Ball Joint: Service and Repair
1. Remove lower control arm from vehicle.2. Clamp front suspension lower arm in vise, then remove and discard joint boot seal.
Fig. 3 Control arm ball joint removal:
3. Press out front suspension arm ball joint using C-frame T74P-4635-C, ball joint remover D89P-3010-A and cup D84P-3395-A4, or equivalents.
4. When installing new front ball joint, protective cover must be left in place during installation to protect ball joint seal. It may be necessary to cut off end of cover to allow it to pass through receiving cup.
Fig. 4 Control arm ball joint installation:
5. Install ball joint with ball joint replacer D89P-3010-B, cup D84P-3395-A4 and C-frame T74P-4635C, or equivalents.
6. Install lower control arm.