Engine: Service and Repair
1. Disarm airbag system.
2. Relieve fuel system pressure.
3. Disconnect battery cables, then remove battery and battery tray from vehicle.
4. Disconnect engine compartment lamp electrical connector, then carefully remove hood assembly.
5. Drain engine oil and the cooling system.
6. Remove air intake system.
7. Remove A/C compressor mounting bolts if equipped, and position compressor aside. Support compressor assembly with wire.
8. Disconnect fuel lines from fuel rail assembly and position aside.
WARNING: Plug disconnected fuel lines to prevent any fuel leakage. Label fuel lines for installation reference.
9. Disconnect all engine wiring connectors and position aside. Label connectors for installation reference.
10. Remove power steering pump belt shield, then loosen power steering pump adjustment bolt.
11. Loosen power steering pump lock bolt and through bolt, then remove power steering belt.
12. Remove power steering hose hold-down bracket mounting bolts and brackets from cylinder head cover.
13. Remove power steering belt adjuster, then disconnect power steering pressure switch connector.
14. Remove power steering pump through bolt and position pump aside.
15. Loosen alternator adjusting bolt, then remove alternator upper mounting bolt and alternator belt.
16. Remove both radiator hoses.
17. Disconnect speed control vacuum line from back righthand side of intake manifold, if necessary.
18. Disconnect vacuum line connecting carbon canister to metal EGR vacuum line.
19. Disconnect EGR temperature sensor connector, if necessary.
20. Disconnect the accelerator cable, then the brake booster vacuum line from back lefthand side of intake manifold.
21. Disconnect heater hoses and remove starter motor upper mounting bolts.
22. Raise and support vehicle, then remove splash shield bolts and splash shields.
23. Disconnect starter motor electrical connector, then remove starter motor.
24. Remove intake manifold support bracket.
25. Remove halfshaft support bearing attaching bolts.
26. Disconnect oil pressure sensor connector.
27. Remove torque converter to flexplate attaching nuts.
28. Remove three engine to transaxle mounting bolts, then the transaxle to engine mounting bolts.
29. Disconnect oxygen sensor electrical connector.
30. Remove converter inlet pipe to catalytic converter attaching nuts.
31. Remove exhaust support attaching bolts, then the converter inlet pipe to exhaust manifold attaching nuts.
32. Support exhaust system with wire, then disconnect remaining alternator wiring.
33. Remove wiring harness hold-down bracket from back of alternator.
34. Remove alternator lower through bolt, then alternator from vehicle.
35. Using crankshaft pulley holder T92C-6316-AH or equivalent, remove crankshaft pulley.
36. Lower vehicle.
37. Slowly raise engine with a jack and remove righthand engine mount.
38. Attach an engine hoist to lifting eyes on engine, then remove remaining transaxle to engine mounting bolts.
39. Remove engine from vehicle.
40. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
Fig. 3, Flex Plate Tightening Sequence:
a. Install flywheel locking tool T84P-6375-A or equivalent, then using sequence shown, torque flex plate mounting bolts in two or three steps to 70-75 ft lb.
Fig. 4, Transaxle To Engine Bolt Locations (A/T):
b. Tighten transaxle to engine mounting bolts as follows; torque bolts marked ``A'' to 50-73 ft lb, torque bolts marked ``B'' to 50-73 ft lb, torque bolts marked ``C'' to 28-38 ft lb, torque bolts marked ``D'' to 14-18 ft lb, torque bolts marked ``E'' to 28-38 ft lb, torque bolts marked ``F'' to 50-73 ft lb.
Fig. 5, Halfshaft Support Tightening Sequence:
c. Using sequence shown, torque halfshaft support bearing attaching bolts to 32-45 ft lb.
d. Rearm airbag system.