Differential Assembly: Testing and Inspection
A Traction-Lok differential can be inspected for proper operation without removing it from the axle housing using this procedure:
1. Raise and support one rear wheel, then remove the wheel cover.
2. Install adapter for Traction-Lok differential tool T66L-4204-A, or equivalent, then connect a torque wrench of at least a 200 ft lb capacity.
3. Rotate the axle shaft. Ensure transmission is in NEUTRAL, one wheel is on floor, and other rear wheel is raised off floor.
4. Breakaway torque required to start rotation should be at least 20 ft lb. The initial breakaway torque may be higher than continuous turning torque. This is considered normal.
5. Axle shaft should turn with even pressure throughout inspection without slipping or binding. If torque reading is less than specified, inspect differential for improper assembly.