Concealment Plug, Removal
4-119 Engines1. Remove carburetor from engine. Invert carburetor and drain fuel into a suitable container.
2. Mount carburetor in fixture with manifold side of throttle body facing up.
Fig. 65 - Concealment Plug Removal:
3. Drive out concealment plug--by inserting screw driver in slit in lower carburetor flange--Fig 65.
4. Install carburetor on engine and connect all vacuum hoses and linkages. Install air cleaner.
Light Duty Vehicles (10-30 & 1500-3500 Series Including. S-10 & S-15) Exc. 4-119 Engines
1. Remove carburetor from engine. Invert carburetor and drain fuel into a suitable container.
2. Mount carburetor in holding fixture with manifold side of throttle body facing up.
Fig. 66 - Concealment Plug Removal:
3. Using a hacksaw, make two parallel cuts on either side of locator point beneath concealment plug--in the throttle body--Fig 66.
NOTE: Cuts should reach to concealment plug without extending more than 1/8 inch beyond locator point.
4. Drive a flat punch into throttle body--near ends of saw marks--at 45 angle, until casting breaks away--exposing concealment plug.
5. Drive center punch into concealment plug at 90° angle--Fig 66.
6. Hold punch at 45° angle and drive out concealment plug.
7. On carburetors with two mixture screws, repeat steps 3-6 for remaining screw.
8. Install carburetor, connect vacuum hoses and linkages. Install air cleaner.
Fig. 67 - Concealment Bracket Removal:
1982 Medium Duty (40-60 & 4500-6500 Series) V8-350 California Engines
1. Remove carburetor from engine and mount--upright--in a suitable holding fixture.
2. Using a suitable drill, drill out rivet securing bracket over mixture screws--Fig 67.
3. Spread locking tabs on bracket away from square boss on float bowl casting, then remove bracket.
4. Install carburetor on engine and connect vacuum hoses and linkages. Install air cleaner.
5. After adjustment--attach bracket with a pop rivet.
Fig. 68 - Concealment Plug Removal:
1982 V8-366 & 427 California
1. Center punch concealment plugs--covering mixture screws.
2. Carefully drill a 1/32" inch hole in each plug.
3. Insert a sheet metal screw into hole in each plug--Fig 68.
4. Remove plugs by pulling on screws--use of vise grip pliers recommended.