2-Valve 3.0L Removal
POWER STEERING GEAR SHORT ASSEMBLY REMOVAL1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Position steering wheel one-half turn to the right and lock wheel.
3. Disconnect PCV vent tube and vacuum supply hose from clean air tube, loosen two (2) hose clamps retaining clean air tube and position out of the way.
4. Disconnect power steering auxiliary actuator and power steering pressure switch electrical connectors. Remove power steering pressure switch.
5. Remove two (2) heat shield push pin retainers from power steering hose bracket and remove heat shield.
6. Remove one (1) retaining bolt from left turn pressure hose bracket.
7. Position drain pan under steering gear.
8. Remove power steering pressure hose and power steering return hose from fitting on power steering rack. Position both hoses out of the way. Disconnect rear Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) connector at steering rack and position out of the way.
9. Raise vehicle partially. Remove front wheel and tire assemblies.
10. Remove LH upper stabilizer bar link retaining nut and position link out of the way.
11. Loosen LH tie rod jam nut, remove cotter pin and tie rod retaining nut at lower control arm. Using Tie Rod End Separator (Tool-3290-D), or equivalent, remove tie rod from control arm and remove from steering gear.
12. Position steering column boot out of the way. Remove pinch bolt retaining steering column intermediate shaft coupling to power steering short rack and separate.
13. Loosen RH tie rod jam nut, remove cotter pin and tie rod retaining nut at lower control arm. Using Tie Rod End Separator (Tool-3290-D), or equivalent, remove tie rod from control arm and remove from steering gear.
14. Remove two (2) steering gear retaining nuts at front subframe.
15. Install Flex Tube Tool (T94T-6000-AH) on flex tube.
16. Remove retaining bolts, nuts and gasket at flex tube-to-converter Y-pipe and separate.
17. Position Rotunda Powertrain Lift (014-00765), or equivalent, with wood blocks approximately 1 m (40") in length secured to lift under subframe and raise.
18. Remove two (2) rear subframe retaining bolts and lower subframe approximately 102 mm (4").
19. Rotate power steering rack to clear bolts from subframe and pull assembly through LH wheelwell.
20. Remove two (2) bolts retaining power steering hose bracket to short rack and remove bracket.
21. Mount steering gear assembly in Bench Mounted Holding Fixture T57L-500-B.
22. Remove four (4) clamps retaining bellows to steering gear and tie rods. Remove bellows and power steering gear rack tube.
23. Position rack and pinion steering gear so that several steering gear teeth are exposed. Hold steering gear with an adjustable wrench on end teeth only, while loosening inner tie rods. Remove tie rods from steering rack.
24. Remove steering rack from Bench Mounted Holding Fixture.