Removal and Installation
Steering Gear - 3.8L Engine Removal1. Raise the vehicle. Vehicle Lifting
2. Remove the front wheel assemblies.
3. Remove the cotter pins and castle nuts from the outer tie-rod ends.
4. Separate the tie-rod ends from the steering knuckles, using Tie-Rod End Remover TOOL-3290-D or equivalent.
5. Remove the engine splash shield by disconnecting the pushpin retainers.
6. Remove the left stabilizer bracket retaining bolts from the subframe. Position the sway bar forward, to gain the necessary clearance for removal of the steering gear fitting.
7. Drain the steering fluid.
8. Disconnect and plug the steering return hose at the hose clamp, near the steering gear~
9. Disconnect and plug the steering pressure hose at steering gear elbow, located on the steering gear.
10. Remove the steering shaft retaining bolt from the bottom side of the flex coupling and separate the shaft from the steering gear
11. Remove the rack-to-subframe bolts and nuts. Lower the steering gear to access the pressure line elbow at the steering rack. Remove the elbow, then remove the steering gear.
12. Remove the return line fitting from the steering gear (if equipped). Remove the 0-Rings from the pressure line fitting, the return line fitting, and the pressure line in the vehicle.
1. Using Rotunda Seal Expander D90P-3517-A2 and D90P-3517-A3, install O-ring seals on the steering pressure line in the vehicle, the pressure line fitting, and the return line fitting. Install the return line fitting to the steering gear. Tighten the fitting to 37 N.m (27 lb-ft).
2. CAUTION: Make sure the fitting is above the frame access hole prior to installing the fitting into the steering gear. (If the fitting is not above the access hole, the steering gear will not position up into place) Position the steering gear into place Allow the steering gear to drop far enough to install the pressure line elbow fitting. Tighten the fitting to 37 N.m (27 lb-ft).
3. Install the steering gear retainers and tighten them to 165 N.m (122 lb-ft).
4. Install the steering pressure line fitting to the elbow fitting. Tighten the line fitting to 37 N.m (27 lb-ft).
5. Connect the steering return hose to the steering gear fitting and position the clamp in place.
6. Position the steering shaft to the steering gear and install the retaining bolt. Tighten the bolt to 49 N.m (36 lb-ft).
7. Position the left stabilizer bar bracket and install the two retaining bolts to the subframe. Tighten the bolts to 62 N.m (46 lb-ft).
8. Position the engine splash shield and install the pushpin retainers.
9. Install the outer tie-rod ends to the front steering knuckles. Install the castle nuts to each of the tie- rods. Tighten the nuts to 63 N.m (46 lb-ft). Continue to tighten the nuts until they line up with the holes in the tie-rod end studs. Install new cotter pins.
10. Install the front wheel assemblies.
11. Lower the vehicle.
12. Fill the system and check for leaks. Testing and Inspection
13. Check the toe setting and adjust it if necessary. Alignment