attach connecting rod cap and lower connecting rod bearing to connecting rod and upper connecting rod bearing to prevent mixing parts and damaging the fractured joint face surfaces.
33. NOTE: Any piston rings that are removed from piston should be discarded and replaced with new piston rings.
If piston ring replacement is required, use a suitable piston ring expander. Remove two compression rings. Remove two oil ring rails and expander by hand.
34. Mark connecting rod cap to ensure reassembly with same piston and installation in same cylinders from which they were removed.
35. NOTE: The piston and piston pin are a matched set. Keep pistons, piston pin, piston rings, connecting rods and connecting rod bearings together in proper cylinder order.
Using Piston Pin Tool D81L-6135-A or equivalent, press piston pin from piston and connecting rod.
36. Remove horizontal main bearing cap side bolts from cylinder block.
37. Loosen crankshaft main bearing cap adjusting screws.
38. Remove bearing main cap retaining bolts. These are torque-to-yield bolts and should not be reused.
39. NOTE: The location of the main bearing caps and the main bearing inserts should be identified. When the engine is assembled, bearings which are to be reused should be installed in their original positions.
Remove each main bearing cap and lower crankshaft main bearing. Keep each cap and lower crankshaft main bearings together.
40. CAUTION: When removing the crankshaft, use care not to damage any of the bearing surfaces on the crankshaft.
Remove crankshaft.
41. Clean and inspect crankshaft and cylinder block. Replace worn or damaged components as required.